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On March 15 2013 23:34 Sentenal wrote: I still don't know why "Vividred is like Strike Witches with X" is such a common comparison. What, exactly, is similar with those two anime, beyond both being magical girl anime? Strike Witches was about machine-gun wielding magical girls who don't wear pants, fighting WW2 against Aliens, with WW2 jets strapped to their legs, and occasionally stole each others underwear. Which parts of that sounds like Vividred to you people? They both have a good deal of fanservice, but so did stuff like Nanoha lol
Same studio, somewhat more technology based magical girls, and mysterious aliens sounds kinda like strike witches to me. Then again, it also sounds like power rangers. So basically yes, I do think they are similiar, but its also similiar to a lot of other shows. Strike witches is just most commonly brought up. Because no pants.
1.) Except they do wear pants. And skirts. And garments on top of their underwear. I don't want to go through and take screenshots of every single episode showing this, since that idea sounds really pathetic and perverted, but its plain to see. Just look at the promo image for it. Skirt: check. Pants: check. Underwear: check (See henshin scenes). In Strike Witches they actually ran around with just a shirt and nothing but underwear. Clothing/people wearing clothing in Vividred is almost completely normal for anime, aside from their new uniforms have shorts rather than a skirt.
2.) It is not the same studio at all. Gonzo made Strike Witches, Vividred is Aniplex/A-1 Pictures, not sure which is the primary for it. Regardless, completely different studios.
3.) Mysterious aliens/monsters/etc is a common trope for practically all magical girl shows.
4.) As far as Technology is concerned, is far closer to Nanoha than Strike Witches. The magic in Strike Witches wasn't even "technology" for the most part, it was actually magic.
So, like I said, their only similarity is that they are magical girl anime. Which doesn't warrant everyone constantly comparing the two shows.
On March 16 2013 04:51 maru~ wrote:
On March 15 2013 23:34 Sentenal wrote: Strike Witches was about machine-gun wielding magical girls who don't wear pants, fighting WW2 against Aliens, with WW2 jets strapped to their legs, and occasionally stole each others underwear. Which parts of that sounds like Vividred to you people?
Vividred is about magical-science weapon wielding magical girls who don't wear pants, fighting against Alones (Aliens?), with flying devices strapped to their feet, and occasionally having yuri moments with each other.
Oh, Happy Birthday.
TY, and what you just describe doesn't sound like Strike Witches. It sounds like Nanoha. See above for the "no pants" point.
My post was meant as somewhat of a joke, but it's hard to deny that they sound similar. That said, it has similarities with many other shows, and I'm sure some of it is meant as a sort of homage to these shows. Also, they don't wear pants normally (not talking about their transformation form).
By the way, Aniplex is not an animation studio, they are producers and distributors and own A-1 Pictures.
Aniplex is the producer/distributor, I'll keep that in mind.
So basically, are you guys trying to tell me that hotpants (which is what their school uniform uses) are now undergarments? Because they aren't. I mean if you guys are gonna start making a distinction between pants and shorts, and then use that distinction as a similarity to SW, then lol....
For a long time now, I have been shitting a lot on a dear friend of mine in this thread and on IRC. This friend has been standing by my side for a very long time, through thick and thin despite me constantly shoving it into the mud as soon as an opportunity to do so has arised.
But now I have had enough. I cannot keep it in anymore.
There is nothing I can do to compensate for what I have done, as lying is the worst thing one can do.
But let it be known that I will never again leave your side, my dear friend. I do not care if Emnjay likes you, and mentions your name several times a week. I love you a thousand times more then he does, so it doesn't matter.
I do not expect you to forgive me, but at least I will do everything I can to show that I truly regret my past actions.
I love you, Chihayafuru. I always have.
You are one of my dearest treasures. You make my heart go all doki doki whenever I see you, so please never leave me. Stay with me as you've always done. Emnjay will never come between us again. ;_;
On March 16 2013 08:22 Elem wrote: Guys, I must confess.
For a long time now, I have been shitting a lot on a dear friend of mine in this thread and on IRC. This friend has been standing by my side for a very long time, through thick and thin despite me constantly shoving it into the mud as soon as an opportunity to do so has arised.
But now I have had enough. I cannot keep it in anymore.
There is nothing I can do to compensate for what I have done, as lying is the worst thing one can do.
But let it be known that I will never again leave your side, my dear friend. I do not care if Emnjay likes you, and mentions your name several times a week. I love you a thousand times more then he does, so it doesn't matter.
I do not expect you to forgive me, but at least I will do everything I can to show that I truly regret my past actions.
I love you, Chihayafuru. I always have.
You are one of my dearest treasures. You make my heart go all doki doki whenever I see you, so please never leave me. Stay with me as you've always done. Emnjay will never come between us again. ;_;