Was watching Iccup Extravaganza, and decided that Raelcun needed a fanclub. Please join if you want to praise such a great streamer and person in the community.
Right now Alou is in the position to be treasurer, unless you want an election or something.
Thanks to Diamond for linking in stream chat 
Shoutout to Antedelerium, DukatNaranketx3, and WykeD for buying the casters pizzas! .
Around 34 hours of straight casting!
Hope everyone had a nice Ralecun Day!
Joined. I get the Treasurer position! He's been casting for 26 hours now.
26 hours and counting! Best caster, EVER!
Raelcun is a machine.
And I claim the position of lead spy, helping Raelcun with info to cast more!
Rael can't get enough praise for keeping the ICCUP stream alive for 26 hours and 16 minutes at the time of this post.
+1 Fan.
Edit: Guess I'll be part of the Pizza Procurement Committee.
/j 26 hours of nonstop streaming so far!
RAWR. Umm, I guess I'll be the Vice-President kekeke.
I'm joining : Sniper wars ftw!
Edit: Just Kidding
I think he needs more pizza delivered to his house.
I demand control of the secret police force used to beat up those who would speak ill of him! Raelcun for the win!
Thank you so much for all the work!
Gogo Raelcun! You are fucking epic man!
Any guesses on what the final number will be? Im guessing 37 hours
Joined. Go Raelcun, marathon caster extraordinaire!
Raelcun for president! ... and space sharks... with LAZERS!
His commentating has been steadily going downhill as the hours of sleep creep up :D
If raelcun could get rid of the "this is ridiculous" id like him waaaaaaaay more.
oh, and the "ohhhhhhh nooooooo"
A 26 hour cast is truly commendable! Thoroughly enjoyed the cast, both yesterday and today .
26 hours! dam hes a nerd! signed
keep it up, great job for the community :D need more people like this guy