So this summer i have a very nice paying job and im looking to expand my gaming setup with building a pc, I already have a beautiful monitor which im getting another one (asus v236h i think) and death adder. now its time to add a nice keyboard seeing as im on a laptop now.
After much researching, i have come to the conclusion that filco is the way to go but i am not quite sure what to get. I like on the quieter side of keyboards but im not sure which one that exactly would be.
Really would like some feedback seeing as i know you guys are knowledgeable!
Just choose what type of switch you want, linear is black switch, tactile is brown and click is blue. I think you should try out the new version ninja, it looks really really decent.
Yeah Elevenst got to the link before I did, pretty much not much to explain, everything is in there.
Black is more designed for gaming, but you will not FEEL much of a difference between that and a regular one. I would have gotten the brown, you get the feeling of a mechanical switch while not having a clacky sound (that is if you do not like it).
It is preference to be honest, if you want a sound you would get the blue. I used a Brown and White Alps switches, they are all pretty decent. To appreciate the keyboard, I would probably get keys with a tactile feeling, the rest comes down to whether you want a clicky (and loud) sound or not.
Blacks arent 'designed' for gaming, they are more oriented towards games in which you have to hold a key press for an extended period of time, this is because it's linear. This actually makes it quite poor for rts games, which require rapid presses of keys. Blacks require you to nearly bottom out the key for it to actuate, while blues and browns are actuated half way, giving you the ability to touch type. Overall blacks require the most force and put the most strain on your hands. Browns and blues are overall the more popular choice for SC2, blues are loud and have an audible click, and browns are more subtle (but any mech keyboard makes noise when you press keys).
On June 12 2011 12:42 Phayze wrote: Blacks arent 'designed' for gaming, they are more oriented towards games in which you have to hold a key press for an extended period of time, this is because it's linear. This actually makes it quite poor for rts games, which require rapid presses of keys. Blacks require you to nearly bottom out the key for it to actuate, while blues and browns are actuated half way, giving you the ability to touch type. Overall blacks require the most force and put the most strain on your hands. Browns and blues are overall the more popular choice for SC2, blues are loud and have an audible click, and browns are more subtle (but any mech keyboard makes noise when you press keys).
Blacks also actuate half way. Please make sure you know the facts before telling it to someone else.
On June 12 2011 12:42 Phayze wrote: Blacks arent 'designed' for gaming, they are more oriented towards games in which you have to hold a key press for an extended period of time, this is because it's linear. This actually makes it quite poor for rts games, which require rapid presses of keys. Blacks require you to nearly bottom out the key for it to actuate, while blues and browns are actuated half way, giving you the ability to touch type. Overall blacks require the most force and put the most strain on your hands. Browns and blues are overall the more popular choice for SC2, blues are loud and have an audible click, and browns are more subtle (but any mech keyboard makes noise when you press keys).
Blacks also actuate half way. Please make sure you know the facts before telling it to someone else.
Yep, blacks, blues, and browns actuate halfway as do reds and clear. This thread has a ton of great info the switch types.
Blues. Why get a mechanical keyboard if it can't sound mechanical? Same thing as browns, except you get to have audible feedback too. I'd never switch from my blues. They are perfect.
On June 12 2011 12:33 Quanbsn wrote: Just choose what type of switch you want, linear is black switch, tactile is brown and click is blue. I think you should try out the new version ninja, it looks really really decent.
Yea, should definitely go for the ninjas. I regretted not waiting for them.
Anybody actually notice an improvement in APM or play from their upgrade to mechanical from rubber dome? I have a saitek eclipse 2 which has very soft keys and basically is meant for gaming but it's kind of old now and considering to go mechanical. I'm questioning though whether or not it's even worth the extra money...
Some testimonials on how mechanical keyboards helped any players plz?
I'm loving my cherry mx blue TBH. It all depends on the person and the feel you like. Sadly, without trying out different keyboards, you won't know which switch is best for you.
Personally, blue is my best. I like the feel of blue better with the games I play, but Cherry MX Browns are known as one of the best for gaming since most gamers ALWAYS bottom out during the heat of the moment.
Your best best: Find a place or find people who own different switches. Try each switch out.
Obviously thats a long shot. From everything I read or heard before I bought my keyboard, Blue is the best place to start, but, as I said, most gamers prefer the browns.
