Alright, so everyone knows about baneling drops on bio, right? There’s a cheaper solution for dreaded mass siege tank balls. Zerglings. I’m not sure if many people have thought of zergling drops, so that’s what this post is gonna be about.
I was wondering how effective a zergling drop would be compared to a baneling drop, considering a tank’s splash damage (for the absolute noobies, since this is the strategy forum (lol), making tanks hit themselves). As it turns out, z-drops do a very similar (slightly less) amount of damage to tank balls. So if you’re planning a drop with your banelings, don’t get lazy and drop banelings on bio AND mech, cause you’re just wasting cash. Make another overlord control group, but fill it with zerglings and drop those on the tanks.
And if you want to use your inherently superior zerg apm (yeah, I said it :D), you can do moving overlord drops to drop your zerglings in a staggered fashion. I suggest this because if you drop all your zerglings at once, and in one place, you won’t attract multiple siege tank shots, and you’ll deal less splash to the whole ball. If you stagger your zerglings over time and space them out, you’re attacting multiple shots to outSMART that STUPID tank SMART fire. And you’re aiming to drop in the middle, avoid dropping on an open side cause you’re losing tank surface area. Know your math!
For those who don’t know what moving overlord drops are, they are just drops that are done on the go, so your overlords don’t have to stop. I give credit for this trick to Psy, but I’m pretty sure he gave credit to someone else too, lol.
Anyways, to do an overlord drop, all you have to do is: -click to make your overlord (or group of ov’s) move to a location -hit the d button -click on a single overlord and it will drop everything one at a time while moving -continue hitting d then clicking on each overlord so they all start dropping their stuff (you can’t shift click, you lazyface) -once an overlord has started dropping, it’s not gonna stop till it’s done, so you can reclick to change directions while it’s still dropping. Wanna second pass cause your overlord’s not done dropping yet? Go for it!
This z-drop (kind of cool name ) is effective cause it either deals some really good, cost-effective damage, or you can force the player to take his tanks out of siege mode, and then you can bring in the rest of your army to dish out the real damage without fear of bombardment. The fact that the terran can take the tanks out of siege mode is another reason to use zerglings, as they are a cheaper unit to lose if the tanks aren’t splashing anymore. So screw waiting for the terran to make the first move, charge right up his front door and rock his shit, sieged or not!
TO THE MATH!/pictures? **done in MockBattle, look that shit up!**
10 zerglings (250 mins w/o upgrades(50m x 5zeggs)) in 2 overlords can do this to 10 tanks sieged in a ball (1000/1000 w/o upgrades)
10 banelings (500 mins + 250 gas w/o upgrades (MINS 50m x 5zeggs + 25m x 10banes)(GAS 10banes x25g)) in 3 overlords can do this to 10 tanks sieged in a ball (1000/1000 w/o upgrades)
Both EXTREMELY cost-effective, but between the two, the damage done is not too big of a difference. The cost is where the difference is, and those baneling resources could be better spent on other units, especially after getting those expensive overlord upgrades. Something to consider.
EDIT: You thought unupgraded zerglings were good? I totally forgot about the armour upgrade that makes tanks fire twice. With +1 carapace, 10 zerglings do THIS to 10 tanks!
Can't deny that's not too shabby! I think this would work better than a roach drop, which is more expensive.
If the player has units like marines and marauders mixed in with his tank ball, I’m not sure if this would be as effective, so maybe put a baneling or two in for that. IDK, play around with it. lol, as MforWW said, it's just a proof of concept (I like that term!), do with it what you will.
Enjoy guys, hope this help you in the perpetual struggle against terran! FOR THE SWARM!!!
banelings are often used because there's usually marines in the mix as well as tanks.
also i'd like to play against a terran who clumps up his tanks like that. ;-)
i prefer roach drops on mech. as poster above stated, banelings are definitely better choice if marines are nearby
What about for 0/1 Zerglings? Can you do a test on that???
I keep marines and thors right on or behind my tank line and slowly push, I even add vikings to take out overlords when the zerg goes roach against my mech. This will be hard to pull off without tons of supply blockage.
On October 04 2010 01:31 nihoh wrote: What about for 0/1 Zerglings? Can you do a test on that???
lol, i didnt even think about that. with the upgrade, you're getting 2 shots per zergling! that'd probably be pretty intense. TO THE CHALKBOARD!
terran clumping tanks = fail. As well as previously mentioned the marines would tank more damage from the bainlings.
You are not giving tank cost enough credit, 10 tanks are 1500/1250 not 1000/1000. That of course means this is even more cost effective than you thought. And yeah a test on 0/1 lings would be really nice, i suppose that should pretty much anihilate those tanks. In general though i still think banelings are the better choice (and a really good one at that) because you will hardly ever see a scenario where there is no bio in between and banelings really let you have fun with those.
lol, i looked up tank cost on some random site, so it was probably wrong, lol. i think the best thing to do would be combination of banelings for the bio and zerglings for tanks. i did a couple quick tests mixing a small number of marines and marauders into a tank ball and it still did really well. idk about bigger mm balls.
and a zergling with carapace picture is up, and basically, 1 tank is left standing, so it's pretty darn good.
OK that convinced me then I guess. Cos 0/1 Zergling can take sooo much more than a 0/1 Baneling lol.
What about when there are marines or hellions or thors to support the tanks? I haven't seen too many Terrans going for pure tank and sieging them in the open...all by themselves.
It worked in PvT in BW (zealot dropping) but that was because the core Terran army had no anti air (vultures / tanks). In Sc2 Terran's core army does have anti air, so yea.
This isn't even considering the vikings
On October 04 2010 01:38 Meldrath wrote: terran clumping tanks = fail. As well as previously mentioned the marines would tank more damage from the bainlings.
It's just a proof-of-concept, tard. Of course it's going to be less effective in actual use.
/thanks for the info, OP
On October 04 2010 02:07 SubtleArt wrote:What about when there are marines or hellions or thors to support the tanks? I haven't seen too many Terrans going for pure tank and sieging them in the open...all by themselves. It worked in PvT in BW (zealot dropping) but that was because the core Terran army had no anti air (vultures / tanks). In Sc2 Terran's core army does have anti air, so yea. This isn't even considering the vikings 
See my above post, it applies to you as well.
Saw cool or check or someone do this. very cool, albeit pretty AOM intensive when you are in a fight.
This is awesome ! Fruit dealer Rolfstomped ogstop doing this shit
yeah, this issue becomes that most t players don't clump nearly that nice. And there always seem to be a few random bio units mixed around that the blings are really for. Another factor is that lings can just run in anyways, blings are still a bit more fragile so its more important to ensure your blings hit rather than be soaking damage running in.
Although in some certain situations, i can see why you MIGHT justify lings over blings.
i think you should load both lings and banelings.