General Support
+ Show Spoiler [FAQ] +
I want to build a computer, help me!
See this thread or this thread. Don't make a thread about it unless you have a very good reason to do so. If you really want to discuss it, then use the first thread linked.
See this thread or this thread. Don't make a thread about it unless you have a very good reason to do so. If you really want to discuss it, then use the first thread linked.
+ Show Spoiler [Guides] +
The Giant Anti-spyware/Anti-Virus Thread - by jimminy_kriket
This thread is a comprehensive collection of information about anti-spyware and anti-virus tools. There are a variety of problems that people have posted in the thread that were answered by TL as well. A very useful thread for those who are lost when it comes to protecting their computer.
Securing Your Computer - by R1CH
This thread provides a detailed and comprehensive guide on how to secure your computer from threats. You probably aren't even aware of all the exploits possible on your computer at the moment, thread thread is designed to change that.
How to help prevent RSI - By Smgzy
As avid nerds, RSI is one of the conditions we all have to be aware of. This thread will educate you about the condition, and how you can prevent yourself from getting it!
How to block ads on Livestream - by Mystlord
Ever get annoyed by those damn ads that keep popping up on Livestream? Well here is a way to stop them! For good!
Hackintosh - how to - by maleorderbride
Hackintoshin' it. Building the computer, tweaking and overclocking the BIOS, installing OS X, drivers, and boot manager.
Building a computer - part 1, part 2 - by FragKrag, mahnini and deconduo
If you want to build a computer, consult these threads for information
The Ultimate Mouse Thread - by TheToast
Absolutely everything you would need to know about mice
How to increase your LiveStream quality - by ProHellZerg
A really neat way to increase the quality you are able to stream via LiveStream without upgrading anything.
Blue Screen of Death Guide - by HackBenjamin
A simple breakdown of how to diagnose the error codes when you get a BSOD
This thread is a comprehensive collection of information about anti-spyware and anti-virus tools. There are a variety of problems that people have posted in the thread that were answered by TL as well. A very useful thread for those who are lost when it comes to protecting their computer.
Securing Your Computer - by R1CH
This thread provides a detailed and comprehensive guide on how to secure your computer from threats. You probably aren't even aware of all the exploits possible on your computer at the moment, thread thread is designed to change that.
How to help prevent RSI - By Smgzy
As avid nerds, RSI is one of the conditions we all have to be aware of. This thread will educate you about the condition, and how you can prevent yourself from getting it!
How to block ads on Livestream - by Mystlord
Ever get annoyed by those damn ads that keep popping up on Livestream? Well here is a way to stop them! For good!
Hackintosh - how to - by maleorderbride
Hackintoshin' it. Building the computer, tweaking and overclocking the BIOS, installing OS X, drivers, and boot manager.
Building a computer - part 1, part 2 - by FragKrag, mahnini and deconduo
If you want to build a computer, consult these threads for information
The Ultimate Mouse Thread - by TheToast
Absolutely everything you would need to know about mice

How to increase your LiveStream quality - by ProHellZerg
A really neat way to increase the quality you are able to stream via LiveStream without upgrading anything.
Blue Screen of Death Guide - by HackBenjamin
A simple breakdown of how to diagnose the error codes when you get a BSOD
Starcraft 2 - General
+ Show Spoiler [FAQ] +
I want to build a computer, will it run SC2?
See this thread or this one. Don't make a thread about it unless you have a very good reason to do so. The official Blizzard announcement about this can be found here
Can I install Starcraft 2 on multiple computers?
Yes, but you will still only have one account meaning only one can be playing online at any given moment.
Argh! I keep dropping in game? What's going on?
Some people who upgraded their game from a trial version have been plagued by constant disconnects once they upgraded to the full version. So far as we know, Blizzard do not have a fix for this just yet. It's also possible this might be related to whether you have the Beta still installed or not (so try uninstalling that if you have it). If you did not upgrade your game from a trial version, then we don't know why you are dropping - post on the blizzard forums or ask here nicely.
I can't uninstall the Beta... help?
