Austin10831 Posts
This topic will be a utility for players with beta keys to distribute them to those without. It's understandable that those who haven't had a chance to play the beta yet are getting anxious, but we simply can't have the forums being inundated with topics where people just ask to be given a key.
Before you can post in this thread, you need to read the TL.net 10 Commandments as well as the rules for this specific thread, below.
1) One post in this thread per person, with the exception being if you need multiple posts to give multiple keys. We don't want this to turn into a giant spam fest while everyone F5's the thread. I know this might seem more boring than posting cat pictures or memes, but it's to avoid confusion and clutter, making the thread better for everyone.
2) No posts that don't involve either asking for a beta key, giving a beta key, or saying thanks to the person you got your key from. Any random garbage posts will get you a temp ban, don't test it.
3) Trying to pass of fake beta keys as some kind of joke will get you banned, and probably permanently. It's not funny, don't do it.
4) If you want to hold some sort of mini-contest for your key, do so in your own blog, but make sure you put some good effort into it. Don't just say "First one to PM me good porn gets a beta key!" or something. If you're in doubt as to whether you should do this, you probably shouldn't.
To review: Multiple unnecessary posts - that's a paddlin'. Off topic posts - that's a paddlin'. Bad contests - that's a paddlin'. Fake beta keys - Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'.
Ok that's it! Play nicely dudes and dudettes.
NOTE: It's up to the discretion of the giver to decide whether to post the key in the thread or PM it to a certain person. Ideally, it would be better to PM them so that our registered users get them, but it's your choice. (This means make your post stand out! Tell everyone why you should get a key)
Thanks to Johnny B
I'm pretty new here mostly just lurk and play Fantasy Proleague, just looking to play some beta before the game actually comes out.
i made countless of funny pics didn´t i ?
![[image loading]](http://img52.imageshack.us/img52/3802/beggar.jpg) If you pick me for sending a beta key, i would highly appreciate this 
Status: No Key Yet. , allowed to play on friends account for while, so don't prioritize me guys
I would love to get a key, so stoked to play^^
Help the female SC2 community to grow! 
I would really like a beta key it would make me so happy
I would love to be able to play the beta, if anyone can spare a key. Ive been browsing these forums for a few months now in anticipation for sc2 (as well as getting back into sc1).
I really need a beta key, please.
Thanks in advance
yeah i'd like to play beta before the game actually comes out too  i love how many single digit posters are in this thread :")
I haven't been here very long, and all I ever do is lurk, but: Holy crap I would give e-love for anyone that gives me a key.
E-love being both electronic and eternal.
if you give me a beta key im not going to kill myself saving a human life never been easier now it only needs a single ctrl+c and ctrl+v combination with a valid beta key to my PM
if you do than you can consider yourself as a savior thankyoux100000000
Long time lurker who would appreciate a beta key invite! <3
I pre-ordered too late and was unfortunate enough not to receive a key.
I'd love it if someone could spare me a key.
Thanks in advance -Derek
I really really need a beta key now
![[image loading]](http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/1092/signjk.jpg) MY DREAMS CAME TRUE AND I NOW HAVE OVER 30 GAMES PLAYED ZOMG!
Long time lurker, new time poster really. I understand that chances are slim and that there are so many ppl who deserve it just as much as i. But im throwing my name in the hat in the hope that someone has some spare. Many thanks 
EDIT: Will make a small charity donation for one to a charity of your choice :p
EDIT2: Still no love for me (
Guys, I'm more than two months trying to get a key. Since this has happened, I can not eat, can not sleep. Seriously. I need even if it is 2 min online, just to quench my curiosity how is the multiplayer: (I'm crying. My life is shit. I hope StarCraft for over 12 years. I need to test it
Edit: No need anymore, thanks 
ill take one please, thanks