On December 03 2010 05:40 GhettoSheep wrote: Huk is awesome, but the chat is the absolute worst thing in the world, next to the mods of the chat. They ban random people for no reason except that they feel like it lol. One mod decided to start banning anybody who used a colored name... and basically any comment they dont agree with is instant ban atm, pretty annoying
That was ret, and HuK requested only mods to have coloured names, and he was only banning people for 5 minutes.
I must admit, I love the amount that HuK has been streaming lately :D
change your damn playlist haha what is it like 3 songs on repeat?
What song was that anyway?)
excited to watch a HUK stream but the screwed up audio almost makes it unwatchable
I kinda like the pop songs Wonder what the titles are
what is the name of these song's artist? sound great :D
the music is kinda bad imo!
KPOP = volume zero!
The chat is pretty terrible haha, with starcraftman2 trolling about balance and kaffirkaffir explaining in great detail why Africans are inferior..
Turning off chat >_>
On December 04 2010 18:47 shell wrote: the music is kinda bad imo!
KPOP = volume zero!
HuK's stream is the only one I don't mute..
that´s what i was looking for, ty so much =)
HuK is playing so much lately :o
i love the amount you are streaming lately, this is definitely the best stream on TL.net right now
Please do some commentary after/during your games if you can, we would all love to hear your thoughts regarding your strategies and what is going on in game. Sometimes its hard to get insight on this by simply watching the game, as your method that you approach the game with is just as important.
Awesome streaming huk!
Love the music <3 anyone know if he's using pandora? itunes? or radio? If so, linkage would be greatly appreciated. :D
On December 04 2010 18:47 shell wrote: the music is kinda bad imo!
KPOP = volume zero! SHELL = taste zero! 
But as you said, its only a matter of taste.
Rly love huk, but quality of this stream and some sound problems make it unwatchable.
What server is he currently on? PTR?
On December 05 2010 20:49 jimminy_kriket wrote: What server is he currently on? PTR? Korean server I believe.
anyone know the name of the k-pop song he replayed a couple of times earlier today? (or i guess yesterday kst time).
the only english words i could recognize were something about rain falling, or rain on me or something...and i heard the words "knock knock knock" at one point. female vocals, dance-y beat.
i youtubed it earlier....and then i napped, and totally forgot it. Tried to find it again, but my firefox history clears itself when i exit. halp!