On March 05 2012 19:32 seRapH wrote: Pretty sure the manilest thing about j4 is his passive's animation/sound
love last hitting with that thing
Yeah. Also, I love his movement animation. Like a man. Not like a ninja who just pooped his pants (sry Shen but really).
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/fA6r9.png)
No, thank YOU, good sir.
On March 03 2012 21:40 Shiv. wrote:Show nested quote +On March 01 2012 10:19 Zerksys wrote:On February 29 2012 19:58 GhoSt[shield] wrote:On February 29 2012 16:35 Zerksys wrote: When did he get so popular? I actually know the guy so this is surprising to me. M5 busted out support Nunu to surprising success at IEM Kiev. Seems that is when Nunu's spike in play rose again in the Jungle (as a hard counter jungler) and support roles I meant the player LoCicero. When did he get so popular? On another note: I think I'm about to carry myself to 1600 with Irelia. ] Awwwwyeah.jpg
Our Teamcomp:
Ryze Kennen Rammus Janna Ashe
The result:
22-2 untouchable Ashe
I just lastpicked Trist by accident, even though we already had a caitlyn. Herpderp. End up almost dying at level 1 going to lane. Ezreal has twice my CS and has 2 kills versus my zero. Somehow I go 8/2 and win my team the game, LOL. So gud.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/TQ5tF.jpg)
LB and Fizz called mid (3rd and 5th picks, resp.). Fizz refused and instalocked despite their Riven first pick. Proceeded to die at 3 mins, used TP to come back, died again immediatly. He said we had lost when we didn't give him mid, now Graves and LB started thinking we could as well throw it. I had to lecture them about flaming once the game had ended and keep trying. Luckily LB did well against Annie and some ganks, same with botlane, and we got some dragons. Graves did most of the damage during the teamfights, along with LB trying to snipe fed Annie, so I did my tree-ing and I protected, cc'd, ulted before Tibbers and shouted "Stay here!" at Corki. Ended up doing more damage than anybody except for Graves and Annie. Tree > Riven, Olaf, Corki. o/
Just got my first Penta in ranked as Vayne.
Was super ahead but still awesome to hear ^^.
17-4-6 with 2x PD Zerkers IE BT and a Dorans
1 win from 1500 xD
Ok so I was chasing this Twitch that downed one of our inhib turrets because some 0-10 or shit galio didn't stop him. I was Tristana. I shoot him and stay on his rat tail but then I see the stealth animation... NOOO STUPID GLITCHY SHIT MUST KEEP SHOOTING TWITCH SO HE DOESN"T STEALTH. Twitch goes down to low life but manages to stealth. I stop moving for a split second.. then notice my jump cooldown is up, chase a bit more, calculate for the stop and the fact that I'm faster than twitch, blindly jump... and 3 seconds later.. you have slain an enemy B) Blind twitch kill.
Trying karthus in my first game ever with him, accidentally take AD runes/mastery pages(blame it on playing games at 3am on 5 hours of sleep, P looks like D). Laning against Kennen, I actually manage to stay even in CS and not die til 6 despite having zero damage output. By then though, bot lane and top lane have managed to die multiple times each, although GP in the jungle did do a damn fine job of picking up some kills. So we're down half a dozen kills, have a karthus whose ulti doesn't do more than 200 damage, and generally am feeling like shit.
Fast forward to teamfights though, and it turns out graves+GP+suicide Karthus is pretty silly amounts of AOE. I die every fight, but I pick up a few kills and a LOT of assists. A few teamfights and 2 barons later, other team surrenders. Turns out my plan to go RoA>voidstaff worked because my damage more than doubled after getting void staff, and again after dcap.
Just played a game as Ezreal where I started out 3/6/3 after lane phase was over. Mostly just me being stupid and dying to Fiddle ganks, or leading my support into some stupid tower dives. I was up like 40 CS over the enemy Vayne despite dying and pretty much all of my deaths were to Fiddle or enemy Nidalee (it was support Nid). Basically I played shitty lane phase.
