STX's manager Kim Eun Dong motivates Hwaseung with Chicken
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It has been revealed that STX's Kim Eun Dong manager used the "Chicken strategy" in order to fire up Hwaseung players' competitive spirit.
Kim Eun Dong, before the match between Hwaseung and MBCGame, has been revealed to offer a lot of things to Hwaseung players in order to motivate them. This was because if MBCgame wins, their 2nd place that they have kept throughout the season is in danger. Because he thought that it was important to motivate Hwaseung players, who are already out of the play offs, against MBCGame, Manager Kim garnered their attention with Chicken, something Hwaseung players enjoy eating.
Manager's Kim's strategy worked very well. The main Hwaseung players said that "They cannot lose in a match where a year's worth of chicken is on the line" and made a resolution. Of course, MBCGame was also the team that knocked Hwaseung to 2nd place last season, they did sharpen their knives, but manager Kim's offer of Chicken was a delicious seduction to the Hwaseung players. Hwaseung players, on the match on the 13th, won absolutely against MBCGame with a score of 3:0 and gave STX the present of "2nd place of the regular season"
Manager Kim has also offered the winning players a blank check in addition to the chicken. He told Hwaseung's Manager Cho Jung Wook that he'll do whatever the players want. HiyA, upon hearing this, has went into today's match with exceptional competitive ambition. Jaedong, after his victory, is also thinking about what he should ask from Manager Kim.
STX's Manager Kim Eun Dong said that "I'm planning on doing whatever the victorious players will ask for. Because Hwaseung beat MBCGame, they bought as a lot of time to get our team together. It's a time that you cannot buy with time, so in order to show my thanks, I'll do my best".
Hwaseung's Winner Interview: "We'll make it rewarding to the fans that have cheered for us next season
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- You reaped a victory in the last game of the regular season.
▲ HiyA: While we didn't make it to the post season, I'm glad we won our last game. I also thought that we had to get our revenge against MBCGame. There was a time in the past where we lost against MBCGame and lost our direct ticket to KwangAhnRi (laugh). Now, the individual league and next season is waiting for us and I want to show a better side then.
▲ Jaedong: Our rank wouldn't have changed whether or not we lost the match. However, because it was the last match, we talked about reaping a successful conclusion. We're really glad that we won 3:0 very cleanly. There was a lot of titles gambling on today's match, and we affected STX, SKTelecom, and MBCGame. Because I think a few of the teams that were watching us were cheering for us, I feel kinda good. Not only have we helped, but we also got our revenge.
▲ Backho: It was the last match and we were still definitely elminated from the post season, but I had a goal myself. For this entire season, "Hwaseung Protoss" was a word with a negative connotation, and so for the next season, we want to show ourselves winning next season.
- Hasn't been quite a long time since you guys didn't have Proleague during the post season?
▲ HiyA: It feels like something has gotten empty. We've always been at the post season, so I think it'll be kinda boring since we've gotten eliminated this season. But because we did our best, we don't have any regrets. Next season, we'll make sure to make it to the top.
▲ Jaedong: I believe that we put in more effort than anyone else this season. However, you have to accept the results. I plan on watching other team's games and think positively. I want to help whatever team I can help. And since I still have the individual leagues, I'm thinking of it positively.
▲ Backho: To be honest, because unlike the other players, I haven't won or lost in a lot of games, I don't feel any depression from the fact that we have been eliminated from the post season. However, it is really disappointing. I keep thinking that if I was a little better, we could have made it. I feel really bad. However, next season is waiting for us.
- It's the 37th win of your season. This is your best record since your Debut.
▲ HiyA: I went into the season thinking that I should do at least as well as last season. While I can't be satisfied with the team results, I'm satisfied with my personal results. I feel good at least. I hope to win more games than this season on this upcoming season.
- You ended the season with 52 wins, are you disappointed in anyway?
▲ Jaedong: I'm not that disappointed. I didn't set a concrete goal for myself when beginning this season. I just wanted to be in the higher ranks of the "Total Wins" race, and I wanted about 50 wins. I'm satisfied with my personal results this season. While the team's results are a bit disappointing, because we did our best there's nothing to be disappointed about. I think I have met my individual goal.
- You started doing well in the end of the season. What would have happened if you had returned earlier?
▲ Backho: I'm currently at a 3 game winning streak, so I think it may have gone well if there were more matches left. However, because that wasn't the case, I'm a little disappointed. Because I can't control my health the way I want it to be, I thought about concentrating more on managing my health. I'm thankful that through this 3 game winning streak, I have revived a little expectation towards Hwaseung Protosses.
- You got three of Light's wraiths in one go.
▲ HiyA: I had never expected 2 Starport. I saw him mine gas from one base*. When I saw two wraiths from Light, I even though "I'm going to lose". I wanted to build a wraith so I can take down just one wraith, but I ended up catching them all (laugh). I was able to win because of that.
- You have showed us a very impressive play today.
▲ Jaedong: I played without any pressure. I was able to go through the game the way I had thought it out. I didn't practice an extreme amount, but I asked my practice partner dongseng** about good builds, and thought about it a lot. I played the game very relaxed, and I think the game played out very well. My opponent also responded rather easily. Because I didn't make any special mistake, I was able to play well.
- This was your first time playing in Fortress.
