![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/wv90Z.jpg)
Hello fellow Perth Starcraft players! It's gone on for far too long that we've had no Starcraft II tournaments here in our quiet little city so a couple of avid Starcraft friends and I have undertaken the task and organised Perth's first SC2 tournament!
The tournament will be capped at 32 players
This is due to venue restrictions more than anything, but I hope this doesn't discourage players for coming along and having a go

There will even be a booby prize for the highest placing bronze to gold level player
So even if you don't feel you're the next Idra, Huk, or Jinro there's still some prizes up for grabs!
If there's any questions please don't hesitate to ask
I will check this thread regularly and respond to any queries or you can contact me on the email address listed on the poster.
I'll see you there!
On March 15 2011 08:51 chaokel wrote:
are we allowed to bring our own mouse/keyboards?
are we allowed to bring our own mouse/keyboards?
On March 17 2011 22:25 SavageReborn wrote:
And I'd also like to know if we're allowed to veto the first maps (and then loser picks) or if it's some sort of set list?
And I'd also like to know if we're allowed to veto the first maps (and then loser picks) or if it's some sort of set list?
There will be a lot of casual players coming and playing, which will not be familiar with standard tournament style map picking rules. So no, there will be a set list/order that the maps will be played in each round and I will do my best to make these as fair as possible for respective races. We are on a tight schedule and any delays because of confusions about map picking rules would be detrimental.
On March 17 2011 23:57 Dhalphir wrote:
do we need to pre-register or is it first come first served?
do we need to pre-register or is it first come first served?
It is first come first served, however if you are travelling from outside of Perth I can make an exception and reserve a place for you. You must email me your full name and a contact number, and the reserved place will only be kept until 8:50am at which point your reservation will be canceled and your place given to the next person in line
On March 18 2011 02:08 Shrewmy wrote:
Is this at the really seedy net cafe next door to Taka's?
Is this at the really seedy net cafe next door to Taka's?
No, God no. I feel dirty just thinking about that place. This venue is a couple shops down from that one.
On March 20 2011 10:19 Dhalphir wrote:
bo3 for every match bo5 finals?
bo3 for every match bo5 finals?
Bo3 is currently planned for all matches, time permitting however i would love to have Bo5 for the finals. There is lots of room for human error and things that are out of my control, namely game lengths. I've planned for each Bo3 round to go for 45 mins, which is 21 mins ingame time per game (15 mins RL time = 21 mins ingame time).
Obviously there can be lengthy games that may hold a few brackets up and cause some players to be starting their next bracket whilst others are still on their first. I have a mate of mine who's running the brackets and is very experienced with TIO, a popular fighting game bracket organiser. He has hosted many, many tournaments before with some being at supernova and wiacon, and is more than capable of meeting the demands this tournament requires.
On March 19 2011 21:53 SirMilford wrote:
hey is there room to watch? Im only plat level and haven't played in ages but would LOVE to come along and watch haha
hey is there room to watch? Im only plat level and haven't played in ages but would LOVE to come along and watch haha
There's a TV that will be streaming outside onto the street. There is very little room inside the venue for spectating and loitering, and it's very important that we keep it clear so competitors can move to and from their stations freely without disturbing others. (I'd be very pissed if someone was constantly brushing passed my chair whilst competing)
I'm currently working on organising a decent PA system for casting the games, however it requires money that i frankly don't have as of writing.
On March 19 2011 23:35 Dhalphir wrote:
Hey how will the prizes be distribued? winner takes it all or second/third/fourth get a piece?
Hey how will the prizes be distribued? winner takes it all or second/third/fourth get a piece?
70 / 20 / 10 % (Plus the booby prize)