On May 17 2011 23:59 57 Corvette wrote: Re-read em.
I can't remember, since it has been so long since I registered, but does the site still force you to read this thread when you register? yes.
I shall prove that i have read the commandments by making my first post here!
Understood sir! ~salutes~
Great idea it keeps trolls out and lets the users have intelligent discussions about Starcraft.
Well someone's got a burning bush up their @$$
I made my first post and its here!
First post in this thread, got it.
Sounds good to me
In respect to commandment Number 9 this is my first post here: I like these Commandments. They seem to be able to create a healthy discussion atmosphere.
Hey moderators, what's happening? The rules you posted must be why this website is my new go-to instead of the blizzard forums. I won't try to tip tap around them, but I think I get the spirit of the message crystal clear.
i'm new to TL, but i totally respect the rules of TL and i love the SC2 community, so copy that ^^
I would like to join the Fanclub, too.
He is just siuch an awesome person, positive all the time. Everyone knows how nice he is, and what he does fpr esports and especially Starcraft.
I was just a casual gamer a Year ago. After playing SC2 Single Campaigne, is did some Multiplayer matches and sucked hard. After finding his shows, i started more and more playing with his advices. Nowadays i play abaout 10-20 Games a day and watch many casts and streams (of course all the dailies), when i got time. He brought me into this scene and to TL.net, so i'm a fanboy of him
Hello Community, i will try my best to follow said rules.
haaaaaaaaaa make me laught reather be spitting out gandoff bath <>