▲ Jaedong: There isn't any specific reason. I play on whatever map they ask me to play on. I'm ready to play on any map. I don't think the manager asked me to prepare Fortress so we can win 3:0 (laugh). I think it was just preparation to win. And because we had good luck overall today, we were able to win cleanly.
- Didn't STX players say that they would help you guys practice?
▲ Jaedong: I heard that STX players was willing to help us practice. I think they needed our victory that much. After the STX's coach lost, it looked like he was calling our coach immediately (laugh). But no matter how you put it, the difference between 2nd and 3rd place is heaven and earth. I completely understand his perspective.
- Do you feel sorry about what you did to MBCGame in any way?
▲ HiyA: Not at all (laugh). We only got our revenge. Because I remember what happened last season, I don't feel sorry at all.
▲ Jaedong: Huh, I feel a little sorry (laugh)... there's no prize money to 4th place.
▲ HiyA: Ah, was there prize money? Hearing about that guess I feel a little bad (laugh)
▲ Jaedong: I feel sorry because we have made the worst case scenario come true for them. Maybe if Backho lost and we won it'd be a little better (laugh)
▲ Backho: But I wasn't going to lose because of that (laugh). For me, a single victory for me was a lot more important.
- I think you have realized the importance of proper health care this season.
▲ Backho: My herniated disk problem resurfaced (laugh). The first time I was in the hospital for three months, I had to give up so many things, from Starleage, Gom TV Classic, to the Proleague. I was able to come back well and I thought I was quite healthy, but right at that time, it resurfaced. After resting for 6~7 months, I was able to play again at the end of this season. I thought that being healthy was the best. I didn't get to play in a lot of games, and that was because of my health. While I had lost a lot, I learned an important lesson that my health is very important. It may hurt during when I'm playing. There are times even now where it hurts a bit.
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- Now you have individual league schedules left.
▲ HiyA: This is the first time I've been in both leagues. I think I've given my fans a lot of things to expect last individual leagues. Now I think there are people who will expect my play and show up. I will do my best to meet those expectations in both leagues. I think it's a good time to meet the goals I have set.
- You were able to concentrate on individual leagues even more. Have you set a goal like winning both leagues?
▲ Jaedong: To be honest, I haven't set any goal like that. If that opportunity comes, I will fuel my fire more and practice more, but for now, I want to go through one game at a time. My ultimate goal is to win, but I don't want to disappoint my fans on the middle stages. I think it's good to play a game that I can be satisfied it. I haven't never had this much free time. I have always put more weight on Proleagues when playing on individual leagues. I don't think I have had this kind of opportunities. I'm getting quite ambitious and expecting a lot of things from myself. I think it's okay for the fans to expect things to a certain degree, and if they give me more attention, I will be able to get more strength.
- You have entered the Starleague with Jaedong.
▲ HiyA: It's much better than going in there by yourself. I hope we can both do well.
- How are you planning on spending your time?
▲ Backho: I'll exercise diligently, and go to church diligently. But first, I want to get a lot of rest. While our vacation schedules aren't out yet, and even though we didn't make it to this year's post season, I have some personal ambition about using this opportunity to enjoy a relaxing vacation.
- Any last words?
▲ HiyA: This is the 2 year anniversary of Hwaseung Oz Gallery. They gave us a lot of presents. They've been giving us a lot of presents lately, so I've been really thankful to them. I was really down that we didn't make it to the postseason even though the fans have been cheering. However, I'm getting a new surge of strength since they have been cheering for us like this. I hope the fans will think of it as a one time sabbatical. We'll run a diligent race next season so that the fans will feel rewarded next season.
▲ Jaedong: Since this is the last interview time for this season's proleague, I feel a bit bittersweet***. We've played in a lot of postseasons, but this season we're in a position to take a break and watch them play. I'm planning on relaxing my mind and watching them. It feels weird. Because it's a very attractive opportunity to play in such a huge stage as the postseason for your team as a progamer. But first, I will empty my mind and watch. If there are any team that needs our help, I'm planning on helping them diligently.
Recently, people at my fancafe has been caring for my health. Yesterday, they delivered Samgyetang**** to my dorm. I really want to thank them. I want to send a message of thanks to the administrator of my fan cafe. Today, they sent us presents from Hwaseung Gallery. I'm want to thank the fans for their attention and their love. I want to tell everyone that thank you and that they've done well. I don't think it's quite over now because individual leagues are left, and I'll do my best to prepare because I will play in the individual leagues for Hwaseung Oz.
▲ Backho: They've said a lot of really good things already (laugh). I'm really thankful towards our fan's cheers and love. I don't think I was able to reward them this season. And it's not like I made it to the individual leagues, so I don't have any way of paying them back. I hope they will expect great things for next season. This morning, our manager called us and gathered us. While he had said that "Let's reap a successful conclusion", but he also added "If we win today, STX will buy us chicken for one year". We like chicken (laugh).
▲ Jaedong: Before we came to play today, STX contacted us saying that, between companies, if we really do beat MBCGame today, that they will buy us chicken for one year. Our team really likes Chicken so we felt really good after hearing that offer (laugh). And manager Kim Eun Dong also said that separately, he would reward us plentifully for the winners of today's game. I'm expecting a lot of great things so I'll be waiting for him to contact us (laugh)
Translation Notes
*: Potentially "I saw him attack my Gas with one wraith"
**: lit: "Younger Brother", however, can be referred to anyone you're close with that's younger than you.
***: lit: "Missed Refreshingly"? I thought bittersweet would work.