예선 때 멘붕의 영향은 없었나?
그렇지만 좋은 예감은 있었다. 예전에 WCS 때도 비슷한 경험이 있었다. 화난 기분으로 경기장에 왔지만 예선 결과는 좋았다. 왠지 미신 같은 것이 될 것 같다.
Did you ever feel mentally spent during the qualifiers?
I had a really good feeling. I actually felt something similar to it during WCS. I came to the match feeling angry but I still made a good result. I have a feeling that some kind of superstition will arise from this.
(To be honest, I feel like TIG accidentally left out a part of YugiOh's answer for this specific question. I read it and I noticed that his answer had no beginning. Only a middle and end)