6-8 hours/day - reading (school stuff)
2 hrs/day - email/internet/facebook whatnot
3-4 hrs/week - gaming (some movies)
I've heard that IPS panel have a very excellent picture quality over led, tn, etc.
I was considering getting this LG monitor
http://www.ebay.com/ctg/LG-Flatron-IPS236VPN-23-Widescreen-LED-LCD-Monitor-Black-/108815239?_refkw=ips monitor&_pcatid=47&_odkw=monitor&_pcategid=80053&_osacat=80053&_dmpt=Computer_Monitors#pbe-rvws
I have no experience over monitors. As I have been using laptop all my life. Should I get the IPS? or the common LED monitors instead?
As much as possible, I don't want to go over the $250 price range.
My current specs fx8150 and 6950.2gb if it helps, other than my daily usage I stated above.