On October 07 2011 03:47 darcevader88 wrote: fucking carriers, so horrible
3/3 vs 0/0 corruptors and with fungals guess who wins?
this game is broken..
3/0 corruptors actually, and way outnumbering the air for HuK.
Nice Fantasy gg timing there huk
Crazy game, Stephano really played really well.
carriers suck against Zerg because Corruptors have a ton of HP and armour . Huk could have won this stop whinning. Stephano played better today
Jesus, Stephano is a monster in ZvP. So scary!
On October 07 2011 03:48 foxmeep wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2011 03:47 jmbthirteen wrote:On October 07 2011 03:47 Ripper41 wrote: Why a toss player would ever get a fleet beacon is beyond me how else was huk supposed to win that game? fleet beacon was the right choice. colossus? high templar? one the two CORE lategame PvZ units? Colossus would just get roflstomped by all those corruptors and roaches are immune to storms.
fantasy gg timing, but an amazing game
Carriers? Really? They're sooo awful omg. Had he gotten 12 archons instead of those pitiful 4 carriers he would have simply toileted every infestor ftw.
carriers need to be buffed, clearly.
United States12546 Posts
Haypro 2-0 Broxy454 Spades 2-0 Obsolete
Huk the new fantasy
On October 07 2011 03:49 beute wrote: so what were the carriers for?!
The crowd.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Mxuee.jpg)
On October 07 2011 03:43 IM_Megan wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2011 03:40 IM_Megan wrote:On October 07 2011 03:37 IM_Megan wrote:On October 07 2011 03:33 IM_Megan wrote:On October 07 2011 03:30 IM_Megan wrote:On October 07 2011 03:27 IM_Megan wrote:On October 07 2011 03:24 IM_Megan wrote:On October 07 2011 03:22 IM_Megan wrote:On October 07 2011 03:08 IM_Megan wrote:Second set map: Metalopolis HuK as Red the Protoss in the upper left position vs Mill.Stephano as the PinkZerg in the bottom right position. I called Stephano mill in game 1, some complains came so he is called Stephano now.. 4:00:HuK placing his first pylon at the bottom of his ramp. + Show Spoiler +Game gets paused and Huk and Stephano are having some small talk. A god of sign tells Stephano to forfeit the game.
The game started and then pauses again.
Commentators are having small talk and are annoucing there twitters account.
They are showing a video of Kevin Knockes but it doesn't go corretly so they restart it. Again it echo's altought it has been restarted. The sound is also really low.
Epix beard.
They are showing a commercial or video about coaching right now. An other coach is and now again an other coach(I do not get it?).
Now they go to the court(wtf?)
1 vs 3 it looks like.
Some sc2 comment beein used when they play basicball.
That is how he plays in MBE..
THe following program is a paid advertisement.
Randy Anderson with a weird accend about IPL about t-shirt.
It can clean:
1. blood
just blood...(wtf?)
Now they say the t-shirt is more observent with some hot chick that is working out.
It is made in americe...(okai good for you!)
1 payment of 89.95 no 79,95 no 59,95! HOLD IT 19.99.. 2 sleeves!!
With every t-shirt you buy you get something I do not know(i really do not know).
this is disturbing.
We are back at the commentators and they had no sound, after 15seconds they go sound again.
<3 IPL!
