![[image loading]](http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs387.snc3/23659_406571823884_508208884_5242493_5106403_n.jpg)
Hey everybody welcome to my Stream thread, I know this thread will probably never really be used other than the initial read so here we go!
About me:
Ive been playing Starcraft 2 since the release and have had no prior experiences in this sort of game. I really only play zerg unless its a for fun game with friends then ill get destoryed as any other race haha :D
Currently I am ranked Diamond on my team games ( I only really play 2v2 3v3 4v4 because I really enjoy playing with other people and prefer it over 1v1.
Real Life About me:
Im 23 working as a paramedic in Ottawa Ontario and with that being said alot of the times you are most likely going to be hearing my radio on the stream. I have no problems against you guys listening in on it as well but please be professional about what are you hearing over the stream and with that i also tend to just up and leave Starcraft because me and my partner randa are called out.
Anyways Hope you enjoy the stream if u have any medical questions relating to emergency medicine or maybe about my zerg feel free to ask!
Im also always up for feedback