![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Hot_Bid/GSL2011Mar/GSLMarwide.png)
GSL Code S Ro32 Foreigner Special: EG.IdrA
By Hot_Bid
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Hot_Bid/GSL2011Mar/Ro32_Idratribute.jpg)
Images courtesy of GomTV.
By Hot_Bid
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Hot_Bid/GSL2011Mar/Ro32_Idratribute.jpg)
Images courtesy of GomTV.
As we all know by now, IdrA plans to return to the United States after several long years in Korea. For quite a while, he was the only active foreign player practicing overseas, and when StarCraft 2 was released, he was always considered one of the top players.
GSL Greg Fields Tribute Video
The GOM tribute to IdrA said it best: "The issue maker of GSL, Greg has shown us colorful and powerful plays that we will never forget." Not only did IdrA give us memorable moments in the booth, but he also gave us drama, intrigue, and humor out of it. His words and actions have spawned countless fan pictures and signs. There may never again be a player that polarizes opinions and generates as much interest just being himself.
EG.IdrA Top 5 In-Booth Moments
5. GSL Season 1 Opening
IdrA was regarded as one of the top players from the beta, so the GSL kicked off their league with Idra on the first day. He dominated the Terran JiTaeHoon in two very one sided games, showing us that StarCraft 2 is certainly different from StarCraft: Brood War in terms of the status of non-Koreans.
4. IdrA 6-pools on Jungle Basin
While many of IdrA's detractors say he does not adapt or switch strategies, IdrA showed that he was capable of this against Jinro in the GSL Ro8. While IdrA did not win the series, he came within 5 hp of winning on a very T > Z map. He also created one of the most dramatic and tense games in the GSL, and proved he wasn't as predictable as critics thought.
3. GSL Season 3 Ro32 vs MVP Game 2
IdrA won against the best Terran in the world on the heavily imbalanced T > Z map Steppes of War with excellent mutalisk control. He sniped several of MVP's tanks and then busted MVP's center map push with a huge army. MVP would go on to win the GSL Code S January, but Idra showed he was capable of competing with the very best in the world. Check out Artosis' cast of IMMvp vs EG.IdrA on Shakuras Plateau from the ladder as well.
2. Consistency
IdrA did not win a GSL, but he did improve his finishes throughout the GSLs he played in. He was one of the most consistent players in the GSL, and one of the few to not only qualify for every GSL Open season but advance in them. He was so consistent that his qualification for Code S in January 2011 was never really in doubt. This was a big reason why many fans were sad to see IdrA go, as his consistency virtually guaranteed his qualification in future seasons.
1. GSL 2011 Jan. Code S Ro16
IdrA wins in dominating fasion over top Terrans Clide and NaDa and Protoss Genius, advancing from the Group 3-0. The win over NaDa was especially meaningful to IdrA, as NaDa was one of his idols back in Starcraft: Brood War.
EG.IdrA Top 5 Out-Booth Moments
5. Leather Gracket
IdrA's change from relatively awkward looking teen to full blown Fonzie-esque baller happened right before our eyes, and nothing was more shocking than seeing Greg rock a "leather gracket" to one of his GSL matches. He pulled it off with style too, advancing from the group.
4. IdrA vs Zenio
IdrA and Zenio had one of the most contentious relationships. After Zenio's win in the GSL Open Season 2, he punctuated it with this ceremony and told IdrA to "watch his mouth." IdrA would get his revenge though, as his selection of Zenio at the Group Selection and subsequent withdrawal eliminated Zenio from GSL March 2011 without Zenio having a chance to play more than one game in Code S. As IdrA said to Zenio on the ladder -- "backhand".
3. IdrA misses high-five with Artosis
In a popular interview video with Artosis, who is known for denying high fives, IdrA was baited into putting his hand up. Artosis quickly withdrew, generating a missed high-five. This spawned numerous musical renditions of the moment, including the Imogen Heap version, American Beauty version, and the IdrA Revenge version. We hope this denied high five was not the reason Greg left Korea.
2. IdrA trolls the GSL Group Ceremony
IdrA knew he was going back to the United States, and picked two of his rivals, Zenio and Clide, for his group. Both rivals were very eager to play IdrA and very disappointed when they found out Greg was withdrawing from the tournament. Check out their faces at the Group Selection and the hilarious "missing Idra" screenshot on the play day.