Stephano going for a spawning pool on 16/18 followed up by gas, sending his first overlord to the bottom left base. HuK places his nexus before his forge. HuK trys to denie Stephano from expanding, but Stephano was able to expand, hatch whent down at the natural at 3:30. HuK building a cannon and is taking double gas at his main. 8:00:HuK hiding a probe at the bottom left position. Stephano still droning, pulled his drones out of gas when he had 100gas. Metaspeed finishes at 5:58. Stephano taking a 3rd base. Huk places a pylon at the bottom left position. he starts warp gate research after that. twilight council goes down at 6:38. Huk places a second pylon at the bottom right, at the top of the 3rd of Stephano. Stephano getting an early evo chamber and a roach warren. HuK getting +1 damage upgrade and Stephano +1 roach attack. Dark Shrine goes down at the 7:40 minut. HuK builded 6 gateways, making them gateways when they finish. Stephano placing a spore crawler behind his 3rd, his lair is done tought so he is able to make an overseer. HuK taking a 3rd himself that is on 50% at 9:25. DT's been warped in going the the main and 3rd and natural of Stephano, Stephano taking down the 3rd of HuK before it finished. Stephano makes an overseer and cleas up the dt's with the drones/queen. Stephano going for a counter at the natural of HuK and HuK is able to let the roaches pull back. HuK engages the roaches and kill them off. blink is beeing researched for HuK and overlord speed for Stephano . Huk replaces his 3rd at 11:00. 2 spines crawler and 1 more spore beeing made by Stephano. Stephano 4rd base finished so he is on 4 bases right now vs huk 3 bases. 16:00:HuK scouts the 4rd base with a DT but the DT gets killed by Stephano. HuK making a wall at the bottom ramp of his 3rd, Stephano attacking it but huk was into the throw down forceshields. Stephano going for an attack at the natural, a few zerglings get into the main, roaches fightat the natural. Huks army to big and holds it off and he warped zealots at his main to finish of the zerglings. Stephano taking his 5th base at the same time of the attack and he is getting infestor energy upgrade and burrow. 14:23. Tunneling claws upgrade incoming for Stephano and he is creating 4 infestors. HuK getting +3 melee upgrade and is making his first void ray right now. Also getting +1 ship level(air attack). Stephano making a macro hatchery in his main. 20:00:Stephano going for an attack of the natural and kills of a few stalkers, Huk throws down great forceshields and Stephano pulls his army back. Hive in production at 17:00. Stephano see's the voidrays incoming and he is making spore crawlers that are been taken down by the voidrays. Stephano throwing down alot of infested trran and throwing fungels, he takes down all voidrays. HuK moving to the 4rd base of Stephano right now, but Stephano has made alot of spine crawler. Stephano researcing greater spire and +3 damage roach upgrade. Stephano and HuK engage, nice forceshileds by huk and a big part of Stephano army gets killed. a voidrays trys to help in the battle but the infested marines kill them off. Stephano didn't loose his whole army because he pulled back. Stephano taking the gold base and is making 12 corrupters. 26:00:HuK is making a fleet beacon. 3 voidrays attack the main of Stephano and kills of the queen but the corrupters came intime to defend. Stephano attacking at the bottom watch tower at huks army killing a few units but Stephano doesn't has that many roaches so looses them all. +3 armor incoming for HuK Stephano morphing in 11 broodlords and making 7 more corrupters. Stephano has a big roach infestor broodlords army and he goes for the natural/main of HuK. HuK is on 5 bases too and HuK is making a mothership that is on 50% at 23:57. Mothership beeing made at the nexus at the bottom left of the map. Stephano is taking down the main of HuK with his broodlords, HuK is not defending it. HuK getting almost all upgrades and Stephano is doing the same. Stephano has 6k minerals and 3.3k gas stacked at 25:00 vs the 3K minerals and 1.5k gas of Huk. Stephano scouting the bottom left and spots the mothership. Stephano attacks the natural of HuK and both armys are going head to head. Stephano is making 30 infestor right now because HuK is cleaning up the army of Stephano . 30:00:HuK is moving to the gold with his mothership trying to take it down, Stephano denies it with his corrupters and HuK has to pull back. Stephano snipes down the mothership and it falls, but HuK kills of the army of Stephano once again. Stephano getting +3 air attack damage +3 melee and +2 defens that are almost finished. Stephano making more corrupters right now. Stephano has send a queen to attack but gets killed of by huks army. Stephano getting the +10 attack speed upgrade for his lings. HuK placing his army at the top watch tower. Blinks to the main, the corrupters kill of all the voidrays, corruption beeing thrown down on the stalkers but it is not enough and HuK takes down the gold because Stephano pulled his army back. 34:00:Stephano kills of a good amounth of HuKs army and HuK pulls back. Stephano is attacking the gold base of HuK right now but HuK is defending it perfectly. HuK is sniping down the corrupters and Stephano is not pulling them back. He wants them to get killed. Stephano replacing his whole army with lings but he is really low on minerals. Zerglings come in to aid and kills of allot of stalkers. HuK restarts to make a mothership at 32:10. Gold base is still alive for HuK. Stephano making 9 infestor and retakes the gold base. Broodlords of Stephano trying to attack the gold base of Huk. Huks blink stalkers defend it perfectly. HuK is making a carrier at 33:20. Both players are almost minded out on there main natural and 3rd. HuK researching hallucination.
