On July 29 2010 19:15 Mikilatov wrote: Yeah I can verify this strategy works quite well.
The 8 player map from the beta works, too. Extinction I think it's called?
This is the map I used. Took me 2 or 3 tries but floating to the island and building straight BCs works well. It helps if you make the comps all Z and T - if you have a P player they will blink to the island and pwn you
A really easy strat, is go protoss and make all the enemies T on a map with an elevated ramp.
Just make a cannon wall and mass carriers, haha. Its like 1998 SC1 all over again!
Terran tends to mass a TON of marauders and tanks, with only a few marines and a couple vikings. It makes the carriers very effective. I made 6 carriers on one base (with damage upgrades) and was able to kill a 2-base and a 3-base insane T with near maxed armies in one push. All the other comps had already killed themselves off, GG.
If you are Protoss you can pick 7 Zerg opponents and go for a really fast VR. The Zerg AI almost always roach pushes and the VR will kill the roaches and clean up the rest of the Zergs that are alive after the roach pushes.
i just tried this on lava flow, but for some reason i didn't get the achievement. all the ai were insane and it was melee ffa.
is this done on multiplayer custom game, or vs AI on single player?
On July 30 2010 09:32 corn wrote: i just tried this on lava flow, but for some reason i didn't get the achievement. all the ai were insane and it was melee ffa.
Same here, done it 3 times so far, but no achievement. Pretty annoying, everything seems to be right.
Edit: Figured it out, you have to go to multiplayer page, then create custom game, etc. etc. I (and probably corn) was going through the single player page.
The fuck?
I did this, I beat all 7 AI, I get out of the game, and I don't got the achievement? I have a little gold star next to the achievement on the list (like gold star and +1) and I can't figure this out. What the heck? I want my portrait v-v
This achievement is ez once you realize you should float to islands and make bc's/carriers/mutas.
I went with bc's even though I play toss. BC's are just too much fun ;p.
anyhow gl to anyone trying this 3/3 upgrades are key.
toss VS 7 insane zerg ai @ abyss (map) - duration = 26:30 minutes REPLAY
FYI: you need to do it in multiplayer custom game (not singleplayer) to get the portrait (achievements)!
NOooooo!! It's not possible! You can't 1v7 FFA!!! Make it stooopp. Plz, make it stop.
Got this achievement as Toss on Extinction against 7 Zerg. Terran is probably easier (since you can just float to the island immediately versus having to survive until you get to warp prisms) but still not a big deal. Basically went gateway-gas-forge-cyber-gas-robo sim-city and 3-4 cannons once the forge finished, with a couple more cannons as money allowed. Once cyber is done, I make a few sentries for FF since Zerg almost always goes heavy roaches. I find that I can defend my expansion for a pretty long time just with this setup (not that I need to), just with good use of FF.
After my warp prism is done, I take both islands, build 5-7 cannons in each around the edges, and just mass carrier/mothership SC1-style. Attack move after I have even a small force of carriers will clean up since Zerg will still be heavy roach with a few hydra and few if any air units. You don't particularly need upgrades, don't really need the mothership, etc...
The only two real challenges: 1. Survive until you get your warp prism. This is not a big deal if you just make sure to build your forge and cannons early. 2. Get to both islands. You should have no trouble getting to the island closest to your base. For the other one, be sure to skirt the edges of the map. You'll have to pass near one Zerg base though so you'll probably take some damage from the queen, but that's it.
Adding my 2 cents... I did mine as Terran against 7 Zergs floating to the islands (seems cheesy, but insane "cheats" too... they have maphack :-)), If I can do it anybody can.
As far as getting credit... as others said above: chose multiplayer, custom game, pick an 8 player map, make sure you click the FFA drop down on the right side of the game setup screen, add AI and change each one to insane, and verify your settings before starting. Then say yes to all offers to surrender.
Anyways, I failed on Lava Flows because I did not count the surrenders, so waited too long before moving out. The last opponent massed corruptors which gradually took out all my BCs. Each Lava Flow island is bigger and has 2 mineral fields and 4 gases, so should be easier than Extinction, which only has 1 mineral field and 2 gases per island.
My second attempt was on Extinction so I floated to the first, expanded across the map to the second and started building BCs with full upgrades while counting the surrenders (6). When there was only one opponent left, I immediately scanned for their main base (the one with the Spire) and flew directly to it with all (but two) of the BCs I had to that point (and a couple of Ravens). I still had enough gas to make a couple more BCs and 3 Medivacs. At their base... a couple of Yamatos on their Spire followed by targeting of all the hydralisks and spawning pools and voila, no anti air. I only ever saw a handful of mutalisks and a couple spore crawlers and no corruptors! The rest was just easy extermination mode as I split up the BCs and patrolled to every mineral field to squash any expansions.
They killed my expo kinda early and did manage to get a bunch of roaches and hydras into my main base when it was almost exhausted, so the Medivacs moved all the SCVs to the nearest mineral field, guarded by the extra BCs that weren't needed for hunting. I never needed to set them down since by that time the BBQ was over.
It's actually fun and I think I'll try other races when I need a break from real competition.
This achievement wasnt hard at all. I did P (bc its my main race) v 7 Random. Wall in and build lots of cannons at the top of the ramp along with 2 sentries. This will stop ANY- just forcefield and sit. Tech up to Carriers, GG.
The problem is AI- even insane- doesnt seem to like the concept of an air force harassing in the back, drops, or anything like this. Late game, the AI doesnt hard counter when you build a single unit. Even after my Carriers were stomping the map I saw the zerg AI building roaches!
I didnt get the achievement :/ I think I did it on single player or something, so I am going to redo it sometime.
This is much simpler on some of the new maps imo. Theres this sweet map called Lava Flow with main w/ ramp + 4 islands (2 islands x 2bases each) Dont have to float can just turtle the main then expand to closer islands and macro hard. I guess you could still get bad luck and have multiple insane's come after you, but I've done it a few times and that hasnt happened. They pretty much kill each other and you have insane army hehe
Hmm, didn't recieve a reward doing this... Could it be that this achievement only works for US version??? I am disappointed over wasting precious life time on cpu opponents...
Stupid question but is the achievement vs. 7 FFA insane comps or can it be very hard comps or what.. Can't remember and at work!
did it again... did not get an achievement... (( What am I doing wrong here? I opened a game ffa vs 7KI put them all to insane and finished them off...
Edit: Is it MP or SP? I did SP... Put game to melee FFA...
create a custom multiplayer game to do it singleplayer doesn't work
fml. I did this twice on SP rofl. I wish I would've read these posts earlier.