Allright, so this is how i did it, i floated to the island, got an expo and massed bcs untill the last remaining bot attacked me, after which i attacked, the geysers run outta gas after a while so i just massed turrets to ward off drops when i dident have enough gas left to make bcs, i attacked.
Remember to get 3/3 as this helps alot.
Replay of the game: [url blocked]
Hope its there, (first time i use megaupload).
The map has to be Lava Flows and you are pretty screwed if u dont get spawned next to one of the islands, so just load the scvs in and float to the island
Good Luck!
Oh, and the reason i made this thread is because i couldent find the map Extinction added after the game was released so i thought i would make another thread that was updated.
I got it on my second try.
Yeah I can verify this strategy works quite well.
The 8 player map from the beta works, too. Extinction I think it's called?
Yeah but i couldent find Extinction in the map list when i was looking, so i think they might have removed it.
They didn't remove it, I just did it on there like 2 hours ago.
Hmm my bad then, i guess this is just an alternate startegy for the achievement then.
Easiest way is extinction, make all ai zerg, float to island, build another cc and float to other island, mass BCs AND Ravens for PDD, you should have a sizable force by the time only 2 ai's left, at this point just walts in, plop a few PDDs and enjoy your icon
Australia7069 Posts
i did it vs 7 terran AI. On the map abyss(i think), the one with the spokes. I did a 2 bunker FE, a few tanks to defend then mass BC. Held off their marine/marauder pushes while they killed each other and just ran around and raped them with bc's. Terran ai doesn't do much against BC's but a couple of vikings and the odd turret, all of which is dealt with by yamato.
Wait so you guys are doing it on FFA or melee mode?
edit nm forgot thread title lol.
Is it possible to do it on melee mode?
On July 29 2010 21:29 Hautamaki wrote: Wait so you guys are doing it on FFA or melee mode?
edit nm forgot thread title lol.
Is it possible to do it on melee mode?
Yes, its in meele, as are most games.
Nice replay thank you for sharing. Oh and lol at the PC with 900 average APM and 2000 APM peak.
anohter way to beat 7 ai is to play the map called fastest and mass tanks/vikings
I did this on Abyss, myself Terran vs 7 zergs. They do nothing but a-move an army (but it can involve lots of mutalisks). Just stay on one base for WAY too long and mass siege tanks, hellions and thors. Once all but one are dead, just move out with a death push. Impossible to lose really.
props on the achievement. i'm suer there will eventually be maps specifically designed to make these achievements easy
I won this achievment in a non island map, with protoss against 7 zerg, on my first day playing after 3 months without beta or BW. Is really easy, you just need to think.
I have done this on the extinction map, fly cc to island with 4 scv, and expand at gold with other 2 scv. After getting drop ship, expand at the other island.
What icon does this give?