****************************************************************************************************************** IMPORANT ****************************************************************************************************************** IT HAS BEEN MOVED BACK TWO WEEKS
****************************************************************************************************************** What, Where, and When ****************************************************************************************************************** What: 16 Player Internet Sc2 Tournament and 32 Player Lan 40 Person event
Where: This will be Hosted at A World of Heroes 2464 Winder HWY Dacula GA. 30019
When: March 12 2011 from 12 Noon to 12 Midnight ***************************************************************************************************************** To sign up ****************************************************************************************************************** Example sign up sheet and scanned so you could see what I file. + Show Spoiler +
**If your not playing and just coming to hang out then just use the: Name & phone number & If you want 1,2, or no meal tickets.**
Send me a email at starcraft2.gwinnett@yahoo.com with: (I filled in mine as an example) First name (or what people call you) : Justin Starcraft 2 name and code: NoInControl.509 battle.net ladder class and points: diamond 316 Race played: Zerg Phone Number:
Put an X next to the ones that apply to you [X] $5 lan for fun [ ] $10 tournament ($7.50 of witch is going to prize pool and you only pay $2.50 for lan) [X] $2 Rent and power (applies to any one who is not just watching) $5 for Meal Ticket (2 can drinks and 4 pieces of pizza. These can be cash in at 2 and 6) [ ] 2 p.m. [X} 6 p.m.
Can you bring all your own stuff if not what do you need: Can bring all
(Optional) Any ideas you have: ****************************************************************************************************************** General Info ******************************************************************************************************************
Get there around 12:00 to 12:30 (We need this time to set you up) It starts at 1:00
If all 16 people for the best of three show up then the prize pool will be $120 First: 90 Second: 30 Third: high five
There Will be two main things going on: The Tournament The LAN
The Tournament: It will be 16 people double elimination. Semi-finals and finals will be best of 5. The Estimated times are Round 1 1:00 Food 2:00 Round 2 3:00 Round 3 4:00 Round 5 5:15
The LAN: It is going to be 16 people(+ people knocked out of the Tournament) just playing custom games or doing what ever ass long as it is Starcraft or Starcraft2 related.
Other stuff that is going to happen: The finals will be held in a back room with noise blocking head phones. This is because the game will be shown on a projector that will show the game at about 100+ inches also the speakers will be a little loud and I do not want them to hear.
I want to also show some Funday Monday style games on there about 2 or 3. The Funday Monday options are: 1. Planetary Fortress Rush 2. Fast Expo the "their" natural. 3. Base trade and rebuild at their main. 4. Game where other player raged really hard at you.
Email me your replays at starcraft2.gwinnett@yahoo.com I will show off best 2 or 3 replays after Finals why people are eating.
Other thing that will be played: A king of the hill Merchants rpg SC2 custom map Left to Die SC2 custom map Aiur Chef SC2 custom map And One big round of a DOTA like map.
These are all just for fun you do not have to join in. You can just play want ever you want.
****************************************************************************************************************** Food and Drinks ****************************************************************************************************************** There is a few options Meal Ticket: $5 (Two drinks and 4 slices of pizza, These can be cashed in at 2 and 6) Can drinks: $0.50 Chips$0.50 Candy bars $0.75-$0.25 And a few other snack options ranging from $0.25 to $2.50 ****************************************************************************************************************** Slots open ****************************************************************************************************************** To just play: 1. Justin (NotInControl.509) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
To play in tournament: 1. Chris (Xenoth) 2. Richard (SCV) 3. Alex (Kilralpine) 4. jacob (MoOdY) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
To hang out and not play: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
***************************************************************************************************************** Needs Rides Section ******************************************************************************************************************
1. Emory college dorms 2425 Dooley Drive Decatur 30033 If someone could give him a ride that would be a great help =) He can pay gas
o.0 If I were you I highly suggest editing your OP and putting a LOT OF INFO in it. What is it, when is it, cost etc. Otherwise your going to get banned. EDIT: Quickly!
Osaka27125 Posts
Don't put obnoxious exclamation marks in your titles.
I'll see if I am able to come to this one. Sad I could not make the first one. I agree with Arlock, take some time to edit the post and make it cleaner if you can. Doesn't look too presentable at the moment. (Try using bold and such rather than *******STUFF******) Just my thoughts.
I missed the 1st one, I emailed you for this event
I am probably going. Hopefully I can get most of my team to come. Looking forward to it!
Whats the details on "internet" players??? Are they allowed into the prize pool tournament?
Will be attending
This is in person only. however I am looking into doing an online one that any on can enter but it will have nothing to do with the lans. and it will take place over a week or two. But like I said it will be unrelated.
Ok, was just wondering thanks for the quick response
Sign me up yo. sent you an e-mail.
Also, just checked the thread for the last one... I imagine the Ro4 and finals were pretty uneventful games. If you put all the "good players" and all the "baddies" together you've got the best of the best playing the best of the worst in the finals...
Just throwing it out there that it might need to be switched around a bit, or make the seeding completely random.
You got it reversed Moody I made it so the best players didnt play each other to the end. We had all 3 master league players in the simi finals.
herp derp. Re-read the other post. It's all so clear now... /facepalm.
