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One weekend of TSL is over, the round of 32 is half done. With 8 more matches to go this weekend is sure to be as action packed as the last, and the TSL is only getting warmed up. We are happy to present another round of Pre-Round of 32 Interviews, this time players playing the first half of day 3: IMMVP, Mill.Adelscott, ROOT.qxc, and MVP_Genius.
Special thanks to WaxAngel for Korean translations.
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안녕하세요? TeamLiquid Starleague 3에 환영합니다. 어떤 이유로 TSL3 초대를 승락하게 되었습니까? 대회 초대 받기 전에 TeamLiquid.net에 대해 들어본적이 있었습니까? 이번 대회의 목표는 무엇입니까?
안녕하세요. 예전부터 외국대회를 나가보고싶었는데 초대가와서 승락하게되었다 스타1시절부터 TeamLiquid.net에대해선 알고있었다 이번대회목표는 외국에나가서게임하는것이다
웅진 스타즈에서 스타1 프로게이머로 활동하던 시절에도 TeamLiquid에 정종현 선수 팬이 많았습니다. 어떤 이유로 스타2로 전향하게 되었으며, 스타2에서 어떤 업적을 이룰 수 있을거라고 생각합니까? 그리고 웅진 스타즈에서 활동하던 시절이 성공적이었다고 생각합니까?
스타1을 너무오랜시간해와서 게임의 흥미를 잃었고 그당시 연봉협상도 생각처럼되지않아 스타2로전향하게되었다. 스타2는 업적보다는 즐기면서 게임을하고싶다. 성적이 좋지않아 성공했다곤생각하지않는다 하지만 스타1을한시간들을 후회하진않는다
GSL을 시청하고 스타2에 관심을 갖고있는 해외팬들을 어떻게 생각합니까? 해외 팬들에게 전할 말 있다면?
해외팬들이 있다는건 솔직히 잘모른다. 혹시있다면 응원해주셔서 정말감사드리구 앞으로 제팬이라는게 부끄럽지않게 명경기를 많이보여드리겠다
한국 프로게이머들은 외국 대회를 많이 인지하고 있습니까? 예를 들어 미국, 유럽 지역에 IEM이나 MLG처럼 큰 규모의 대회가 많은데, 미래에 참여하고 싶습니까?
뉴스들로 다인지는하고있다. 기회가된다면 참가하고싶다.
비한국인 선수중에서 잘하는 선수가 누구 있습니까? 이중에서 경기를 해보고 싶은 선수가 있다면?
외국선수와 게임을많이해보지않아 아는선수가별로없다. Greg Fields선수가 내가아는 외국선수중엔 제일잘하는거같구 다음에 다시한번 게임해보고싶다
대회 첫 상대가 Adelscott, 프랑스의 프로토스 선수입니다. 상대에 대해 어떤 정보를 가지고 있습니까? 경기를 위해 어떤 준비를 할 것이며, 이길 자신이 있습니까?
아직상대의대한 정보는없다. 상대의스타일을 파악해서 맞춤빌드를 사용할것이다. 상대가 누구더라도 항상자신은있다
한국 선수와 외국 선수의 경기 스타일이 많이 다릅니까? 다르다면 어떤 면에서 다릅니까?
한국선수들은 틀에박힌 플레이를 하고 외국선수들은 자유롭게 플레이하는것같다
GSL 2011년 1월 대회를 우승했는데, 최근에는 박성준 선수에게 2패를 당하면서 Code S에서 탈락하는 모습을 보였습니다. Code S의 현황을 어떻게 생각합니까? 그리고 차기대회에서 좋은 성적을 낼 자신감을 가지고 있습니까?
gsl 의 신맵이 거리가 멀어지면서 테란이 굉장히 안좋아졌다. 그래서 지금 테란이 다떨어진것은 당연한거이라고 생각한다. 테란이 또다시너프된다면 좋은성적내는것이 힘들것같다. 차기대회때 종족을바꿔볼까도 생각해보았다 어떻게할지는 아직잘모르겠다
IM팀이 지난 GSTL에서 우승했습니다. 차기 대회에서도 IM팀이 좋은 성적을 낼 수 있을거라고 생각합니까? 떠오르는 신예 선수들을 소개한다면?
좋은성적을 거둘수있을것이라고생각한다. IMLosira선수가 가장기대된다
정종현 선수의 경기를 처음보는 스타2 팬에게 자신을 소개한다면?
안녕하세요 테란유저 정종현입니다.....