See this thread. The jist of it is, it's annoying and you're going to have to do it manually.
See this thread or this one. Don't make a thread about it unless you have a very good reason to do so. The official Blizzard announcement about this can be found here
Can I install Starcraft 2 on multiple computers?
Yes, but you will still only have one account meaning only one can be playing online at any given moment.
Argh! I keep dropping in game? What's going on?
Some people who upgraded their game from a trial version have been plagued by constant disconnects once they upgraded to the full version. So far as we know, Blizzard do not have a fix for this just yet. It's also possible this might be related to whether you have the Beta still installed or not (so try uninstalling that if you have it). If you did not upgrade your game from a trial version, then we don't know why you are dropping - post on the blizzard forums or ask here nicely.
I can't uninstall the Beta... help?
See this thread. The jist of it is, it's annoying and you're going to have to do it manually.
+ Show Spoiler [Guides] +
How to never save a replay again - by tdhz77 and Blahman
This is a workaround for auto-saving replays since they automatically delete after you get about 25. There are two solutions offered, both work so give it a try!
Paged memory problem fix - by R1CH
The paged memory problem plagued some users during the beta, if you are encountering this problem in the retail version then this guide should be able to set you straight.
Starcraft 2 on Linux - part 1, part 2 - by deadalnix
Some details about how to play SC2 on Linux, and what you need for it to work!
Customised Hotkeys - by Tamerlane
Want to customise your hotkeys? Blizzard will allow you to do it eventually, but in the mean time you can do it yourself using this guide.
This is a workaround for auto-saving replays since they automatically delete after you get about 25. There are two solutions offered, both work so give it a try!
Paged memory problem fix - by R1CH
The paged memory problem plagued some users during the beta, if you are encountering this problem in the retail version then this guide should be able to set you straight.
Starcraft 2 on Linux - part 1, part 2 - by deadalnix
Some details about how to play SC2 on Linux, and what you need for it to work!
Customised Hotkeys - by Tamerlane
Want to customise your hotkeys? Blizzard will allow you to do it eventually, but in the mean time you can do it yourself using this guide.
Starcraft 2 - Hardware
+ Show Spoiler [FAQ] +
I want to build a computer, will it run SC2?
See this thread or this one. Don't make a thread about it unless you have a very good reason to do so.
Will my GFX Card run SC2?
See this thread (and don't make a thread about it).
Starcraft 2 is causing my GFX card to overheat, help!
See this thread and the guide written by R1CH linked within that.
Help! I have red squiggle lines running down my monitor
Users with a 8800GT graphics card have been able to solve this problem by setting frameratecap=60 in variables.txt in your document (See this thread). This may work for other graphics cards if you are having this issue, but so far the 8800GT is the only one that has been acting up in this manner.
See this thread or this one. Don't make a thread about it unless you have a very good reason to do so.
Will my GFX Card run SC2?
See this thread (and don't make a thread about it).
Starcraft 2 is causing my GFX card to overheat, help!
See this thread and the guide written by R1CH linked within that.
Help! I have red squiggle lines running down my monitor
Users with a 8800GT graphics card have been able to solve this problem by setting frameratecap=60 in variables.txt in your document (See this thread). This may work for other graphics cards if you are having this issue, but so far the 8800GT is the only one that has been acting up in this manner.
+ Show Spoiler [Guides] +
The Starcraft 2 Computer Thread - by FragKrag
Will your computer run Starcraft 2? This thread has all the information you will need to see if it will work. Truly amazing resource.
Boosting your FPS - by Dankmids
Manually editing your graphics configuration in SC2 so you can get better performance out of your GFX card. Useful for those with cheaper cards. May not be as effective in the Retail version as it was in the beta.
Capping your FPS (stop your GFX card from overheating) - by R1CH
For those of you with super powerful gfx cards, your card may be overworking and heating up unnecessarily. R1CH gives you a simple fix to prevent this
Will your computer run Starcraft 2? This thread has all the information you will need to see if it will work. Truly amazing resource.
