Coca forfeits Code S due to ESV weekly scandal - Page 7
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Canada13379 Posts
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United States4549 Posts
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Madagascar1879 Posts
On November 15 2011 13:41 FrostedMiniWheats wrote: Banning the players permanently, or kicking the player entirely is too extreme imo. Temporary punishment would be more reasonable. This was stupid and disrespectful to the viewers, but it doesn't sound like any serious match fixing. Just two kids fucking around. i agree, but people only think of one thing when they think matchfixing, this was nothing compared to that thing tho | ||
United States23455 Posts
On November 15 2011 13:39 tuho12345 wrote: This's so fucked up, so is he gonna play in tomorrow's game? No, he's out. Which probably means GuMiho gets a free win. This also fucks up the entirety of the Code A bracket. With Coca automatically finishing fourth. Which means either Curious/Monster/Jookto will pretty much get a free pass to Code S seeing as he can't play anymore. | ||
United States723 Posts
![]() Possibly the stupidest move I've seen in any kind of tournament setting since .... well ever. | ||
United States691 Posts
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Hong Kong4685 Posts
On November 15 2011 13:35 Clefairy wrote: VOD with wtf moment: Mr Chae's official statement: Hello this is Mr Chae. ESV TV is a foreign tournament that formed a partnership with the GSL and awarded players with GSL Nov. Code A seeds. However a partnership has not been confirmed for the GSL's first season of Code A in 2012, and we are still negotiating with ESV TV at the moment (this is because we are gathering feedback from all the teams on the GSL format during this Nov. season so any changes in format for 2012 may not accommodate a partnership). However, even if it is a tournament that does not award GSL Code A seeds, the use of profanities in a broadcast with many viewers and a blatant disregard for competition cannot be ignored by the GSL. We are unable to make a decision on the punishment yet based on only screenshots and the community. Therefore, we will be asking Prime and SlayerS about the situation and what further action should be taken. The consequences that the players will need to face will be announced as soon as possible after the situation has been assessed. Thank you. Source: Mr Chae's unofficial statement: ![]() Control your brains as well. Lol, GSL won't stand for profanities in non-gsl broadcasts? I want to see what they'll do with Idra. Anyways, I really think this is blow out of proportion. One guy helps his friend out of kindness and is punished for it. | ||
Uganda35 Posts
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United States1612 Posts
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Katowice25012 Posts
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Japan2788 Posts
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United States17920 Posts
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United States1647 Posts
On November 15 2011 13:42 Fionn wrote: No, he's out. Which probably means GuMiho gets a free win. This also fucks up the entirety of the Code A bracket. With Coca automatically finishing fourth. Which means either Curious/Monster/Jookto will pretty much get a free pass to Code S seeing as he can't play anymore. Well to be fair Curious could probably have gotten it anyway. Not saying it's not bad ofc. | ||
United States381 Posts
슬레이어스가 ESV TV 코리안 위클리 시즌4 ‘고의 패배’ 사건에 대해 공식 사과하고 최종환을 집으로 돌려보냈다. Team SlayerS apologize about what happen to Coca's 'match fixing' during the ESV TV Korean Weekly S4 and send Coca back to home. 슬레이어스 김가연 게임단주는 “슬레이어스에 소속된 선수가 온라인 대회에서 고의 패배로 물의를 일으켜 죄송하다”고 말한 뒤 “이번 사건은 대회의 규모나 경기의 중요도에 관계없이 e스포츠 팬들에게 오해를 줄 수 있는 명백한 실수다. 팀 소속 선수에 대한 관리가 부족했던 것을 반성하고, 앞으로는 절대로 이런 일이 재발하지 않도록 노력하겠다”고 말했다. Manager SlayerSJessica said, "I am sorry about what happen to one of SlayerS member during the online tournament." "This is complete mistake from us to e-sports fans to cause misundertanding with no matter of importance nor size of tournament. I regret about reckless management and I will work hard to prevent such an incident ever again." 임요환 역시 “과거 승부조작 파문이 어떤 결과를 초래했는지 모두 알고 있다. 비록 온라인에서 진행된 일이라고 할지라도 선수로서 절대 해선 안될 일을 저지른 것”이라고 말한 뒤 “팀의 맏형으로서 사과 드리고, 이번 사건이 얼마나 나쁜 일인지 선수들에게 인지시키고 더 멋진 경기를 보여드릴 수 있도록 노력하겠다”고 덧붙였다. Boxer also said, "We all know what result match fix scandal has caused. Even in online tournament, this is a non-exceptable matter as progamer." "I apologize as big brother of the team, and I will remind how terrible it is to other players, and we will work hard to show you better games." 슬레이어스는 이번 사건의 책임을 물어 최종환을 2군으로 강등시키고 집으로 귀가 시켰다. 또한, 자숙과 반성의 의미로 앞으로 펼쳐지는 국내외 모든 스타2 대회에 최종환을 출전시키지 않는다고 말했다. 슬레이어스의 이번 징계는 무기한 조치이며, 최종환이 대회에 출전할 수 있는 상황이 됐다고 판단했을 때 복귀할 수 있다. SlayerS asked responsiblity of this incident to Coca and place him to B team and set him home. Also, by the meaning of self-reflect, SlayerS will ban Coca to any Starcraft 2 matches inside of Korea and rest of the world. This decision is for an indefinite period, and Coca will be back to SC2 when he is ready. 사건의 당사자인 최종환은 반성의 의미로 소니에릭슨 GSL 시즌7 코드S를 기권했다. 최종환은 이번 사건의 책임을 통감하고 스스로 코드S 잔여경기 출전을 포기하고 자숙하기로 결정했다. 이에 따라 최종환은 오는 16일 열리는 소니에릭슨 GSL 시즌7 코드S 16강 C조 경기에 출전하지 않는다. Coca has forfeit the GSL Nov. Code S for meaning of self-reflect. Coca himself has felt responsible to this incident and forfeit the rest of matches. So, Coca will not be on GSL Code S RO16 Group C match on 16th. 한편, 곰TV는 커뮤니티 공지를 통해 이번 사건에 대한 공식입장을 발표했다. 채정원 팀장은 ESV TV와 GSL의 연계와 관련된 내용을 설명하고, 공식적인 확인 절차가 끝난 뒤 선수들에 대한 징계나 처벌에 대해 공식 발표하겠다고 밝혔다. GomTV has announced their official comment on community board. Mr. Chae has explained relationship between ESV TV and GSL. After their official comfirmation, discipline action on players will be announced. | ||
United States3701 Posts
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1560 Posts
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United States665 Posts
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2943 Posts
I am a banana. | ||
United States1497 Posts
On November 15 2011 13:39 windsupernova wrote: Such a moronic overreaction. Please get this sorted out teams! Seriously this seems like just a stupid reactionary measure that was made with little thought. I mean I can understand making the apologize but not allowing them tp participate on tourneys? This is nowhere near as the stuff Savior and co did. The retribution is extremely disproportionate. Are you serious? This is one of the only things that shouldn't be tolerated at any event or level. This could potentially cost people thousands of dollars and ruin entire teams. It could also ruin the legitimacy of Starcraft. Edit: I was a little harsh. | ||
DEMACIA6550 Posts
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