자신의 선수로서의 장점과 단점이 무엇이라고 생각합니까?
장점은 딱히잘모르겠다 단점은 심리전에 조금 약한것같다.
이번 대회 우승후보로는 누가 있습니까? 그리고 한국인 선수들의 외국 최상급 선수 상대로의 성적을 예상해본다면?
모든선수들이 다들 너무잘해서 잘모르겠다 . 외국선수들의 실력을아직잘몰라서 예상하기힘들다 .
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/mvpint.jpg)
Hello. I’ve always wanted to compete in a foreign tournament, so I when the invitation finally came I accepted. I knew about TeamLiquid.net since my Brood War days, and my goal this tournament is to play some games overseas.
Q: Many TeamLiquid members followed you during your time on Woongjin Stars. Why did you switch to SC2 and what do you feel you can accomplish in SC2? Do you feel your time on Woongjin was a success?
I switched to SC2 because I played Starcraft 1 for so long that I lost interest in the game, and also my contract negotiations at the time did not go as I had hoped. I’d rather play Starcraft 2 for fun, instead of focusing on achievements. I don’t think my Brood War career was successful because of my poor results, but I don’t regret my time playing it.
Q: What do you think of the international fans who watch GSL and follow Starcraft? Do you have anything to say to them?
Honestly I don’t know much about my foreign fans. If you are out there, I really thank you for cheering me on, and I’ll try to show you a lot of great games so you won’t be ashamed of supporting me.
Q: Do you think Korean Pro-gamers are more aware of international events? There are many big events like IEM and MLG with big prizes in America and Europe. Would you like to go to any of them in the future?
I know about them all through the news, and I’d like to compete in them if given the opportunity.
Q: Who do you feel are the best non-Korean players? Who have you heard of and who do you wish to play against?
I haven’t played many games with foreigners so I don’t know that many. Greg Fields is the best foreign player I know, and I’d like to face him again sometime.
Q: Your opponent is Adelscott, a Protoss from France. Do you know anything about him? How will you prepare for him? Are you confident you will win?
I don’t know anything about him yet. I plan to figure out his style and use builds tailored against it. I’m always confident, regardless of my opponent.
Q: Do you think international players and Korean players play differently? How so?
I think Korean players are rigid in their style, while foreigners are freer with their play.
Q: You won the GSL January 2011. But you were eliminated from Code S by losing two fast games to Julyzerg. What do you think about the current state of Code S? Are you confident you will be able to do well in future GSLs?
With longer starting distances on the new GSL maps, it has become very bad for Terran, I think it’s pretty obvious when all the Terrans were eliminated from GSL. If Terran gets nerfed again, I think it will be hard to produce good results. I’ve even considered changing races for the next tournament, but I’m not sure about what I’ll do yet.
Q: IM won the GSTL last month. How do you think your team will do this time? What members of your team are new rising players?
I think we’ll be able to do well. I’m looking forward to IMLosira the most.
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
Hi, I’m Jeong Jong Hyun and I play Terran…
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
I can’t really point out a strength. As for weaknesses, I think I’m a little weak against mind games.
Q: Who do you believe will win the TSL3? How do you feel the Koreans will do against the best international players?
Everyone is so good so I don’t know. I don’t know much about the foreign players’ skill so I can’t really predict the results.
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![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/adelint.jpg)
I think the qualification process is good, except the day of the qualification tourney. Playing on the weekend is hard for a player when they already have lan-tournaments and other events.
Q: What are your goals for the TSL? Have you been practicing hard since qualifying?
For the moment my goal is to win the first match against MVP. I practice PvT hard and think about how to counter MVP.
Q: MVP is considered one of the best Terrans in the world. Are you confident? What do you think your chances are to beat him?
I think he is one of the top Terrans in the world. I think I have a chance, but will probably the hardest match I've played in SC2 yet.
Q: Many fans are not giving you much of a chance in this series. What do you have to say to them? What is your mindset?
I think its normal for them to think that, I've lost to many European Terrans and its not my best match-up. My mindset is to play my best and have no regrets.
Q: Do you believe the international players have a chance to upset the Koreans?
Yes foreigners will have their chance to beat Korean players.
Q: Tell us about your team, Millenium. How has your experience been? Who are the best players in the team?
Millenium is a French team with a good atmosphere. A well balanced team with 2 good Terrans: Tarson and Diestar, 2 good zerg: Lalush and Stephano, and 2 good Protoss: ToD and me. We work to be one of the best European teams at SC2.
