the next "Behind The Nickname" is out and this time we'll have a closer look at a Protoss, who is well known as a player and caster within StarCraft II community - it is
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Behind The Nickname #3: Yoan 'ToD' Merlo.
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TrAiDoS: At first I would like to talk with you about your life in general.
My first question is: How is life for you at the moment?
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TrAiDoS: Lately you started producing quite a bit of video content. You have also been casting some events in the past few months. It this something you will do in addition to your job as a pro-gamer or is it just the next logical step in your career and how do you like casting?
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TrAiDoS: For you as a pro-gamer, where do you see the advantages and disadvantages when you start casting games? What kind of skills do you need?
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TrAiDoS: You entered the gaming scene at a time when you were very young and now you gained a lot of experience over the years. When do you think is the best time for kids or young people to start playing professionally? How should they proceed?
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TrAiDoS: When you were younger, did you ever think you would be a guy who makes a living from gaming? What did you want to be as a kid or young adult after finishing school?
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As a kid i just wanted to do what i love, that used to be sports with a bit of everything and later on become videogames, no matter if it was development or gaming.
TrAiDoS: Talking about you as a kid, what kind of kid were you? Can you tell us something about the younger ToD please?
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I have also always been passionate about what i love which has allowed me to ignore any negativity regarding my passion or the games that i like.
TrAiDoS: Did you enjoy school? Do you have any favorite stories to tell from school?
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Eventually he went to the college head (dunno the name in English, principal in French) and reported that i had beat him, being usually the one everyone went to complain about they just thought it was funny that for once he was on the other end. they summoned me to office and simply told me not to do that again, had it been with anyone else i think i would have been in much bigger trouble.
TrAiDoS: After having decided to be a professional gamer, do or did you have a plan B? If so, what is or was plan B?
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TrAiDoS: What is the most outstanding experience you gained from your life as a pro-gamer?
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TrAiDoS: A lof of people only see the bright side of a pro-gamer's life but what are the shady sides of such a life and what kind of trouble do or did you have to deal with?
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I got a lot better in dealing with it, and nowadays i only associate myself with companies worthy of trust and which i believe will pay me when i'm owed money,
TrAiDoS: Now I would like to talk a bit more about you as a gamer.
How did you pick your nickname?
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I got a lot better eventually and started playing in the nationwars for France in 2v2s and my teammate DK-[sL] always called me ToD so i ended up just keeping that. It's funny because ElkY used to be ELKANTAR (yeah all caps) but since it was too long i ppl called him ElkY and he just kept that too so his story is similar
TrAiDoS: In WarCraft II you played Human, in Brood War Terran. Why did you switch to Protoss in StarCraft II?
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Earlier than that i attended Blizzcon in 2007 where i took part in the Warcraft 3 tournament and where SC2 could be played for the first time for everybody. After the event, Blizzard booked everyone's trip 1 day later so that the players from WC3 and BW could play some games of SC2 to test the game. I played against guy the who was balancing the game a bit ( back then i believe it was Pillars ) and he beat me a bunch of times with Protoss when i was Terran, and later on we played some 2's and i was against KiWiKaKi every time who played Protoss and had studied the game a bunch with all the battle reports so he knew what he was up to, i was mostly going Marines+Tanks since i hadn't studied the game at all and didn't know what else to make, i got some reapers here and there but i remember losing every single game and back that i guess i must have unconsciously decided that if i ever was to play Starcraft 2 it would be as a Protoss ( i had no plan to become pro on another game than WC3 back then ) So yeah with those 2 stories colliding, when i started playing SC2 i played a very few games as random and quickly picked Protoss after that, i really liked the fact that a lot of the units had spells you can cast ( sentries / hts ) and also thought the race has a lot of strong & cool units. I remember opening Voidrays every game in the start, later on i discovered Collo & Immortals and thought they are the best thing ever, and when i went pro i had this long Phoenix phase where i was opening with them almost every single game vs T & Z too. I liked and still do like Terran a lot too but i thought it would be bad for me to play 2 races so i decided to commit all of myself to Protoss and became a Brotoss. THE END.
TrAiDoS: Do you have pro-gamers you are looking up to? If so, who are these players and why do you look up to them?
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In SC2 i have always liked WhiteRa, or people like Snute who have a warrior's mindset, endlessly grinding for tournament wins while keeping a positive attitude.
