Shoot me dead and close the Thread if you want.
Ok, so everyone knows my simple little old opinion on why the pool should have been worth 8 food.
I was in this back and forth debate with a friend of mine via pm, we were arguing about whether overlord occupying a larvae actually was hindering zerg production.
He eventually said that overlord occupying a larvae is not an issue now, because with Spawn Larvae, you can make the overlord necessary with out hurting your warrior/economy.
I said, AHA, so you are saying that up until zerg have queen, zerg do not make up for that ONE overlord that occupied larvae which was initially made. That's how I supported my point that the pool should have given 8 control.
But that's when I had the realization that went back to an old opinion that I used to have. I used to think that zerg should have been slightly more similar to protoss, then to terran.
That is, the spore colony and the sunk colony were in the backwards position. Protoss make cannon after forge, so I wondered about zerg making sunken colony after evolution chamber, and spore after pool. A cannon attacks air and ground after the forge is gotten, so who is to say that the sunk was suppose to come after pool, and the spore after evo?
In, my opinion it would have made sense because then zerg would have been able to make 2 hatch before making pool, like hatch, hatch, evo, gas, pool b.o.
It still seemed almost too similar to toss style, but that's because the race designs were not unique enough.
But now its starcraft 2, and zerg have the queen. If the queen simply came after evolution chamber, that would solve the whole problem right there. It would be similar to toss style, but still would be a unique feel. Zerg would be able to 3 hatch and 2 queen before having to make pool, which really seemed to be the problem with zerg.
Since zerg always had to make pool before making a 3rd hatch, zerg always felt one step behind.
I think this corrects that, what say you guys?