Tried to surrender because literally every lane lost, team votes no, we have a good team fight in which I get a triple kill. Enemy team has Tryndamere, fed Ziggs, fed Fiddle, and a Vayne. Fight breaks out over dragon, enemy Vayne isn't there for it and I was making my way from top so it starts as a 4v4. I get down there and only Ahri, Leona, and myself are still alive but they're all pretty low except for Vayne. I ult them and hit several before I get down there. I killed two of them before jumping onto Vayne. Leona double stuns Vayne and I kill her ezpz. I kill Nidalee as she tries to flee. Tryndamere is the only one up and dives our low HP Leona. He gets his face melted off. Penta kill.
Go on to be 17/6/5 that game after a terrible start and after being pissed at my team for not surrendering. Turns out you can lose every lane and play like shit early game if the enemy team is too stupid to fight proper team fights.
Just had a Mantheon game where I was 13-0 by the fifteen minute mark. <3 wrecking noob sions top. Somehow the game went 40 minutes(thanks to bot feeding), but ended up the game being something like 29-4-12. Zilean ult+GA = loloolololol
On March 12 2012 13:15 overt wrote: Just played a game as Ezreal where I started out 3/6/3 after lane phase was over. Mostly just me being stupid and dying to Fiddle ganks, or leading my support into some stupid tower dives. I was up like 40 CS over the enemy Vayne despite dying and pretty much all of my deaths were to Fiddle or enemy Nidalee (it was support Nid). Basically I played shitty lane phase.
Tried to surrender because literally every lane lost, team votes no, we have a good team fight in which I get a triple kill. Enemy team has Tryndamere, fed Ziggs, fed Fiddle, and a Vayne. Fight breaks out over dragon, enemy Vayne isn't there for it and I was making my way from top so it starts as a 4v4. I get down there and only Ahri, Leona, and myself are still alive but they're all pretty low except for Vayne. I ult them and hit several before I get down there. I killed two of them before jumping onto Vayne. Leona double stuns Vayne and I kill her ezpz. I kill Nidalee as she tries to flee. Tryndamere is the only one up and dives our low HP Leona. He gets his face melted off. Penta kill.
Go on to be 17/6/5 that game after a terrible start and after being pissed at my team for not surrendering. Turns out you can lose every lane and play like shit early game if the enemy team is too stupid to fight proper team fights.
it happens all the time on low-mid elo.
the other day we also had a shitty start, lost all outside towers, couple of dragons and control of the map. But we had shen and singed! enemy had mostly AP carries. Both of our hero tanks were running around and not dying no matter what. I was literally laughing my as off. Singed build some hybrid MR+mana+AP, had lots of HP and crazy magic damage, whenever he was about to die shen used his ult. It was too late when enemy realised whats happening, we were all fed.
The other time we won 4v5 after we were losing and one of us ragequitted. We had a well-coordinated couple of tanks again. Nautilus and Shen, me fiddle and some AD carry. We just totally shut down their carries and killed them of one by one. They just surrendered after 15 min or so. I think Nautilus+Shen+Fiddle can easily 3v5 due to disables, aoe and survivibility.
After watching HazMat/Shake carry the shit out of an 1100 account on Trist last night, I figured, "Hey, why not?" (Don't know what his runes/masteries were though.)
Played bot with a Sona, didn't farm too well vs Graves/Alistar 'cause I'm bad and Sona kept accidentally taking cs. Manage to farm up IE by 20 min or so...not amazing. So I'm in bot lane farming the crap out of it to catch up, I go grab red and I see Sona being harassed Graves mid. "NOT ON MY WATCH!" I say. Jump in from bot right, combo the shit out of him, dead. K. Then AAlistar comes in from top left thinking he's going to stop me from singlehandedly taking mid tower out. Narp, brolo. AA him down to 40% or so while kiting him, he turns, pops ult and tries to run behind tower. I jump on his ass. Dead. Unbeknownst to me I was tower diving right as their Ahri shows up. As W just got off CD from the Ali kill, I immediately jump away. Ahri dives me, bringing me to 20% health. Luckily our Udyr shows up just in time. He stuns her and with my measly 2 Doran's worth of lifesteal I manage to 100-0% her with a little of Udyr's help. Still at about 35% HP, their Fiora tries her luck, coming in from top-mid brush, ulting me immediately. Once I'm finished being tickled I turn on her ass and blow her up. Unofficial quadra. Enemy team immediately surrenders.
