Canada13379 Posts
The BM hall of fame!
From Nebula From rexob From Servius_Fulvius From Cortza Full Post Here From geokilla![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/NZoYV.jpg)
NEW RULE: DO NOT POST YOUR OWN BM!!!!!! Post you getting bm'ed please its funnier that way. Think "Did I starcraft Rage? Did he starcraft rage and I just sit passively? If the answer is yes to the second question then please post :D
+ Show Spoiler +I am making this thread with a few specific rules for a very specific reason. The SC2 BM showdown thread got closed due to flaming and other stupid actions and the only bm showcase thread from the search bar that is new enough to not be necroed is in the brood war forum. Since I made a post and saw other SC2 posts there without realising it was in brood war forum and got flamed for it. I decided to make a new thread here but please follow the rules I am about to make to make sure this remains a repository of confusing and funny BM only and doesnt get locked quickly like the other one. Rules are as follows: 1) Follow the TL rules available Here there is no reason to decide to break TL rules in this thread just like you shouldn't in any other thread 2) Do not Flame eachother or bring what happened in a game into this thread. If you lost a game and you raged it happens to everyone but please don't continue to harass someone in this forum thread please. I would like to have this thread be a place where we can laugh at some of the confusing bm of others and enjoy ourselves knowing that we have our moments too and have probably made confusing statements ourselves. 3) Do post a picture if you have one and preface it with exactly why it was confusing and or awesome. 4) Please, do not complain about balance or imbalance into this thread.
After a game where the zerg won, he sends me a message saying "Make more marines you trash." I guess Terran isn't allowed to make marines for some reason. He already won, y so srs?
There was only this once instance where this guy legitimately made me 'lol'.
It was PvP on Delta Quadrant, I went 1/1/1 which is Zealot/Immortal/Void Ray. As I was killing him he wrote the following:
When I was way back in the silver leagues near release, I was playing a ZvZ. Miraculously the game made it to a point where I had 4 bases to the opponents 2 on LT. I had gone hydra/roach/infestor and the opponent had gone for muta/ling (no banes :p). He let me keep a ling on both watchtowers the entire game and we were in vertical positions.
So what happened is he sent his muta ball down from his base and I saw it with the right tower heading towards my gold expo, so I moved some hydras and infestors to defend, and fungaled and cleaned up his mutas. This happened maybe 3 times when I got the nice little gem:
"How do you always know where I'm gonna attack. You have maphackz."
I told him it was called vision, and he replied he was going to report me to Blizz for hacking.
I then proceeded to roll him with ultras and the rest of my army, and lo and behold I have not yet been banned for my "1337 haxx0r skillz".
![[image loading]](http://i1001.photobucket.com/albums/af140/omgbbq2/bm.png?t=1292141311) won a zvp in shakuras plataeu
I agree with Fredow, "i with they 10 gate more"? I'm reading that as a question for some reason, even though I have absolutely no evidence to back that up.
On December 12 2010 17:09 omgbbq2 wrote:![[image loading]](http://i1001.photobucket.com/albums/af140/omgbbq2/bm.png?t=1292141311) won a zvp in shakuras plataeu goes to show you how mcuh GLHF and GG , and GL mean these days.
which is reason I try not to say it... but my fingers just like to hit those buttons.
Oh yeah, I once said "gl hf" and the other guy said "u2".
I see he has double tech lab starport on one base. I go over to his base and he only has about 6 marines to defend.
He says "fuck you" and leaves.
Against terran I like to play a safe, macro style, where I out-expand and choke them out of resources (especially if there's siege tanks in play). So I play a 30 minute game with this terran on jungle, and I've had the game won for a while (4 bases to his 2), but I won't walk into the siege line in his base.
Terran: "Lol stupid f***in noob I'm just toying with you and after half an hour you still can't beat me" Terran leaves the game.
... Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I just won
"You're the second person in the planet that didnt say hello to me fuuuuucker"
*leaves the game, disconnects*
*login after 15 seconds*
what the heeell....
TvZ ^^ the source of the best bm. A lower T wanted to learn more about tvz and bring up a random z called Ssang, so that i can play him and he can watch. I make the game longer to show him tvz endgame. After the guy lost and the normal imba trashtalk he explain me why im newb and he is way better than me:
His APM was twice as my(and droped everytime down when he had to do something), so hes twice as good as me! ^^
but the best part was he can prove that t is so imba:
"Look at every post on TL over TvZ!"
couldn't stop laughing.
edit: to the guy under me. pls read op and edit your post....
On December 12 2010 17:29 lol12tree wrote:goes to show you how mcuh GLHF and GG , and GL mean these days. which is reason I try not to say it... but my fingers just like to hit those buttons.
its not op, just ridiculously hard to counter as protoss cuz we dont have that great of AA
http://www.mediafire.com/?9ad4j2ghyx99y2y ^Replay
It was 20 supply for me and 80 (ish) supply for the zerg in this TvZ. I was on the brink of losing but he hadn't scouted one of my expo's so I stayed in the game.
He was mass roach and no AA so I just left my buildings floating where he could chase them with roaches to buy time. He had some pretty epic bm things to say while all this was going on.
I came back and won and oh my at the BM.
The moral of this replay: Hang in there if you have a chance to win, and always wait until AFTER you've won the game to BM.
On December 12 2010 18:55 PlaGuE_R wrote:Show nested quote +On December 12 2010 17:29 lol12tree wrote:On December 12 2010 17:09 omgbbq2 wrote:![[image loading]](http://i1001.photobucket.com/albums/af140/omgbbq2/bm.png?t=1292141311) won a zvp in shakuras plataeu goes to show you how mcuh GLHF and GG , and GL mean these days. which is reason I try not to say it... but my fingers just like to hit those buttons. its not op, just ridiculously hard to counter as protoss cuz we dont have that great of AA
Phoenixes and Blink Stalkers don't cut it?
On December 12 2010 19:02 Joedaddy wrote:http://www.mediafire.com/?9ad4j2ghyx99y2y^Replay It was 20 supply for me and 80 (ish) supply for the zerg in this TvZ. I was on the brink of losing but he hadn't scouted one of my expo's so I stayed in the game. He was mass roach and no AA so I just left my buildings floating where he could chase them with roaches to buy time. He had some pretty epic bm things to say while all this was going on. I came back and won and oh my at the BM. The moral of this replay: Hang in there if you have a chance to win, and always wait until AFTER you've won the game to BM. Meh, I feel his rage was somewhat justified.
Not saying you did something wrong - it's just that HE thought you were just your typical Terran BM'er, floating your buildings around to prolong the game as long as possible.
So I'm not too ... condemning of him for his initial BM. I suppose the whole "you're seriously the worst player I've ever seen" at the end wasn't really justified - but that alone isn't that bad of a BM.
I don't have a replay due to OS breakdown which caused my whole HDD to be erased, but a week or so after the release I had a nice chat with a zerg player after I roflstomped him in TvZ 
Zerg: "fuck you and your marauders"
Zerg: "its ppl like you that make zvt the shittiest MU to watch"
Zerg: "being able to win by simply A clicking into zerg's main is NOT NORMAL"
Me: "but on meth it is"
"Opponent has left the game"
![[image loading]](http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9439/screenshot2010121123460.jpg)
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0Fx0F.gif)
Back from the old 1.0 days when you could 5 rax reaper.
On December 12 2010 20:54 Sadistx wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0Fx0F.gif) Back from the old 1.0 days when you could 5 rax reaper.
It's almost spot on, except qxc is one of the terrans that is actually still good, lol.