LR thread
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Q: You're on a three game winning streak; how does that feel?
A: I haven't earned a three game streak in a long time, so I'm really happy, and it feels very magical. I'll work hard and keep winning.
Q: It looks like you've recovered your feel for PvZ.
A: Last season, during critical points, I always went on losing steaks, but now I've regained some of my confidence. PvZ was always one of my strong matchups, and I often use instinct in PvZ games, so I was able to do well today.
Q: What are your thoughts on the games: were they relaxed?
A: Once I found out the enemy's tech, I had a timing window. I used Zealots and Corsairs [T/N thanks seRapH] to scout, which happened to meet the enemy. From there, it was a comfortable victory.
Q: Usually, you get sent out on a certain predetermined map. However, you've switched around a lot this season. Why?
A: I prepared for a lot of maps, but right now I'm still analyzing to see which maps are good and which are bad. However, I haven't lost yet, so it's very hard to tell which maps are bad (haha). If we get to SWL, I hope to have played each map a little. Last season, I only played Fighting Spirit, so when we got to SWL, I was terrified. (haha) At least for now, apparently there aren't any terrible, terrible maps; they seem to all be playable for Protoss. Overall, it's much better than last season.
Q: Even though you like all the maps, which one would you be most satisfied playing on?
A: Well, the fans want me to play on Aztec (because in Korean, Aztec has the "taek" sound from my name), but right now I really feel they maps are about the same. Right now, I still want to wait and see.
Q: Are you getting used to the Bo7 format?
A: Our team has some really outstanding players, so we can assign players to the maps pretty well. For our team, this is a boon. From my personal standpoint, daytime games like today's aren't so bad, but during evening games I feel a little sleepy. I'm tired, hungry, and if we start at 7:30 PM, we could be playing until 1:00 AM [T/N wtf] Two TvTs, maybe throw in a draw game, that thought is really frightening. I'm also worried for the fans who come to spectate. After midnight, there aren't any subways (haha).
Q: In your match with Woongjin, who do you wish to play?
A: Nobody in particular. When I was a rookie, my opponent was selected, but recently I don't care so much. No matter who I play, I have to strive for victory.
Q: Any final comments?
A: In our match with Woongjin, I will definitely aim for victory.
Soo, S2, Kwanro
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they couldn't help but include bisu in the photo too
[T/N holy god this is the most awesomest interview i've ever translated]
Q: How do you feel about your combined might earning the team a victory?
Soo: The team atmosphere is going to explode; this type of feeling is awesome.
S2: This was my first game this season. I was a bit worried, but I'm glad to bring home my opening success.
Kwanro: Not bad~ (haha). The others already said what I had to say, so I don't have much left.
Q: The Z line is in a winning streak [T/N 6 games combined]; what kind of mystical changes did you guys work in the offseason?
S2: Once Kwanro arrived, we were worried about our jobs, so we practiced heavily. Thanks, Kwanro~
Soo: Same as s2.
Kwanro: Man, you two sound drunk (haha). Everyone talking of me so highly makes me overjoyed. When I changed teams, everyone was really nice to me, so I adjusted quickly, so I have to thank the team as well. At night, my roommates s2 and Best and I like to talk before sleeping, so thanks to them as well. Before the season ends, we will always be worried, so I'll work hard too. Hyuk didn't make an appearance today, but I think with his current condition if he goes up at all he's guaranteed a win, so I respectfully ask the fans to await that.
Q: Your roomate Best said you guys of the Z always like to play by yourselves.
S2: On night 1, he just listened to us talk; after two days we started playing together.
Kwanro: I don't know, but maybe it's because I'm talkative. Best only says what he needs to. But I feel he's getting used to us, and I hope in the future our relationship will be better.
Q: In game 1, you (Soo) exhibited uncommon force; have you made improvements?
Soo: Last season, I was especially confident in my air control. In the offseason, I practiced ZvT heavily, and I felt more confident there too. On this map, I felt like I would face a T, and I had practiced well, so I wasn't worried.
Q: How did you feel about today's game?
S2: The positions I had to hold were pretty far apart. I know most zergs like to 12hatch [T/N thanks Kyuukyuu], and I feel like my opponent thought that way too. But I didn't play as he expected. In fact, I had a whole other set of strategies prepared, and apparently that helped a lot. My execution [T/N not sure if this means execution or control] was artistic (haha).
Q: Usually, you are also one to care about the execution
S2: I usually practice that a lot, so at least I have something to be proud of.
Q: You (Kwanro) earned the clinching victory.
Kwanro: It was a mirror matchup, nothing difficult, so there isn't much to say. I used zerglings smoothly, and it went well, and I thought I was in control from there. Once I got mutas, I had a few more than my opponent, so I also had a mental advantage.
Q: Season goal? (s2)
S2: Last season, I earned 10 wins, so this season my goal is 20 wins. Last season, I didn't win much in R5, but this season I want to play well the whole way through and strive for the most victories. But for the moment, I want to hit 20 wins.
Q: Your team doesn't have a weak race, and your races have to compete with each other for appearances. But the Z line has a lot of appearances.
Kwanro: Right now, it might be too soon to speak, since we've only played three matches. Once we reach SWL and have played more, we can talk about that. Our team doesn't really care about that much; the players practice on their own and improve their conditions while awaiting opportunities to play.
Q: Your next game with Woongjin is a clash of titans.
Soo: Woongjin is actually a team I like, and I've analyzed them thoroughly as well. I think we can anticipate it highly.
S2: Woongjin has been pretty fearsome last week, but we're not pushovers either. I don't know what kind of match we'll play, but I know it'll be exciting. In order to beat them [T/N not sure] we'll work hard in practice.
Kwanro: We are SKT, so winning is natural. I feel like this upcoming match is even more important than today's, so looking long-term is more critical than trying to get to #1 immediately.
Q: You're (Kwanro) going to face your old team; are you worried?
A: I really don't consider that at all; in fact, I'm even more relaxed because of it. Last season, I already had the experience of facing an old team, so in my mind I am only thinking "If I play well, it'll be fine."
Q: Anything else?
Soo: Hyuk fighting (haha)!
S2: Hyuk is about to draw his sword, everyone be careful.
Kwanro: You two fighting, and I'll be careful. Only one of us needs to be careful (haha).