Boosting your FPS - by Dankmids
Manually editing your graphics configuration in SC2 so you can get better performance out of your GFX card. Useful for those with cheaper cards. May not be as effective in the Retail version as it was in the beta.
Capping your FPS (stop your GFX card from overheating) - by R1CH
For those of you with super powerful gfx cards, your card may be overworking and heating up unnecessarily. R1CH gives you a simple fix to prevent this
+ Show Spoiler [FAQ] +
How can I switch servers?
At the moment the game is region locked so they only way to switch servers is to buy and install multiple copies of the game. The installation part is particularly annoying. Girlscoutcookie is currently working on an easier way, and you can follow his progress in this thread.
How can I change the language on my client?
Follow the instructions in this post.
What languages are available to each region?
North America: English (US) [enUS]
Latin America: Spanish (Mexico) [esMX], Portuguese (Brazil) [ptBR]
EU: English (UK) [enGB], German [deDE], Spanish (Spain) [esES], French [frFR], Italian [itIT], Polish [plPL], Russian [ruRU]
Korea: Korean [koKR]
Taiwan: Traditional Chinese [zhTW]
China: Simplified Chinese [zhCN]
SouthEastAsia: English (Singapore?) [enSG]
How does matchmaking/divisions work?
No one really knows exactly how they work, but we have a few good ideas. This thread explains what we know about the matchmaking system. And this thread is a fairly comprehensive discussion about how divisions work (with some mention of matchmaking as well).
Once logs into Facebook, how do I get it to sign out?
menu > options > > logout of facebook. That should do the trick!
I just installed the game and I can't log in - It tells me I don't own a copy of StarCraft 2?
This problem can be fixed 90% of the time by simply changing your account password - bizarre, but it works. If this fails, make a thread about it.
How can I view a global ranking?
You can't. Chances are, though, that very shortly some websites will be able to provide you with a global ranking. If one comes about it will be posted here. In the mean time, you can get an idea for who the top players are by using the method explained in this thread.
At the moment the game is region locked so they only way to switch servers is to buy and install multiple copies of the game. The installation part is particularly annoying. Girlscoutcookie is currently working on an easier way, and you can follow his progress in this thread.
How can I change the language on my client?
Follow the instructions in this post.
What languages are available to each region?
North America: English (US) [enUS]
Latin America: Spanish (Mexico) [esMX], Portuguese (Brazil) [ptBR]
EU: English (UK) [enGB], German [deDE], Spanish (Spain) [esES], French [frFR], Italian [itIT], Polish [plPL], Russian [ruRU]
Korea: Korean [koKR]
Taiwan: Traditional Chinese [zhTW]
China: Simplified Chinese [zhCN]
SouthEastAsia: English (Singapore?) [enSG]
How does matchmaking/divisions work?
No one really knows exactly how they work, but we have a few good ideas. This thread explains what we know about the matchmaking system. And this thread is a fairly comprehensive discussion about how divisions work (with some mention of matchmaking as well).
Once logs into Facebook, how do I get it to sign out?
menu > options > > logout of facebook. That should do the trick!
I just installed the game and I can't log in - It tells me I don't own a copy of StarCraft 2?
This problem can be fixed 90% of the time by simply changing your account password - bizarre, but it works. If this fails, make a thread about it.
How can I view a global ranking?
You can't. Chances are, though, that very shortly some websites will be able to provide you with a global ranking. If one comes about it will be posted here. In the mean time, you can get an idea for who the top players are by using the method explained in this thread.
+ Show Spoiler [Guides] +
An incomplete guide to the match making system - by Tamerlane
The match making system is a bit of a mystery to everyone, this thread is an attempt to unravel some of those mysteries.
How to change the language on your SC2 - by Girlscoutcookie
Allows you to change the language on your client to a different region. Very useful if you hate your localized setings.
The match making system is a bit of a mystery to everyone, this thread is an attempt to unravel some of those mysteries.
How to change the language on your SC2 - by Girlscoutcookie
Allows you to change the language on your client to a different region. Very useful if you hate your localized setings.