Swarms of stars without logic.
Art of aloneness.
Pride comes in two colours - black and wait what am I talking about again?
This is so and so and that is somewhat alike but not quite.
Bring the ancient cures - they have persevered, though no, drop it.
In present day, Achilles catches lead seasoning in the right temple for temper.
On the other hand the character can be upgraded experienced and prevailed.
Windy outside, why don't you contest the nature's prevalence?
Fever inside, why don't you contest the nature's prevalence?
Digestion breaks down matter and blood delivers it to each cell in your body.
Why don't you contest nature's prevalence?
Pick up a dish and wash it.
Sprinkle saw dust on the floor, sweep it.
You are the maker, creator, freelancer, the caretaker.
The power pulsing is not yours, swing your bicep and you didn't earn it.
You have already won the biggest lottery, what else brings you anxiety?
Bake a pie and share it. Nobody has a lot of pie but, boy, what is that glow on their cheeks?
Could it be love?
Sweat is the world's prime fuel. It powers everything.
Yet without sweat you are
Without rest you are
Without without without is nothing.
Togetherness of cliques unifies separatists.
Bird swings wings, swirls and swerves.
Flowers flourish free.
Bro look. Bro feel. Bro go home now. Don't follow bro.
Attention! This moment is of absolute importance.
Pouring out the heart, testing the sacred.
Never quite right, never quite honest
Open, open, welcoming, up-right, gracious...
Innocent, pure, aware
Always pushing the boundaries into space... infinite space...
This moment allows depth of perception
Depth of perception allows awareness
Awareness rises into shapes of great beauty
If you aren't going to do it, who will?
Take a chance on the universe, you might just be incomparably beautiful yet!