1. "The Gracken" is born.
This event seems so ingrained in the fabric of ESPORTS now that many forget it was just a chance encounter and lucky misspelling. IdrA met the Emperor himself SlayerS_BoxeR on the ladder, and Boxer went on to mispronounce IdrA's name, Greg, using the more Korean-English hybrid "Grack." This spawned an endless string of memes and wordplay. Some of the best include leather gracket, Michael Grackson, Admiral Grackbar, etc. It became so big that fans were showing up to games with "Release the Gracken" signs, and Artosis and Tasteless regularly called IdrA the nickname on air.
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Hot_Bid/GSL2011Mar/Boxeridra.png)
GSL Code A Ro32 Foreigner Special: Liquid`HayprO
By TrueRedemption
By TrueRedemption
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/Haypro.jpg)
Liquid'Haypro = Blue | GanZI = Red
Z12 Game 1 - Scrap Sation T2
+ Show Spoiler [Show Recap] +
GanZI opted for a one barracks expand, daringly flying his first barracks from his main to wall off, using a bunker feint with a single marine to delay Haypro’s zerglings long enough to complete the wall off with a couple more barracks.
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A reaper finished and killed off the ling pressure as both players macroed up, GanZI threw down a factory and Haypro continued droning while getting a fast +1 melee. GanZI moved out with a well executed siege / stim timing push, loading 8 marines into a medivac to drop the main while the remaining army approached the front. Haypro’s lings were able to chase off the drop with neither side taking any damage, but this ploy was simply a decoy while GanZI elevator dropped his main force onto the high ground at Haypro’s natural.
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Haypro morphed banelings and charged up to repel the threat, but a couple constructing bunkers seemed to disrupt the baneling pathing AI, costing Haypro additional zerglings to clean it up.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_4.jpg)
Haypro’s mutalisks seized map control, but was unable to do much harass. Meanwhile, another marine drop from GanZI was able to take out the baneling nest before being chased off. Haypro started a somewhat late third at the gold expansion as GanZI set up his marine tank force around the middle watch tower. By sweeping his army through the further gold expansion Haypro was able to avoid the majority of the terran army, canceling the CC constructing at the normal third location as he ran by. When he reached GanZI’s front however the barracks wall was well defended by the most recent production wave, and Haypro found his army caught between a rock and a hard place.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_8.jpg)
With the clear advantage GanZI moved forward, again elevator dropping marines onto the natural high ground. Haypro seemingly cleaned up the disorganized push with ease, but a couple well positioned tanks and a slip in muta control cost Haypro quite a few units.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_10.jpg)
GanZI’s attack had again been two pronged. The camera had followed a cost efficient but ultimately unsuccessful attack at the front, while simultaneously a large marine drop in the main had been wreaking havoc. Having lost most of his ground forces to the tanks Haypro was forced to use his muta ball to defend it.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_12.jpg)
Terran reinforcements streamed to the gold expansion, taking it out before Haypro was able to macro up a force of his own to defend it. The uninterrupted economy of the Terran army was now apparent; GanZI was content to establish his own third and turtle up. Feeling the pressure, Haypro opened up the destructible rock pathway, but thanks to impressive marine control the zerg army was unable to do significant damage and a small terran force was able to once again shut down Haypro’s attempt at the gold third.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_13.jpg)
Down a base and an army, things looked dire for the home team hero, but Haypro managed to pick off three medivacs carrying marines with his remaining muta flock. This relief was short lived as 4 more medivacs full of marines dropped the main.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_14.jpg)
Haypro again managed to find the units to clean up the unrelenting assault, but both player’s mains and naturals mined out. Haypro managed to secure the standard third, but GanZI moved out with another marine tank force, and Haypro did not have the army necessary to defend his only mining hatchery. Confident in his advantage GanZI retreated to his third, Haypro had no option but to attack, quickly typing out gg as his army quickly disappeared.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_16.jpg)
Z9 game 2 - Terminus RE T3
+ Show Spoiler [Show Recap] +
GanZI embraced the size of Terminus RE, opting for a command center before barracks, but a drone scout informed Haypro of this quite quickly, allowing zerg to open 2 hatches before pool. As both players were macroing up GanZI moved out first with 8 marines and scanned the front of the zerg base specifically to snipe creep tumors.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_17.jpg)
