I have been featured in leading Germany E-Sports website: http://www.readmore.de/index.php?cont=streams&id=247
I hope to be featured in TL after I have tried applying for Twitch.tv partnership. Then I can offer different resolutions. At the moment the community and people watching are the thing that limits the quality I can offer.
Remember this evening 20 GMT Daut vs Jordan BO21 Showmatch for $5000 prize pool!
$5000 showmatch about to start, gogo everyone tune in! Land Nomad to be played today, very interested to see how that plays out ^^
twitch partnership will be huge so i can watch in 720p. :p
Great showmatch, 1k viewers+ great. I have it favorited here, so i dont need it, but featured would be good to increase your exposure.
On April 06 2012 06:19 Crowned wrote: AoC was fucking awesome.
Still is 
Really nice matches on Land Nomad, saw over 1.5k viewers
Oohhh yeah this is awesome.
By the way I want to ask: What are the general thoughts on AoE3 inside the AoE2 scene? Is it better / worse? I always thought AoE3 had a much more active multiplayer competition but apparently it's the other way around.
Great stuff DreaIVIS love seeing AoC kicking and alive again, bring backs alot of mermorys. Were you around for the early parts of AoE and AoK up unitl AoC, cause you're playing with a lot of old school players who were great at AoC. If you were, you probabaly played with some RCF clan members . Still remember when MFO was the biggest website for AoC, got to love the DarQ clan for that (pretty much was the team liquid for AoC). God I miss some of those tourny between Koven and Grunt, some great times. O not to forget Chris, Iron, Stalin, Out4Blood, and Daute, all who were some awesome players. And not to forget some of the awesome clans back then too, StorM, RiZeN, L_Clan, DjiNN, RCF, DarQ, and many others (and there were a lot of other famous clans/players that pre dated these, so sorry if I didn't include some of them).
I've played this game when I was very young with my brother and some friends. I obviously played it like a super noob and i'm really curious to what pro AoC games look like Will definitely take a look at this stream !
Battle for #1 has been CANCELLED for today.
Players have decided to reschedule. They will inform me with a new time and date when they know. They couldn't answer yet. It's possibly going to be next week.
I am really sorry for all the fans who were anticipating today's games. This is a really sad moment for me, because all the advertising and work was already done and we were also featured at Teamliquid event calendar already, which is mostly because of great fan called gwaihir. It was a really sad moment for me to cancel the event at TL. Luckily they will support us still in the future.
Sincere apologies to everyone who looked forward to this.
well i guess its ok for daut, since his destruction will be postponed now for a few days....jordan fighting !!!
No big deal, looking forward to the next matches!
Or more of your games too =)
Easter games. 1v1 rated and commentary in 10 minutes!
Germany3367 Posts
yes yes new Stream
Few games before guests come. 1v1 rated and serious training.
Play moar Land Nomad!!
And why do all players usually choose Huns when playing any 1v1?
Streaming games with Tyrant's.
This stream is awsome makes me wana go and instal aoe2 again =)
Teamgames and commentary with Tyrant's