Poll: Will you care if you lose your best portrait when HOTS comes out?no (240) 83% yes (48) 17% 288 total votes Your vote: Will you care if you lose your best portrait when HOTS comes out? (Vote): yes (Vote): no
Do you think when HoTS comes out that there will be a whole new set of icons and that all the icons(portraits) that people have collected will be. I personally play team games as random partly to learn about the races i don't play but mostly just to get the team random 1000 icon, i'm nowhere near it. I'd be so pissed if i played 1700 team games only to end up losing my awesome icon. So does anyone know if a whole new set of portraits is going to come out with HoTS and would you feel like blizz screwed you if you couldn't use your WoL icons in HoTS and does anyone know if Blizz is going to come out with a whole new set of icons for it?
With WC3 at least Blizz did release a whole new set of icons for the expansion in case you didn't know.
Theyre probably just going to be new additional ones, I highly doubt they will replace the current ones.
Seriously we're now making predictions on what happens to icons in an expansion pack completely out of nowhere with no evidence that they'd be changed in any way?
Actually let me revise that:
Seriously we're talking about icons??!
On February 09 2011 07:26 Draconicfire wrote: Theyre probably just going to be new additional ones, I highly doubt they will replace the current ones.
3-6 new multiplayer icons + npc/characters from the campaign sounds very likely
Wow, people actually care about those?
there will be all new ones the old ones will hopefully be unobtainable
blah blah blah it's the way it should and will be
I doubt there is enough stuff in the Starcraft universe to make a whole new set of portraits. M yguess is that there will be just some new achievements with accompanying portraits in hots.
I doubted artanis would go from looking like a wimp to a body builder but it happened
TL.net may earn a special icon if we can rack up enough OPs about icons.
So long as they don't take away my baller default portrait I couldn't care less.
I dont think they are gonna change the icons, might do touch ups but even that seems very unlikely(they already look decent).
Honestly I dont see the point of this thread untill we actually hear from blizz about HOTS and what they have planned.
They'll most likely add on more portraits. Its enough that Blizzard has people complain about balance and hackers, you think they want people top it off with lost portaits/icons when HotS comes out?!
Who cares tbh
I'm more afraid of SC2 multiplayer being inaccessible if I don't buy the "upgrade". Who cares about avatars?
I really do not think Blizzard will remove people's achievements It makes no sense, what if some1 does not buy HotS? He loses his earned portraits? Or does he lose his portrait as soon as he buys HotS and adds it to his account? If you thought about HotS having separate avatars than WoL that's another story, but what more is there to add, really? And another unrelated thing: please change the title, it's so misleading! I came here hungry for leaked SC2 content, then I see an assumption and a poll.
panda icon is the best icon.
Default will be a drone with earmuffs and a trucker hat. Other options will include some other drone, a feminine drone and a black drone.
I don't think they'll delete any existing avs, only add additional ones. Campaign related, buying limited edition boxset and maybe extra ones for 1000+ wins.
WTB peadobear marine avatar and emoticon decals
I'm not sure why people are so obsessed with portraits...or why the extremely high likelihood that new portraits will accompany a new expansion is note worthy and requires its own thread.
Just as a side question... (perhaps dumb) but is HoTS going to have a completely different BNet multiplayer server thing? Like Broodwar and SC1 Original, are player able to play together? Or are HoTS playing with themselves and original playing with themselves?