All in all, try the browns (yes, I know I just made my whole post useless).
On June 12 2011 15:47 Zapdos_Smithh wrote: Anybody actually notice an improvement in APM or play from their upgrade to mechanical from rubber dome? I have a saitek eclipse 2 which has very soft keys and basically is meant for gaming but it's kind of old now and considering to go mechanical. I'm questioning though whether or not it's even worth the extra money...
Some testimonials on how mechanical keyboards helped any players plz?
I have felt an APM increase since I got my Filco (about a week ago). In tetris I started setting new records after about 3 days. I definitely feels better to play tetris.
For stepmania I took a huge hit in timing when i switched but after a day I started to get back to the same level that I was before. Now I'm getting better scores than before.
I don't notice a difference when i'm playing starcraft but I feels pretty good when I type. I have a Filco Brown btw.
On June 12 2011 14:39 gulati wrote: Blues. Why get a mechanical keyboard if it can't sound mechanical? Same thing as browns, except you get to have audible feedback too. I'd never switch from my blues. They are perfect.
The second of which is that there is a clear audible feedback from using the browns if you bottom out. You make it sound as if the browns are compeltely silent. The browns are light enough that you'll be bottoming out 100% of the time when playing starcraft. Trust me have a brown and it still makes noise and feels good.
On June 12 2011 15:47 Zapdos_Smithh wrote: Anybody actually notice an improvement in APM or play from their upgrade to mechanical from rubber dome? I have a saitek eclipse 2 which has very soft keys and basically is meant for gaming but it's kind of old now and considering to go mechanical. I'm questioning though whether or not it's even worth the extra money...
Some testimonials on how mechanical keyboards helped any players plz?
Mine was a decrease. I noticed myself not spamming as much, which is both good and bad. My keyboard movement is slower than before and it's much more tiring for long games. I even felt that I'm compensating my slower keyboard movement with my mouse movement.
My main issue is probably the long travel distance of the keys to bottom out and I was a user of flat keyboards. I've put in some conscious effort into not bottoming out. But in the heat of the games, it just wouldn't work. Sometimes, a 20 min game felt like a 30 min game. Still working on this after 2 months.
What I like about it: -typing on it felt really good -love it for fps games -build quality is second to none
It's a trade-off that most people have to deal with.
On June 12 2011 15:47 Zapdos_Smithh wrote: Anybody actually notice an improvement in APM or play from their upgrade to mechanical from rubber dome? I have a saitek eclipse 2 which has very soft keys and basically is meant for gaming but it's kind of old now and considering to go mechanical. I'm questioning though whether or not it's even worth the extra money...
Some testimonials on how mechanical keyboards helped any players plz?
I've heard people say they type faster since all the keys are more responsive. But actual game-play I'm not so sure.
I believe most people think you can get up to 10 WPM increase in typing. I think I've gone from a 90 WPM to 110, but that's a rather unscientific sample of one for me.
On June 12 2011 15:47 Zapdos_Smithh wrote: Anybody actually notice an improvement in APM or play from their upgrade to mechanical from rubber dome? I have a saitek eclipse 2 which has very soft keys and basically is meant for gaming but it's kind of old now and considering to go mechanical. I'm questioning though whether or not it's even worth the extra money...
Some testimonials on how mechanical keyboards helped any players plz?
I upgraded from a rubber dome to a Leopold FC200RT with Cherry Browns.
Specifically in terms of game play, the biggest improvement for me was 1a2a3a'ing. With a rubber dome, often times, one of the a's wouldn't register due to the speed at which I pressed the buttons. However, that hasn't been the issue with a Mechanical keyboard (for obvious reasons).
Other than that, it's just much more pleasant to type and play on. My fingertips are most pleased.
If you have the money to spend on the upgrade, I would do it - assuming the durability and build quality of mechanicals is as advertised (mine is not old enough for me to make a judgement regarding that).
I have a keyboard with cherry browns and another with blacks. For RTS and general typing, go with brown or blues. Since you like quieter keyboards, go for browns.
I know a lot of people use cherry blacks for SC2, and I sometimes use them too when I'm too lazy to swap keyboards. Nothing wrong with it, but browns feel much better.
If you can, see if you can try them out somehow in stores. Although I doubt stores will carry Filcos or Leopolds.