![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1299504730_1.jpg)
Final boss wins =)
Through Flash's reliable skills, KT was able to continue on a 13 win and no-loss streak during the Winner's League.
-How do you feel after beating Jaedong and becoming the Last Match King (T/N: Final boss)
I was really happy because it had been a while since LeeSsangRok (T/N: FvJ) and it was possible that we would not have played against each other today but maybe by the will of the heavens, we met. I was nervous and I think it's been a while since I've had shown a fun game like this.
-If you were to give yourself a grade for this game?
Out of 10, I would give myself a 8 or 9. I had ordered my SCV to build a factory but I guess I ran out of money because my SCV was just standing there. I put up my factory at the time one would normally put up starports. So my tank timing became even slower.
-The game plan was very fiery
Every game I keep a concept in mind and this time the concept was to be aggressive enough to throw the opponent off. I am preparing and practicing many concepts.
-What did you think when you saw the 3 lurkers in the beginning?
The SCVs were originally supposed to pass by but something felt weird so I changed their direction and fortunately I saw the lurkers. When Jaedong-hyung ignored the bunker and came into my base, I was a little surprised.
-When did you think you had won?
When I caught the 3 lurkers, I was half-certain I would win. After the middle, Jaedong-hyung seemed to be disoriented.
-There are 5 games left in SWL. Are you confident in winning all of them?
I really want to try. If personally I can have a 18-win streak it's a great record but if the team can have that kind of winning record, I think it's really amazing. There is a past record of 23-wins but if we can go to 18, I think we can definitely attempt to challenge that record.
-The team atmosphere must be great.
It is really nice. Perhaps because of that Coach Kang always teases Reach-hyung and the rest of the team is watching it with amusement. If Reach-hyung messes around with us, Coach Kang always avenges us. There's things like that and everyone is having fun and doing well.
-Is there a team that is an obstacle to the winning streak?
Personally, I think rather than the strong SKT team, Woongjin Stars with Light newly added will the be hardest opponent.
-Anything else you would like to say?
First of all, the Hwaseung Oz players have really helped us for Violet. Especially even Hiya's parents helped which really touched my heart. Actually Violet today came to pack his stuff and he came to the dorm with a mask on. I was really happy to see his bright personality even though he was sick. I needed to buy a new mouse but Violet-hyung gave me his new mouse that he had. This time I want to use the new mouse and do well in the new dual individual leagues (T/N: MSL and OSL). Lastly, I occasionally lose my bead bracelet (T/N: You know the beads that Buddhists wear? Yeah.. don't know the name for it but I think that's what he's referring to) Everytime strangely my games don't work out well and when I lost them this time, I lost twice but my parents knew of this and sent me the bracelet again. Because my parents always support me outside of the game, I feel well supported and thankful. Today was a good day in many ways. (T/N: Wow... Flash does talk alot. ^^;

![[image loading]](http://www.fomos.kr/board/interview/1299504680_1.jpg)
They look so confused ^^
-How do you feel after contributing to your team's win?
Stats: Although I only did a 1-kill, I'm really happy the team was able to do well after me and I feel I should do better in the future.
Action: I am happy I did a 2-kill but I'm a little disappointed to Jaedong even though I won the build order. But I'm still happy the team won.
-Why did you lose the 2nd game?
Stats: Because the opponent is a rookie (T/N: No insult implied), I thought he would do an all-in play. So I used a dark templar build which is strong against all-ins, but the opponent used observers. Because the build did not work, the game became harder. I should have thought the opponent would go observers, but I think I was a little careless.
-You defeated Shy and Hiya but lost to Jaedong.
Action: In the vP, ignoring my muta control I think it went pretty well and vT, I was able to win because I used a strategy by predicting his play. In the vZ, I thought the opponent would go 12d Hatch but I didn't think that he would not block off his expansion, cancel his hatchery, and block at his main base. After this, I think my response was not very good. I thought that there would be a zergling attack but I already had taken alot of damage from the zerglings. I knew it was coming but could not block it.
-After you lost to Jaedong, what were you thinking? You were seen on camera
Action: I think I wasn't able to concentrate and I regret not responding better. To be honest, although I was disappointed I lost the game, I as well was hoping for LeeSsangRok and that was what I was talking about with my teammates.
-If you meet Jaedong next time, are you confident you will win?
Action: After I lost a previous Starleague, I felt that I had to play with confidence. This time, before the game I was doing alright but in the game, I think I was lacking some confidence.
-The team is on a 13 all win streak
Stats: It is already 13 wins. We have just been doing as our coach and director have told us to but because the teammates are doing well, we have been able to get this far. I hope we can continue winning and break the old record of 23 wins.
Action: Before the SWL, I jokingly thought since we have Flash we will keep winning. I'm glad I've been able to contribute even a little to the team wins and I hope to do well not only in SWL but in the next round as well.
-Anything else you would like to say
Stats: Although I did not have a vZ today, because Oz has a very strong Zerg lineup, I practiced alot of vZ. I would like to thank Action and Perfective, and even Hoejja who helped me practice and to the coaching staff who always believes in me and sends me out. To my parents who often call me before games, I would like to say your son is working hard so please don't worry.
Action: After Hoejja made it through the preliminaries, I think his interview has been misunderstood but it was just words said in jest. We've apologized to each other and I hope the fans don't misunderstand anymore.