I don't know why I have Shake to thank for this necessarily (probably because my ridiculous odds on that fight reminded me have some of the boss plays Shake made against the stupid people in his game last night), but that one goes out to you, buddy. Keep fighting the good fight.
Started a ranked game and didn't realize I was second pick so I went up to grab a snake. Came back to discover I randomed nocturne when we had a first pick jungler. Now normally at this point you would expect your team to be swearing at you but I got sent top instead with no rage at all.
Skip forward to the end of them game I finished 7/3 with one death from ulting into the pool. The rest of my team were destroying the enemy and all in all it was a fun game.
Is solo top nocturne actually viable 0_o
On March 12 2012 17:03 Jimqi wrote: [...] so I went up to grab a snake. [...] HOLY SHIT I SURE HOPE THAT'S THE "AWESOMENESS" PART CAUSE THAT'S BALLER
Ahem. Sorry for caps. Solotop Noc is alright. A friend of mine used to play him top a lot after the ult range nerf because "ganking sucks now", and he did quite well. (meaning he didn't lose lane too many times). There's a ton of champs that could theoretically solo top, but only a handful are ever played.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/koxJL.jpg) 14-2 v phantomlord nbd
Was irelia vs nid top. Naut ganked for me early so i started winning, but then they dived me 2x, first time i killed nid, but overall a very average, if not fun, game.
Then later we got aced, I just respawned and saw em going to baron, someone pinged B but I was like nah can prob stop em. Saw kat with a bar or two left, Q'ed her and then stole baron and then started killing cait, who flashed over and I followed with my flash and killed her.
What started as an ace ended as baron for us and 2 kills for me.
Later I was like meh i'll just buy GA for the hell of it, which got me a inhib our team died and i was like screw it gonna follow zil and took top, and we were working on the inhib, zil died and i was hitting it, died, and ga respawned, and took 2 shots and got it in all chat i said: "got it!" and their kat said: "I like you :3"
was back and forth and had a baron steal and even at the end the other team was all well-mannered and said "ggwp"
oh god felt so good winning that and in the end everyone was so nice about it games like that make me love this game
11589 Posts
Just played my first game as jungle Fiora (since she's free this week). Her kit, being fairly straightforward, was easy to learn and I was quickly on my way to farming my jungle happily. I get red, gank mid at the same time enemy jungle Mao ganks mid, we both kill each other's laners, but I beat him back, and then b myself once vlad is back.
I come back, to my jungle, and see swain getting pushed on, and ask him if he wants blue. He doesn't respond, simply farms mid until I (with wriggles now) down blue in 5 seconds. At this point, Swain responds, "wtf". I mainly ignore him, and continue farming my jungle for mercs. Not long after, swain dies to Vladimir mid and goes afk, "I am shit without blue." I immediately call the game a loss, but want to see how powerful a full AD build would be on Fiora. After 30 minutes of total game time, I had farmed BT, BC, Wriggles, and Mercs. was 5/2/4 with over 200 CS, a lot of it from lane. And, as it turns out, my MF had gotten HUGE at bot lane, and all I do is splitpush while my team wins 3v5 fights. Trololol Swain, you get reported AND I get a win.
Highlight of my game was a 4v5 teamfight in mid where I bust out for a triple on Mundo, Vlad, and Leona with a towerdive ult in the middle. Fiora does deeps when she's ahead, heh.
wow this wasn't a high elo game or any game of any consequence but i have had just a huge streak of uncarriable games this game was the same, totally lose. but i managed to CARRY THE UNCARRIABLE
first 25 minutes was their corki going 10-0 destroying our bot and jungle, and their mid destroying our mid. 25 minutes in, the score is 5-17, with me being 5-0-0 and the rest of our team being 0-17-0 lol. our trist, at 25 MINUTES, has 2 doran's, a pickaxe, and zerkers lmao. our skarner at 25 minutes was level 7 with shurelias and mercs. they kept sending 4-man gank squads to kill me top lane and i would evade them all and i eventually got really farmed and when we teamfought for the first time, i insta-gibbed their then 11-0 corki and ended up with a triple + a double. took 3 teamfights to end it.
final score? 21 of our 22 kills (the 13-0-8 score is deceptive, all of the assists were blatant steals by my teammates lol, i very easily could have been 21-0-0)