TrAiDoS: What is your favorite unit in StarCraft II and why?
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TrAiDoS: With whom and how do you like to practice the most?
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TrAiDoS: A lot of players, viewers and casters are sometimes very bewildered when you leave the game without saying „GG” - they rate it pretty often as bad mannered. I'm sure you don't mean it like that but what is your train of thought about it?
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Whereas in SC2 Winners always go and shake the losers hand which i have always have a hard time adjusting to. There are also players who pretend to be mannered in public, but in game lobbies write the biggest bullshit, or in real life before matches just to play mind games and i firmly condemn that. So rather that forcing myself to do something like writing 2 letters at the end of the game i decided to be real and just be myself, if i think my opponent deserves praise, he will get it at some point. If i want to congratulate him ( which again happens 99% of the time ) i will go and congratulate him in person. The same goes on internet, i dont want to put on an act in game and write gg for everyone to see i rather speak directly to whoever i just faced in the bnet chat or on skype.
If someone wants to think that i'm bad manner because of that it's their right and i have nothing to say to them ^^ I do actually think that i have some pretty bad manners in me which i have never been able to fix but at least i dont pretend it's otherwise, and if i offend someone and they later on talk to me about it i will usually apologize if i said anything bad, but not for not saying gg at the end of games though.
When i go to an offline event i'm friends with everyone there with a few exceptions, if fellow progamers really have a problem with this then they will talk to me about it and i'll explain to them my point of view on it but i think most are fine with it. I personally couldnt give less of a fuck if someone said gg or not after i beat them. On a related note i have always been very forgiving with sore losers being a huge one myself, what i cannot stand however are bad winners, people who rub it in when they win, being with any kind of comment or even stuff like proxy hatch or dancing units and even manner mules, i think that a progamer who dedicates his life to practicing a game and then must deal with a loss in a tournament shouldnt have to deal with the extra frustration of those things, so unless it's meant in a friendly way say like if 2 very good friends play and 1 of them dances at the end then fine. But otherwise i will usually think very little of someone who just tries to make their opponent feel even worse after beating them. that's also a huge part of why i don't say gg, i think it's very silly there are all of those unwritten rules like you have to say gl hf , and then gg every game yet manner muling is fine.
TrAiDoS: A lot of people call StarCraft II a ”dead game”. What is your opinion about that? How do you see the future of our scene in terms of rising numbers in League of Legends, DotA 2 and Hearthstone?
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I'm not sure about the future, it depends on a lot of things i guess which are all out of my control and on which i have little to no info about. I'll work on doing my part by making my casts/games as entertaining as possible and i will keep on enjoying the game no matter what. whatever everyone does is up to them, i just know that for me SC2 is the best game by far and theres nothing else i would rather play.
TrAiDoS: What was the best and the worst experience you have ever made at an event?
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In terms of accomodation there are a lot of good experiences, NASL's sunday showdown was great, WCS also.
TrAiDoS: What is the weirdest thing you have ever signed?
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TrAiDoS: A lot of people know that you and RotterdaM are very good friends. Is there someone within the gaming scene you have a comparable friendship to?
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TrAiDoS: What are you proud of?
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TrAiDoS: Alright, we finished the more serious part of the interview now. Get ready for random questions. ;-)
What kind of super power would you like to have? What would you do with it and would you use your power for the good or evil?
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TrAiDoS: If you would write an autobiography what would you title it?
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TrAiDoS: What song describes you best?
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which i guess if you have seen the life of walter mitty you will remember, it's a beautiful song i think, of a movie that celebrates life and living pretty well so i guess that describes me decently !

TrAiDoS: What is your favorite word?
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TrAiDoS: If you became president what is the first thing you would do?
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TrAiDoS: What was your worst date like?
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TrAiDoS: Which question in an interview do you like to get asked the most and which the least?
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TrAiDoS: What was the best thing before sliced bread?
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TrAiDoS: What do you prefer: being caught in a room with 10 RotterdaMs or only playing against Swarm Hosts every single game on ladder and why?
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If you wanna follow me best way is , i also have a FB, Youtube & Instagram peace

Big thanks to
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As he already said, make sure to follow him on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram - it is worth it!
Please make sure to follow me on Twitter as well, I am @TrAiDoS_
Thank you guys for the read! :-)
Previous Interviews:
Snute Interview - Behind The Nickname
Dayshi Interview - Behind The Nickname #2