how is it going guys long time no see this is Michael(OD) I have been playing broodwar on and off mostly on brain since 2006 and a little bit on iCCup. then when i started playing broodwar again earlier this year, ive been playing only on iCCup.
here is the stream link
I am currently C- on iccup and my main race is zerg but i offrace a lot so you guys wont get bored(hopefully). I will be playing ladder games on iCCup and i will post when i am playing so you guys can watch it. I might as well mix up some 2s with my buddies
any comments, concerns, criticism are welcome. I would really love to take this as an opportunity to get better.
Awesome! Looking forward to your stream.
I've been waiting so long to see Michael(OD) in stream list!
Always nice to see more BW streams
stream not working atm. shows loading screen but nothing happens
yes sadly it doesnt work for me either =( i tried to watch it like 4 hours ago and it was broken
Im sorry guys, I was streaming at one point then i forgot to turn it off to offline. really sorry wont happen again
Mike your a hero! Glad to find your stream on TL!
in just a few days this has become one of my absolute favorite streams on TL keep it up :D
This is my favorite stream from now on. Well, at least until 마재윤 starts streaming on TL.
what resolution and bitrate are you streaming at? If you upload supports it, you should set your output resolution to 640x480. it's a little hard to see your resource + supply count.
Great stream though! OD fighting!~
congratz for getting featured! AWESOME, haha.
Russian Federation37 Posts
Yes. Michael is my fav Player;; these days;; I dont like even pros;; except jaedong, bisu, stork, and maybe Flash ^^ but i like this one --;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archangel .....michail right hand of the GoD~
On June 09 2011 11:44 WhiteR0se wrote: Yes. Michael is my fav Player;; these days;; I dont like even pros;; except jaedong, bisu, stork, and maybe Flash ^^ but i like this one --;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archangel .....michail right hand of the GoD~
LOL I don't know why but I find the 'except TBLS' part hilarious. ot: thanks for streaming BW, always a great game to watch I suggest you work on strategy and the nitty-gritty details in micro, I find your mechanics definitely pass the C- mark.
Russian Federation676 Posts
wow he's playing so fast :O
Thanks for the stream!
Congrats on being featured :D
Russian Federation37 Posts
Thanks for streaming. Need all the brood war players we can get
Russian Federation37 Posts
I love your stream! Thanks!
C- to A- in two months? o.o wow
Great stream btw, always nice to see a gosu zerg.
On August 09 2011 03:21 Try wrote: C- to A- in two months? o.o wow
Great stream btw, always nice to see a gosu zerg. took me 2 months to get from C- to C T_T
Good manner and great player.
stream never works for me =(
always happy to watch this stream 
stork4ever maybe try disabling adblock? have this problem on all livestream.com streams?
I love watching this  You are so damn good O_O
this stream rules!
Wowowow Michel your KickAss! :=)
gosu broodwar player ~~~
Michael is Hero zerg! Michael fighting!
Lol i can't believe he's about to 4pool someone
only 3 drones
first pylon in the nat from the p
Nice job denying the probe harrass
oh shit scouting drone coming back
That was intense. I came.
dude wtf 3gate proxy citidel what
Always look forward to your streams Michael thanks for contributing to the ongoing Brood War culture with such a exciting stream, Easily the best stream available! Keep it up! Gomapseumnida!
Extremely distracting and addictive beware!
Michael why you so pro? o.O
thank you all for kind words <3
My favorite streamer! It's awesome that you're streaming again!
So cool to see you stream again =) Your play is really entertaining, that 1 hatch hydra into lurker drop against P is amazing, and that TvP where you did a 3 firebats one medic drop into harass everywhere was fucking sick. Incredible how good you are in all match ups ! Keep on streaming man !
This stream is too good: entertaining games and some non kpop music Keep it up!!!!!! btw how can you be so gosu in all three races? ~~
i love seeing your stream every day. keep playing!
best first person view stream on tl. its awesome to see someone play all 3 races so creative and consistent
You got beautiful high templar sniping with mutalisks
Really been enjoying your stream recently. Watching some ZvZ's of yours has been quite interesting and entertaining.
Wonderful stream, great entertainment, thank you very much! (Is it just me, or are you starting to listen to more and more kpop lately?)
Thx for streaming. awesome builds =) love the quick 4 hydra rush/lurker drop :D
Yey Michael you rock! Nice to see you streaming again!
good music, you are troll in every aspect
Thanks for streaming, it's awesome watching somebody this good
My review from watching him several times:
Music: Some kpop though not typically the most common songs (eg Roly Poly by T-ara or such). A lot of american rap and hiphop (both old school like Eminem from the 90:s and new things), with occasional popular latino rap.
Playstyle: Very creative, high level, cheese style of play. Extremely entertaining with everything from proxy robos to proxy hatcheries and hydra busts. Very good reaction time and APM seems decent. The cheese is often midgame cheese, not typically 5 pools or such. The occasional longer game is always a really good one as well.
Quality: 100-200 viewers when I've watched. No lag. Stream is not blurry.
Chat: The chat has mods and good discussion. A lot of good players gather in the chat because of the entertainment value and quality of the stream. Trolling or annoying discussions don't occur that much since mods are always present. Michael (Gutshot) talks to the viewers, if talked to, inbetween games.Sometimes korean conversation occurs, mostly between Michael and a viewer or two.
All in all: Possibly the most entertaining stream on TL. Without doubt the best cheese one can watch on TL. Do not miss this.
I agree with the description above. Always fun and inspirational.
This is really cool / definitely added to favorites!!!
Always supported you big mike! Love it when you stream and always spare a half hour or so when your streaming to watch you.
You profile says B-A, but your making and playing games against Ds?
Really like your decision making as Zerg. Good stream ^^
Russian Federation19 Posts
did you disable the video feature? I wanted to watch yesterdays session but I can't find a video on your twitch site
High quality zerg play and the viewers don't have to endure obnoxious korean pop music?
Best Stream Ever!
Nice music, do you use lastfm?
10387 Posts
my favorite foreigner BW stream
Wow Mike choi, didn't know you still played bw. This is Ian, we played a few games together back in highschool with luke and many others. Congrats on the invite to TLS. Rooting for you man.
hell yeah, Michael is streaming :D
dat ZvZ with HaNi[WHITE]... NICE! :D