I stream at 720p and it works fine with 1mb upload and 30 fps but when I switch my setting to 1080p and stream with the same setup, it lags me alittle but when I watch the recorded video, its very laggy. So, I tried 1080p with 500mbps and 25 fps but it still does the same. My desktop resolution is 1680x1050 and here is spec of my comp - Intel i5 750 - 4 gb ram - quad core - GTS 250
The reason I wanted to stream at 1080p very badly is because quality goes really differs when I look at it from 720p to 1080p.
can't help to much with the actual problem, but 1080p means a resolution of 1920x1080, doesn't it ?
yeah, I can actually stream with taht resolution but it gets laggy abit when I play but in stream it lags like crazy.
I have a better CPU and GPU than you, and I can't stream at 1080p 20fps without lag, so I would say it's probably impossible unless you upgrade, sorry. =\
I imagine the bottleneck is in the GPU; my GTX460 can't handle it, I think you'd need a 560 or SLI setup. If someone proves me wrong, I'd be thrilled, because I also would love to stream at 1080p.
Why is changing resolution cause so much trouble?
Changing the output resolution increases strain on the CPU to process the images, and increases the amount of bandwidth needed since the images sent are larger.
Also, is your processor at stock speeds?
what do you mean? when I have my music, starcraft, and xsplit broadcaster running, it says I'm only using 60percent of my physical memory in task manager and barely any cpu usage. I have 1.5 upload and 18 down and tried to stream at 1.0 mb and .5 with 1080p
I was going under the assumption that your processor was choking with trying to output the information. I guess that's not the case.
Just out of curiosity, what's your playback window size in XSplit (%)? I seem to recall that lowering that window size could reduce lag.
1mb upload? Don't waste your time switching to 1080p... 720 will give you plenty of quality. Stream quality is 90% upload, 10% resolution
its at the lowest, 10percent.
You're trying to stream 1080p with a 1,5mbps upload speed? That's why the video stream is choppy. your upload can't handle the bandwidth from xsplit.
how much upload speed will you need? I don't see why they need so much more bandwidth from 720 to 1080.
its actually an increase of around 3/7 => ~40% in resolution - means increased upload as well
I don't have XSplit on this computer, but is there an intermediate resolution you can try and see if you still have lag? Something around 1800x900?
I am running out of ideas :/
I use almost 1 mbit/s upload when streaming in 720p (@30 FPS). Streaming in 1080p requires more than the double in bandwith plus additional CPU cycles!
Calculation: 1280*720=921.600 pixels/frame 1920*1080=2.073.600 pixels/frame
Btw. you say, you can't see the CPU stress in Task Manager. Did you look at the cores, not the "accumulated" graph? Windows doesn't just even out the stress between cores - if one core is at 100% you are maxing out. Granted there are ways to even out the stress using affinities, but it requires that the software (ie. FME/XSplit) support it.
I just don't think you got the bandwith or hardware for it, sorry! With 1.5 mbit/s upload you still need a little wiggle room (say 1 mbit for video, 0,1 for audio, 0,1 for SC2 => 1,2 used).
I've read about 1080p streams that has 4 mbit/s upload behind it (I think it was TeamLiquidTV or GosuCoachingTV). And btw. 720p is very watchable (at 30FPS), 1080p is like similar to ingame graphics in crispness. You are shooting for the stars
Thanks the clarifying everything HellGreen, I will just try to upgrade my upload speed.
I'm not convinced that upload speed is really the issue. I use Comcast's upgraded internet package and I get 3-5mbit/s to servers across the country, my upload speed is very quick, and I cannot come close to supporting 1080p...it's like a slideshow. 720p runs fine.
I'm not sure what causes it either. I try to stream 1080p. Never break 60% CPU or memory usage (6gb ram, 4.3ghz i7)
I have 12mbps up and 60 down. It chops and hangs as well.
Why are you streaming at 1080p when your native resolution is only 1680 x 1050? That seems really counterintuitive.