Student Mafia (New/Newish players welcome) - Page 15
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United States25550 Posts
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United States9835 Posts
On December 05 2011 08:04 Tunkeg wrote: Overall a good post, I agree on most of your reads. But my comments are: Adam: I was also tipping abit against scum on Adam, because of his lurking ways, but he is the only one who have been saying anti-town on Blazinghand, and I would think scum would not go after Blazinghand, but go for more easier targets. ElectricBlack Not sure if I agree on that his post was a really good post, it was an ok first post, and had he followed up then yeah, he could have been able to establish himself as town. But for me it seems abit like he is trying to give out as little information as possible, and that is not good for town. xtfftc He is a very hard read indeed. His posts have been seemingly protown, and he have had good activity. But he have supported me and Blazinghand, and as a scum that might be smart as many have town reads on us. He then have put his red mark on ey215 and a FOS on xsksc. ey215 is one of those who at the time could get framed and bandwagon lynched (based of his feud with Blazinghand) and afterward it would not be as obvious as for instance BroodKingEXE. Xsksc as a town is also a player I would presume scum would get rid off if they had the chance. So I consider xtfftc either a good townie or a great scum. As a final note I would like to say I completely agree of your comment about Blazinghand. There is no such thing as confirmed town! I like the point that it would be a bad move for Adam to post that Blazinghand was anti-town. But it also could have easily been a spur of the moment kind of thing. Blazing accuses him so he tries to discredit him rather than defending himself without thinking it through. Electric black definitely needs to post more and is lurking hardcore. It's good to point out that Blazinghand is not a confirmed townie, and sometimes I have been treating him as such. He has posted a great deal, given some good analysis and has definitely brought a lot of attention to himself. I think he is at least 95% town (what new scum would want to draw this much attention to himself) but if he ends up being scum it should be fairly obvious due to how much hes posted. | ||
Finland49 Posts
Now without directly saying anything about Ey215's alignment it looks a lot like you've flip-flopped on your opinion of him but I'm not sure if what you posted was intending to say that he was scum. For the record, we have lurkers ![]() Please tell me you're strongest town reads and people who you think are acting anti-town. On ey215: I was simply trying to understand what he meant. Probably should have just read more carefully. I did however want to say that I don't think lurker lynching is optimal in this situation. I've earlier given a few thoughts about who I think could be town. The situation hasn't changed much. I'm not going to do a list of my possible town reads since that doesn't really add anything to the discussion. Anyone can easily list town reads and appear active -- including scum. As for my strongest scum read, see my previous post. | ||
United States829 Posts
You have good reason to be suspicious of me changing my tone, but BH's style forced me to be hastily defensive in the first few posts I made. These posts put me in even more trouble, so I am focusing more on well thought out posts. You can read in to the first posts all you want, but they are defininetly not an accurate representation of the mob. If I were really in the mob, even as a newbie, do you think I would really be that hasty in my posts not bothering to think of the repurcussions? | ||
Finland49 Posts
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United States9835 Posts
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United States829 Posts
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United States25550 Posts
Obviously your mistakes absolve you from being mafia, since you wouldn't make mistakes if you were mafia, right? Take a moment to imagine how you would view someone else making this argument, and you'll realize that, even if it's true, it's not very persuasive. At all. | ||
United States546 Posts
For previously stated reasons: ##Vote: Adam4167 | ||
United States25550 Posts
On December 05 2011 09:38 BroodKingEXE wrote: That was dumb I totally forgot that the vote was on the 6th. There are 24 hours and 20 minutes left until the deadline. Vote now for your chief scumread, and change your vote later if you change your mind. I want to know who you're voting for. | ||
Finland49 Posts
On December 05 2011 09:38 Grackaroni wrote: @BByte you didnt vote correctly. you need 2 ## or Zbot wont pick it up. Thanks! ##Vote Venilath | ||
Finland49 Posts
##Vote Velinath | ||
United States829 Posts
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United States3921 Posts
On December 05 2011 08:53 Velinath wrote: And I'm back. I was rereading through Hassybaby's filter, and I'm going to revise my opinion of him a little. I think while he did react too defensively to the very light pressure that was being applied, he still reacted in a basically townie manner. The one thing that struck me over the last few pages is that BKEXE's posting style changed a lot between last night's posts and his post today. I don't know if it's just a time-of-day thing or what, but when a post tone changes that much, it tells me either A) it's done with coach input or B) it's a collaborative post from the mafia. Consider this: + Show Spoiler + On December 04 2011 13:11 BroodKingEXE wrote: Hey guys! Great to be joining. I think that when we vote we should make sure people did not mispeak. I think that we all need to figure out what we want to do as a group. What do you think? + Show Spoiler + On December 05 2011 07:06 BroodKingEXE wrote: For all of you who are getting a bad read on me, I want to confirm that I am a newbie. While I respect that Blazinghand has been pusing to prevent lurkers my reponses were obivouisly to defend myself. I feel that it is still a strategy that will work to get reads on the mafia, even if it has put me in the red. In the early stages of the game I feel that there is no way I would be able to get any proper reads as a newbie, but right now I am leaning to: Mafia: Adam - his critism of Blazinghand's style comes right after a compliment showing that he is defininetly trying to kiss up to him. Hassy - he also critized Blazinghand's style in that he accuses him of targeting people early. His votes were clearly for getting people