I am bringing all of my team that I can. (Moody is on it) We placed top 3 in the Gamebox tournament in Birmingham, AL. So I promise you will see some good games We brought 5 players, but I knocked out two of them. Sorry Anthony and Garrett -_-
Can you email me all your team members sign up info? so i can add you guys on.
I don't know all of their info and who can go. Seems like 3 of us so far. Maybe more. I'll keep you posted.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/F0eh7.jpg)
^^ The "podium" from the Gamebox Tournament.
lol nice pic Moody! I'm in the bama hat
I posted a thread on a facebook group for a LAN thats in Birmingham. I offered to help with carpooling and what not so hopefully some people will see it and come!
No one is sending me emails only 4 people signed up for this so far come on guys get those in. Until i see about how many people are coming there is some stuff I cant plan some stuff.
Don't worry, we are working our magic. Me, Moody, Regnen, and some others ARE the Alabama SC2 community. So we gotcha covered.
So how many of you guys are coming =)
I still have to talk to a lot of them. Going to the Bham LAN soon to try and recruit more people.
Last time when really well and this time should go even better
I am planning on coming again,not sure it what capacity yet.
When people send me all there info I will update the first post with there name.
Also if you get 8 people from Alabama it would be Ga vs Al
now that would be cool
like these prices, if i would live close i would be there for sure but.. germany hell sux !
gl and hf there, just dont drink to much.. lol
i want to go but i'd need a ride, can anybody help me on rides =S
I need help with some online stuff, does any one want to pitch in? I just need a few mods to help me this time around.
Does any one know how to get a hold of Zelica?
What do you need help with on the online side of things?
I know more than 4 people are interested...hurry and sign up!
Any more people going to be signing up for this? o.O
Sorry guys, probably can't make it this time around. Would have loved to bring some friends and play with the Alabama players though.
Just checking in.... Want to know if there's been any updates on this. I need to plan a few weeks in advance if I'm driving all the way out to Gwinnett...
Hey guys just letting all you know that its still on I am just wait to see how many emails i get buy the 20th to see how large it will be about, so keep sending them in.
Any body have any questions about anything?
Added needs a ride section please check it out.
How many people came to the last tournament?
Also, more than 4 people (including myself) are gonna have to go to warrant my drive over there. I thought more people from my team would wanna go, but I guess I was wrong. Meh.
last time 16 people showed up to play, and about 24 people total
How many signed up early a la this thread?
i'm the person who needs a ride i'd appreciate it; although u might not want me there cuz i will win the entire thing =S
Little overconfident, perhaps?
Email me your info and ill add you to needs a ride.
Also unless it picks up it looks like it will be smaller this time, also There is not anything like this in Georgia so we really need this to take off. Anyone who can come please do.
Also xiSpec if Vicious, Zelica, or the guy Vicious played in the semi's shows up again It might not be that easy =Þ
or from the sound of it Scruffy sounds like he wants a shot at you X)
But People please start signing up I really need to get the roster filled out. If we can make this take off this might be the next mlg in a few years you never know.
Yeah we really need more people to sign up, ive invited everyone I know but im the only sc enthusiast i know irl t.t
please people I can go if I can hitch a ride >.<
On February 18 2011 02:55 xiSpec wrote: please people I can go if I can hitch a ride >.<
Where do you live?
Unless more people start signing up fast we might need to change to a later date =(
On February 18 2011 05:24 NotInControl wrote: Unless more people start signing up fast we might need to change to a later date =(
Probably. Thought there would be more SC2 players around Atlanta.
I am going to have to move the date back two weeks.
I am trying to get the word out i am going to drop an ad on facebook, and make and put out some flyers. If any of you wanna help please do. =)
Thanks for the heads up, I decided to change race before the tourney so I guess this gives me just enough time .
link the facebook group here and we can all add it
Is this still happening? Would like to know, so I can schedule other plans for this weekend.
We kinda decided we're not going to come unless the list fills up.... no point in us making that drive to play against each other :\
yeah i think this should be delayed ..
last time half the people that showed up didnt sign up, so the list is deceiving as of now.
The OP doesn't say if it is BYOC or not, is it?
Not gonna be able to make it. Gas costs too much now and I have to save for MLG Dallas. Sorreh, maybe next time.
Ya this isnt going to work out, I will try again over the summer. I put some money into it as well, like facebook adds.
damn! Also, UnRealXenoth, Alabama?! Im from there.
Aww man, I was really looking forward to this
SkaPunk, search "Alabama Gamers" for the Alabama thread.
Because of my job i was not able to give this all the time need to promote it.
When summer comes around i will try again. My job should settle down by then, and i will have more free time.
ALSO my goal is to dump $500 into advertising. and really work hard on getting a huge turn out. Sorry about having to cancel this one though v.v
Hey, no worries. I wanted to go but had another commitment unfortunately. Now I don't feel as bad. But during the summer, I think a lot of people will be more likely to show up. I'll be in Korea or Malaysia for most of the summer, but during times when I'm not, I'll try to show!