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
I am Benoît "Adelscott" Strypsteen, 25 years old, including 10 of Starcraft and rugby. A Protoss for life, my style is pretty different from others. I like RTS, rugby, and beer.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
I have good vision of the game and timings, but I'm slower than many top players.
Q: Which matches (other than your own) are you interested in? Why? Who do you believe will win?
Qxc vs Genius will be really interesting, first because I play the winner and because I like Genius' style.
Q: Do you have anything to say to your fans and supporters before the Round of 32?
I hope I will not disappoint anyone and go as far as possible in this competition.
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I found myself a bit disappointed after losing to HuK at Assembly. For whatever reason whenever I lose an important match I feel a great need to go play immediately after. It's sort of like a cleansing ritual now. Lose important showmatch/tournament. Ladder for hours without resting. Feel a bit better.
I wanted to qualify for the TSL but due to other real life things going on I hadn't really been in the correct state of mind when the tournament inevitably rolled around on previous Saturdays. For all practical purposes the atmosphere at Assembly was nearly perfect and became better as the night grew later. I was actually fairly close to losing in the Ro64 when I made some pretty significant mistakes vs. antimage TvP. After that I didn't have much fear of getting knocked out until I play SelecT.
By the time the finals rolled around it was already 2 a.m. or so in the old cable factory. Jimpo and the last fan had long since left. So there I was sitting alone on the second floor of the LAN waiting for Zeerax & Strelok to finish playing. No distractions. As long as I was going to give up the whole night for the qualifier -- I figured I might as well win. So I tried really hard and took the finals in convincing fashion.
Afterward I was a bit miffed that I didn't have anyone to share the results with. At some point around the finals a Fin sat down and watched me finish playing Zeerax. He asked if I wanted to play a best of 3 vs. him after I finished the TL Open. I said sure. After massing ravens in the second game we had a good laugh and I left him with the mousepad I won from beating Grubby earlier that day at the steelseries booth. It's a strange feeling to both lose and win a tournament on the same day.
Q: You are currently studying in Spain. Do you feel this is affecting your practice? How is the EU server compared to the NA?
Let me start by answering the question that you meant to ask. Europe is a better server overall. There are more better players and more people who take the game more seriously. In general the Europeans seem more consistent than the North Americans but I'm not sure about the skill gap at the top. I haven't really played on NA since December. Since I'm only in Madrid for a single semester I've been trying to fit in a lot of things that can only be done while abroad here. So I've been traveling for a number of European events. I've also been practicing my Spanish and staying in shape by doing parkour with natives on the weekends.
As far as practice goes -- it's been different. Having relatively good latency to Europe has been helpful but the internet at my homestay is pretty terrible and when my roommates are using it I tend to have a lot of delay. I also cannot really participate in any NA tournaments due to time differences and having to wake up at 10 a.m. for school Monday to Thursday.
Q: You recently played at IEM World Finals, but you did not advance out of groups. What do you think went wrong?
I failed to prepare properly for IEM world finals. I've always had a great deal of difficulty playing in the morning and I didn't have my sleep schedule in order for the event, partly because I got sick the previous Saturday and ended up staying up all night. In terms of general game preparation I should've spent a bit more time practicing with better players instead of mostly on ladder. As there are very few high level Zergs, ladder tends to not be the most helpful way to practice that matchup. Unfortunately, due to latency problems, playing on NA was fairly challenging as well.
Alas -- I don't really like talking about IEM in general because my explanations inevitably start to look like excuses and I don't like making excuses. I messed up and I've learned from my mistakes. Hopefully I can perform better at future events using my newfound knowledge.
Q: Your opponent is MVP_Genius, a Protoss player from Korea. Do you know anything about him? What do you think your chances are? How are you approaching the match?
Genius won Blizzcon and since has not done a whole lot from what I understand. I'm focusing more on my own builds and skills rather than trying to analyze an opponent that I don't really know much about. In terms of chances -- I don't know. I'm tired of answering questions about expectations of my own performance. I'm just going to play as well as I can and see how it goes.
Q: Do you think the NA/EU players will be able to compete with the Korean invites? Who do you think stands the best chance?
Latency may end up being the trump card for some foreigners if it ends up working in their favor. Honestly I don't really expect many -- if any foreigners to make it very far. An all Korean server round of 8 would not be surprising. I feel like I hear about foreigners saying how they can compete with the Koreans a lot of the time. What I don't hear is why foreigners think they can compete. There are very few players who take the game as seriously as the Koreans do and put in the same amount of time and practice. If I worked twice as hard as everyone else I would expect to be better than they are. Anyway - we'll see soon enough.
