United States33097 Posts
Source: http://www.playxp.com/sc2/news/view.php?article_id=4630244
Removed from rosters
FXOHope MVP.Nakseo Azubu.viOLet Azubu.Eve Azubu.Inca Azubu.TOP NS HoSeo
New registrations FXOBrave ST_Salvation MVP.Tible FXOTassadar
Nakseo is said to have retired, while the four Azubu players have reached the end of their contracts.
1001 YEARS KESPAJAIL22272 Posts
i really liked nakseo! i hope he didn't retire! violet too!
Bye, AZUBU. RIP to you too. It's only a matter of time, now. :/
Good luck to all players in finding a new home. viOlet and Monster should have no problem. Not sure about the rest, though ...
LG-IM gets another protoss lol, let's see what they can do with Tassadar
Woah wut
Zubbuuuuuuuuu! ;;
and wtf @ Monster. He was starting to actually become good.
United States744 Posts
AZUBU but what about San?
United States97274 Posts
NAKSEO retiring? hopefully not. He seems to be on the cusp of being good but he keeps failing in the code a qualifiers
nakseo? really? He had a really good GSTL season. Wonder what happened
Man, feel really bad for the constantly migrating oGs players.
Azubu had such a strong lineup. Going to be interesting to see where they go.
Austria24417 Posts
IM? Why Tassadar? What on earth
Whaaaaaaaaaaat, Monster's retiring? Why? He was doing so well. T__________T
The Inca/Top/Eve didn't really surprise me, no results so just cutting the dead weight, Not sure why they would cut violet, maybe cause he wants to live in America?
why are you saying bye to Azubu?? Only violet was unexpected, Eve, TOP and Inca leaving, I'm surprised they get rid of those 3 loong ago, they have absolutely no results, and not very impressive player either. Azubu might be in a bit of danger, with recent things with the organisation pulling out of all other Korean business, but this is no indication of such.
It will be really hard for Azubu to compete now, their roster is so mall... I'm very surprised that they didn't make an official announcement regarding the fate of their captain Violet!
Current Azubu roster:
United States33097 Posts
maybe violet is looking for more money?!