to talk, not at all to decide who to lynch. Townies: Blazing - has been contributing to the discussion and trying to get others to talk. Velinath - I am kind of borderline on this as he has been contributing, but he seems to be following Blazing as opposed to creating comments of his own. Turnkeg - I think he has been pressuring a little, trying to get a read,but I will go for townie. Grackoroni - I will put him here because in one of his comments he left his own name on Turneg's read list and did not comment. I feel like this would have been something that he could have used to push his case. As for the rest I feel like I have not got enough infomation. I am going to be off for the next few hours as I have a project due, but I will be sure to take a break to put my vote in. It feels way different to me, anyway. For now it seems suspicious to me - I'll wait to hear more before I put my vote in, but for now it feels like scum. On Adam4167: So far, two posts. I can see why everyone's suspicious of him - he made a mistake in attacking the most vocal (and, in some people's minds, most pro-town) player. That said, I feel like it could be just defensiveness to BH's style. I'll have to wait for more posts, but for now he's just made my watchlist. On xkskc: I noted some people have been thinking that he might be scum. I think he needs to post his reads. Until then we don't have anything to go on, and that's not a good situation. Hm I honestly though that BKEXE change of posting was great. He posted some good whats the word.. Oh yea CONTENT :D He stated his reads and stated what he though of everyone. I have been encouraging this guy to post better ever since i got a noob townie read on him. I would still like him to post more but i think it was a great step in the right direction. I would not be happy with a BKEXE lynch tho Yea i really want adam to post so i can see more of his thoughts but so far its been nothing kinda disappointing. But given how it is now i have to say hes my biggest scum read. He needs to post thats the blunt of it because as it is hes getting my vote. Xkskc is a wierd case i have a scum vibe on him but its difficult he has posted a good bit at the start but after that he hasnt said alot i do agree with you that we need his reads. For now im voting adam ##Vote Adam4167 | ||
United States694 Posts
On December 05 2011 09:36 BroodKingEXE wrote: Venilath You have good reason to be suspicious of me changing my tone, but BH's style forced me to be hastily defensive in the first few posts I made. These posts put me in even more trouble, so I am focusing more on well thought out posts. You can read in to the first posts all you want, but they are defininetly not an accurate representation of the mob. If I were really in the mob, even as a newbie, do you think I would really be that hasty in my posts not bothering to think of the repurcussions? Besides the obvious WIFOM, here's my question: if you realize that well thought out posts are a good way to clear your name and help the town, why not give well thought out posts early? You're right that your posts felt rushed and reactive, but why did you post like that in the first place? | ||
United Kingdom10823 Posts
@BKEXE, I can see why your posts were rushed and defensive. But since coming back, you've WIFOMed as well as bandwagoned on Adam's vote. This doesn't feel town-like to me right now, so I'd quite like to see you address your vote, as well as a better reasoning behind your initial 2 posts. | ||
United States829 Posts
On December 05 2011 09:44 Velinath wrote: Besides the obvious WIFOM, here's my question: if you realize that well thought out posts are a good way to clear your name and help the town, why not give well thought out posts early? You're right that your posts felt rushed and reactive, but why did you post like that in the first place? You mention that you are a newbie, yet you have read up on other games before this one. Well not everyone does that, so this is truly the first game I have experienced. After my posts I took a step back and looked at them and I saw that they were terribly thought out. In the heat of the moment a newbie would obviously falter. | ||
United States694 Posts
On December 05 2011 10:03 BroodKingEXE wrote: You mention that you are a newbie, yet you have read up on other games before this one. Well not everyone does that, so this is truly the first game I have experienced. After my posts I took a step back and looked at them and I saw that they were terribly thought out. In the heat of the moment a newbie would obviously falter. Thanks for the post there. I still think it's WIFOM, but now there's something else that strikes me as strange. You haven't provided any reasoning at all for your vote, unless you're relying on your analysis post earlier. If you could go over why you voted for Adam (assuming there's more to it than just bandwagoning), please do. Adam's definitely my second choice for scum, but you haven't given me enough reason to stop suspecting you yet. My vote stands as listed. | ||
United States3921 Posts
On December 05 2011 10:03 BroodKingEXE wrote: You mention that you are a newbie, yet you have read up on other games before this one. Well not everyone does that, so this is truly the first game I have experienced. After my posts I took a step back and looked at them and I saw that they were terribly thought out. In the heat of the moment a newbie would obviously falter. Guys i have to say i really dont think BKEXE is mafia. I know when it was my first game and i was just a townie (havent got to play mafia yet) : (. I posted alot of one liners and not with a lot of content heck in my first game i just got on a bandwagon trying to lynch someone before anyone had even posted lol. Later i died because i didnt play well and the mafia were very good. Also while i did try to change my posting for the better people saw that as a sign that my mafia friends had helped me get better. I can honestly say that i can relate to a lot of what BKEXE is saying. Im glad to see his posts change i hope he can can keep improving i honestly dont see a lynch on him being productive. If he makes a scum slip thats different. but remeber you can only take WIFOM so far. | ||
United States3921 Posts
On December 05 2011 09:39 Blazinghand wrote: There are 24 hours and 20 minutes left until the deadline. Vote now for your chief scumread, and change your vote later if you change your mind. I want to know who you're voting for. Blazinghand what do you think about Ey and Veli there has been quote a bit of talk about them recently | ||
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