Q: How is ROOT lately? Do you still interact with your clanmates often even though you are on a different time zone now?
Time zones make it almost impossible to interact with anyone in North America. When I wake up the majority of them are already going to sleep and when I go to sleep most of them are either asleep / working / at school / not online yet.
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
Hi. I'm qxc. I like long walks on the beach. I enjoy staring at the stars and splashing in puddles. I am sarcastic and enjoy subtle humor. You might even call me a troll. I am a workaholic and like to excel at anything and everything I do. I'm also fiercely creative and enjoy coming up with new angles and perspectives to approach past problems. I like to think that there is nothing (except for maybe art) I cannot do with my list of activities beyond Starcraft 2 also including things such as parkour, Brazilian jujitsu, ice hockey, ultimate frisbee, poetry/writing, a number of different games as well as rhythm games such as DDR/GH3.
I prefer to carve my own path in the activities that are most important to me. In high school I founded a Chess Club which died once I realized that there was no one left to play at school. In College I started a Brazilian jujitsu club which is hopefully branching into some MMA under the guidance of someone else this semester. I enjoy throwing myself into activities with all the energy I have. When actively doing physical activities I tend to live in between injuries. Right now I have around 10-15 minor scratches and open wounds from diving in frisbee (on sand) as well as climbing walls in parkour.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
My greatest strength is my flexibility. I don't mind pursuing outrageous strategies or trying things that are off-beat in order to take advantage of the situation. My greatest weakness is that sometimes I get so absorbed in my own cult of qxc that I forget how important practice and hard work are to producing results.
Q: Which matches (other than your own) are you interested in? Why? Who do you believe will win?
I'm most interested in Tyler vs. Strelok as Tyler is in my group at MLG and I can use that as an opportunity to see directly into his soul. In general any TvP/TvZ/TvT interest me as long as the players perform well. As very few people consistently show good results and an up to date understanding of the metagame, I won't really know what I'm excited for until after I've already watched the games.
Q: Do you have anything to say to your fans and supporters before the Round of 32?
Thank you to all my fans and supporters. I am sorry to have disappointed with my performance at IEM and hope to turn that around.
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gl hf
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안녕하세요? TeamLiquid Starleague 3에 환영합니다. 어떤 이유로 TSL3 초대를 승락하게 되었습니까? 대회 초대 받기 전에 TeamLiquid.net에 대해 들어본적이 있었습니까?
이번 대회의 목표는 무엇입니까? 초청을 해주시면 다른이유없으면 거의 하는편이라 하게됫습니다 / 스타1할때 들어봣습니다 / 일단 결승이 목표입니다
GSL을 시청하고 스타2에 관심을 갖고있는 해외팬들을 어떻게 생각합니까? 해외 팬들에게 전할 말 있다면?
정말 관심가져주시는거에 감사합니다 재미있는 경기 보여드리도록 노력하겟습니다
블리즈컨을 우승한 경력이 있는데, 정민수 선수에게 어떤 경험이었습니까? 팬들의 숫자에 놀랬습니까? 한국 프로게이머들은 외국 대회를 많이 인지하고 있습니까? 유럽 지역에 IEM이나 MLG처럼 큰 규모의 대회가 많은데, 미래에 참여하고 싶 습니까?
블리즈컨할때 정말 많은분이 잇엇는데 정말 놀랐고 그 곳에서 우승한것이 제인생에 가장 행복했던 기억입니다 / 게임할때는 몰랏는데 그후에 사진을 봣는데 정말 많아서 놀랫습니다 / 한국사이트에 외국대회가 열리는게 많은 글이 올라와서 알고잇습니다 / 당연히 스타2대회는 다참여하고싶습니다
비한국인 선수중에서 잘하는 선수가 누구 있습니까? 이중에서 경기를 해보고 싶은 선수가 있다면?
일단 보고판단하는건 한계가 있기때문에 직접 게임을 해보지 않아서 잘모르겟습니다 저는 idra가 가장 잘한다고생각하고잇어여
대회 첫 상대가 ROOT.qxc, 미국의 테란 선수입니다. 상대에 대해 어떤 정보를 가지고 있습니까? 경기를 위해 어떤 준비를 할 것이며, 이길 자신이 있습니까?