Mothership is at the gold base of HuK right now, 4 broodlords trying to do some damage at the gold but HuK is defending it nicely.
HuK only made 1 carrier and is making more voidrays.
7 corrupters been made by Stephano and natural paraside.
Mothership voidrays trying to push back and fort, stephano knows about the carriers.
Stephano has a big infestor army.
HuK voidsrays are on 3/3 right now and 2 shields, voidrays will crush the corrupters.
HuK is making more carriers and Stephano is making more corrupters.
Stephano gets a fungel on the mothership and snipes it down with his corrupters.
Stephano trys to engage the army of HuK, HuK making alot of vake voidrays but it doesn't help.
Stephano cleans up the army of HuK and is making alot of new lings and roaches.
3 carriers are still on the map, HuK pulling some probes to defend but it doesn't mattaer, Stephano cleans up the carriers and the voidrays, HuK has some stalkers but the ling supports gets in there to finish it off.
roaches taking down huks gold base, huk trying to ild on with some sentries and blink stalkers but Stephano just overwelm him.
+3armor upgrade beeing researched by Stephano .
Stephano going to the natural of huk, taking down the builds verly quickly. 30 more lings in production compare to the 3 stalkers of huk.
Huk warps in a DT trying to do some damage with it, alot of forceshield beeing thrown town and HuK holds on for abit longer but it is not enought, to many raoches ling corrupters and 1 overseer.
Stephano at the 4rd base of HuK right now and cleaning it up.
Stephano making hatcherys there. Cancels it because the cannons try to shoot it down.
HuK trying to hold on, not giving up! But Stephano is looking so strong that this will not happen.
HuK only has his main left but he GG's it at 42:30.
On October 07 2011 03:48 RajaF wrote: I can't believe all the balance whine. Of course carriers are bad when the other guy has a 100 supply advantage lol. it was max vs max pretty much
On October 07 2011 03:48 Roggay wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2011 03:48 poor newb wrote: huk had the game won but then he made carriers He seems to really not care about the seeds. Well, it was to be expected.
He doesn't care abotu the $1000 either? Cool guy imo
On October 07 2011 03:49 beute wrote: so what were the carriers for?!
If Huk was terran he would be flying his build to the corner, fantasy style.
On October 07 2011 03:47 darcevader88 wrote: fucking carriers, so horrible
3/3 vs 0/0 corruptors and with fungals guess who wins?
this game is broken..
Corruptors had +3 weapons.
On October 07 2011 03:48 Vyce wrote: I think the fact that HuK went Carriers should alert people to the fact he doesn't give a damn about the game
But, it was a great game!
This GG timing is fantastical.
I honestly don't know what any toss can do vs zerg if they get that late into the game. Stephano so sick. Maybe HT's plus some composition is the way to go? Infestors just shut down air so hard.... Maybe if fungal couldn't hit air. Trying to theorycraft what huk should've done here... maybe more harassment too. Would've liked to see some DT drops and zlot warps.