Speedlings overtook the marines as they attempted to return home, and once again the game entered a macro lull, GanZI even opting to take his third as both players teched to their standard unit compositions and began upgrades. A two medivac drop reached the zerg third, but it was easily deflected by speedlings. With three base vs three base economies kicking in Haypro attempted to double expand, but great terran army positioning intimidated Haypro into sacking a recently completed hatchery and not being able to cancel the other before it was killed by a few marines.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_19.jpg)
Haypro was unable to engage GanZI’s army directly as it retreated back, nor was he using the mutalisks to do any significant harass. Again zerg attempted to claim a fourth, but as GanZI’s full force came over Haypro was forced to cancel. What followed was an interesting rendition of whack a mole, Haypro continued to try and establish a 4th base, but GanZI’s incredible awareness allowed him to repeatedly cancel or take out two more attempted hatcheries before Haypro felt comfortable to engage the terran army, narrowly saving a hatchery with red health and wiping out the main marine tank ball that had been giving him so much trouble.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_20.jpg)
Haypro didn’t have time to catch his breath however, GanZI had set up a 4th of his own fueling an incredible amount of production. The surviving mutalisk ball was unable to use the opportunity to harass, instead only being able to clean up a few stray medivacs and a drop in the main before another fearsome marine tank army pushed out. Haypro’s 4th was still in the red when the push arrived, and a few marines easily sniped it while tanks established a strong aggressive position.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_21.jpg)
Down a base and under immense pressure Haypro was forced to pull himself back into the game, deciding to use his massive muta force to harass GanZI’s main. Without hesitation the terran ball moved forward despite the trouble in his main, and was able to snipe yet another morphing hatchery as Haypro desperately pulled back his mutas to help defend.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_22.jpg)
Without Mutalisks ravaging the main GanZI again simply withdrew to a stronger defensive position as Haypro continued to desparately try and re-establish a 4th. Haypro tried to harass again, but was met with turrets and marines forcing him to withdraw. GanZI aware of the location of the muta flock took a group of marines and sniped yet another hatchery that had not begun mining yet, but this time Haypro’s army prevented the marines' retreat, killing off far more than 300 minerals worth of marines.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_23.jpg)
In response GanZI moved towards the recently finished hatchery at the original 4th location, but Haypro had anticipated it well and was able to wipe out the terran army. GanZI used this opportunity to take another base and remain one ahead. Haypro capitalized and was able to take it out, and meanwhile setting up a fifth sixth and seventh, stetching into the other starting locations. Having added thors to his army GanZI again pushed Haypro’s 4th, killing off the hatchery and re-establishing his fifth but losing his army in the process.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_24.jpg)
Haypro was unable to turn the muta ball into a meaningful advantage after the victory, but Hive tech was complete and the greater spire morphed. GanZI set up for another push, now aware of Haypro’s bases at the top main. Broodlords were making their way to the front as GanZI set up a brilliant positioning maneuver, elevator lifting the majority of his army into the 12 o’clock main and seiging up in position to defend the ramp.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_25.jpg)
From here GanZI easily took out the 6th and was working on the 5th. Haypro frantically attempted to use the Broodlords to break the position, but by taking the wrong angle he had them in range of the marines and lost them, and with them the game.
![[image loading]](/staff/TrueRedemption/HPfebspec/HPFS_26.jpg)
Haypro’s army made an impressive final stand, but without a single mining base GanZI had once again starved the zerg and all that remained was the anticlimactic cleanup of a truly epic game.
While HayprO was unable to advance past this round of the tournament, he faced a player who many considered to be the best Terran in Code A. The second game on Terminus was a long, dramatic game, and we hope HayprO can continue to improve and show us great games like this one. Good luck in future seasons Hayder!
Next Up, TLAF-Liquid`Jinro!
Foreigner week pushes forward as the Gorilla Terran himself takes on Code S Group C tonight; be sure to tune in as Jinro takes on Polt, Rainbow, and Check for a spot in the Ro16. And remember, FXO.mOOnGLade and TLAF-Liquid`Ret still have their Ro32 matches this week as well, stay tuned for more Foreigner Specials!