정보는 없고 외국대회 대진표를 보면 상위에 있는것을 봤기때문에 방심하지 않고하면 충분히 이길수있을것같아여
한국 선수와 외국 선수의 경기 스타일이 많이 다릅니까? 다르다면 어떤 면에서 다릅니까?
네 확실히 다른것같아요 / 빌드면에서나 생각하는게 다르기때문에 운영도 확실히 달라요
블리즈컨을 우승하고 조금 침체된 모습입니다. 단지 운이 안 좋은건가요? 아니면 Code-S의 수준이 많이 높아진것입니까?
제가 코드S나 블리즈컨같이 해외대회에서 게임하는것자체로도 너무행복하기때문에 승부욕도 많이없엇고 다른게임도 많이 하면서 햇기때문에 실력이 떨어진것같아요 최근에 팀도 들어가서 다른게임도잘안하고 많이 게임을하고있기때문에 조만간 곧 좋은모습꼭 보여드리겟습니다
정민수 선수의 경기를 처음보는 스타2 팬에게 자신을 소개한다면?
토스의 정석적인 빌드+안정적인운영을 원하시면 제플레이를 보시면될것같아요 재미는 좀 떨어집니다 ㅜㅜ
자신의 선수로서의 장점과 단점이 무엇이라고 생각합니까?
장점은 안전하게해서 운영만가면 거의안진다는 마인드가 장점이고 단점도 너무 안정적으로 하는게 탈입니다
이번 대회 우승후보로는 누가 있습니까? 그리고 한국인 선수들의 외국 최상급 선수 상대로의 성적을 예상해본다면?
제가 우승후보입니다 ㅋ.ㅋ 아무래도 한국선수들이 기량이 좀 뛰어나다고생각하기때문에 한국인선수들이 올라갈수록 많은 비중을 차지할것같아요
![[image loading]](/staff/heyoka/tsl3/geniusint.jpg)
I'm the type that doesn't really turn down invitations. I heard about TL when I played BW. Reaching the finals is my goal for now.
Q: What do you think of your international fans who watch GSL and follow Starcraft? Do you have anything to say to them?
I'm really grateful for people taking interest in me. I'll try hard to show them entertaining games.
Q: You won Blizzcon. How was your experience? Were you surprised at how many fans there were? Do you think Korean Pro-gamers are more aware of international events? There are many big events like IEM and MLG with big prizes in America and Europe. Would you like to go to any of them in the future?
There's so much I could say about Blizzcon. I was just so surprised by everything, and winning there was the happiest moment of my life. I couldn't tell while I was playing, but I was really surprised by the size of crowd when I saw pictures later. I know about foreign tourneys because news is posted frequently on Korean sites. Of course, I'd love to compete in every Starcraft 2 tourney out there.
Q: Who do you feel are the best non-Korean players? Who have you heard of and who do you wish to play against?
Well there's limitations to judging players based off just watching their games, so I can't really say without having played against them. I guess Idra is the best.
Q: Your opponent is ROOT.qxc, a Terran from the United States. Do you know anything about him? How will you prepare for him? Are you confident you will win?
I don't have any information, but he always seems to place highly when I look at foreign tournament news. As long as I don't let my guard down, I should be able to win.
Q: Do you think international players and Korean players play differently? How so?
They're definitely different, because their builds and the way they think is different. Their overall management differs as well.
Q: You won Blizzcon but since then you have not had as much success. Is it bad luck? Is Code S becoming harder to win?
When I competed in Code-S, Blizzcon, or other foreign tournaments, I was so happy just to be able to participate. I didn't have much desire to win, and I was playing a lot of other games as well, so my skill level dropped. I joined a team lately and I'm practicing a lot and not playing so many other games on the side, so I should be back in shape soon.
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
If you like standard, safe Protoss play, you should watch my games. I admit it's not that entertaining T_T.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
My strength is that I believe I'll never lose as long as I can play a safe macro game, and my weakness is that I try to play too safe.
Q: Who do you believe will win the TSL3? How do you feel the Koreans will do against the best international players?
I will win, keke. I suppose that Korean players are a bit better, so I think they'll be more prominent in the later rounds.
This is just the first of what we have in store this week, check back soon! 3 more rounds to go until we hear from every competitor in the round of 32.
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By signing up, you can also enter the TSL3 Raffle, where you can win a 5-night trip to South Korea for 2 people to watch StarCraft live in person and tour the oGs-Liquid house.
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