On February 11 2015 15:37 negativedge wrote: wait, aren't players not allowed to do this during the proleague season? aren't kespa contracts generally structured to end in like November for this reason?
One can transfer players and update rosters during each round
On February 11 2015 15:32 KMART561 wrote: You all speak as if we know 100% that within the contract life worked out with KT he wants to be able to still travel and do some foreign tournaments here and there. That could very well be the case as I don't think life would be willing to give up all that foreign money when he is dominating right now in every scene including Korea.
I imagine that besides IEM Katowice, KT will want Life to focus on Korea; he has the opportunity to win dual starleagues, and such a feat would immensely boost KT's prestige as well as public perception of their business acumen.
On February 11 2015 15:33 Swisslink wrote: Wait, will Life be allowed to play in proleague? And if so: why does he, while PartinG doesn't? o_O
PartinG broke his contract.
Did Life's contract just run out? I'd assume it didn't?
On February 11 2015 15:36 GumBa wrote: People forget that Korea has 9 premier tournaments this year as well, so foreign travel isn't as necessary as it was.
Well, I still hope Life goes to tournaments like Dreamhack at least once in a while to qualify for the big ones at the end of the year. + the Red Bull events. It'd just be weird not to see him there. Especially because that's where he had his biggest success lately (beside WCS Global finals, which he only qualified for by playing a shitload of foreign tournaments).
Well, I can no longer be a Life Anti-Fan. Awesome to see though, hopefully this means Flash will get less time being fielded and maybe taking a short break so Life or the other players can take that 4th player spot in PL.
On February 11 2015 15:32 KMART561 wrote: You all speak as if we know 100% that within the contract life worked out with KT he wants to be able to still travel and do some foreign tournaments here and there. That could very well be the case as I don't think life would be willing to give up all that foreign money when he is dominating right now in every scene including Korea.
I imagine that besides IEM Katowice, KT will want Life to focus on Korea; he has the opportunity to win dual starleagues, and such a feat would immensely boost KT's prestige as well as public perception of their business acumen.
On February 11 2015 15:33 Swisslink wrote: Wait, will Life be allowed to play in proleague? And if so: why does he, while PartinG doesn't? o_O
PartinG broke his contract.
Did Life's contract just run out? I'd assume it didn't?
On February 11 2015 15:36 GumBa wrote: People forget that Korea has 9 premier tournaments this year as well, so foreign travel isn't as necessary as it was.
Well, I still hope Life goes to tournaments like Dreamhack at least once in a while to qualify for the big ones at the end of the year. + the Red Bull events. It'd just be weird not to see them there. Especially because that's where he had his biggest success lately (beside WCS Global finals, which he only qualified for by playing a shitload of foreign tournaments).
Well KT have shown a willingness to send their players abroad and most kespa players are allowed to go to any event they qualify unless say an important gsl or pl match is on, then it just comes down to priorities. What I'm saying is with the korean scene looking healthy the necessity for these players to travel isn't there so they can comfortably stay in korea. Also I don't get where this he's now on KeSPA rip ever seeing him abroad again comes from. Kespa players have been to plenty of foreign events.
On February 11 2015 15:46 Ace Frehley wrote: If Parting can't play for Startale-yoe because SKT, does that mean Life can't play for KT now? Because that free agent bullshit rule?
Depends on Life's contract with ST. If his contract ran out or something he should be good to go
Parting can't play because he violated his contract with SKT (left before his contract was up)