I am going to think twice before starting to translate another 20 page long interview but here's this one for your enjoyment.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/evRbY.jpg)
On the 17th of March, after a hearty meal of rice noodle at a restaurant near the GSL studio, we proceeded with the interview at a café.
Mr. Chae answered each and every question with enthusiasm, and I wasn’t able to take down all the words that fell from his mouth like a waterfall which meant that I had to take a recording. I enjoyed myself so much talking to him that I had to end the interview prematurely before the team league broadcast began. I am sorry that I was not able to ask all the questions due to time constraints.
Below is the interview with Mr. Chae.
“ Remember”(2012-03-13 15:22:11 KST)
If there have been patches applied based on feedback given to Blizzard by the GomTV commentating team, I would like to ask what they are. Also, is there anything you would like to see improved in Heart of the Swarm?
There are many. More than you would think. The most representative would be the ladder map pool and Tal Darim Altar is the first map not made by Blizzard to be included in the map pool. Overseas fans have to buy tickets to watch the GSL but since Blizzard personnel watch the tournament a lot for balance reasons, etc., we gave away a lot of tickets to them. Look at all the observer functions that were added. An entirely new interface was added. This was possible thanks to our feedback. Almost all of the feedback from our observers, Yoon, Jung Min and Lee, Seon Jong was utilised.
Personally as a gamer who enjoys Starcraft 2, I don’t think the game itself has any inherent problems. I would like to see the community aspect of Battle.net reinforced. It’s so lonely regardless of whether you win or lose. There’s nowhere to communicate. Only when there is a place for gamers to gather and communicate, they will continue to play so the fact that Battle.net is like a console game in that regard disappoints me.
“SaturnEye” (2012-03-13 15:31:29 KST)
1. Your worst and happiest moments as a commentator?
I was happiest during the GSL Open Season 1. When I first entered GomTV, less than a thousand people attended the Starcraft 1 finals so I was touched to see so many people attend the Starcraft 2 finals.
I don’t think I’ve ever been unhappy as a commentator. I actually get rid of the stress I get from my management role by commentating. Commentating has never been difficult for me.
2. You must not want to come into work some days.
Of course. Everyone has those days. It’s the same as not wanting to go to school.
3. Will we see you shouting “Energy UP! HOT! SIX!” next season?
If Hot6ix sponsors next season, yes. We’d like to be able to do it too.
“HMM.Rh[Lof]” (2012-03-13 15:32:22 KST)
1. Who is your ideal woman?
Someone cute. Effeminate. Someone who has soft round cheeks. She can’t be heavier or taller than me.
2. Are there plans to start a female Starcraft 2 league?
If the player pool becomes large enough. At the moment, it’s too small for an official league but a special tournament may be possible.
3. Any plans for more Starcraft 2 themed entertainment shows?
Definitely. At the beginning, there was a show such as “The Baneling” but back then, there weren’t enough commentators. Now, we have plenty of talented casters so there is movement within the company to start up a new show. The viewers actually complained there were too many of these in the Open Seasons. I’ve been recently thinking to start up another one.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0jkMC.jpg)
“MistyRain” (2012-03-13 15:33:25 KST)
How do you think Starcraft 2 will do in the future, how do you think the expansion will affect balance and gameplay… Will GomTV keep their current broadcast program… At the moment, the league gets broadcasted on AniBox but if they go over time, they have to go off air, who do you think?... Foreign players have a lot of trouble getting into the league because of the skill difference often having to spend months in Korea before playing a single game. Is it reasonable to force them to stay in Korea to be able to participate in the league?
The broadcast program will continue as is and the league structure will stay the same for the year and then changes will be applied based on feedback. Maybe the Up and Downs? I am happy with how Starcraft 2 is doing.
AniBox is a separate company so we can’t speak for them. I think they have to stick to their schedule.
Seeds are the policy intended to help out foreign layers. You must agree that there is a huge difference between an offline and an online tournament. Even foreign tournaments which have all been online so far are adopting the offline approach. They now realise the importance of offline tournaments. We will continue to keep the offline aspect. This is an iron rule. Unless it’s an exceptional circumstance, everything will be live. As for the tournament being difficult for foreigners to enter, I think it’s mostly the skill difference preventing them rather than logistics.
“IlTaSamPi” (2012-03-13 15:38:58 KST)
The Starcraft 2 metagame, especially in the GSL, has become very stagnant and standardised. So why does GSL use maps where such play is stronger instead of experimental maps? The current GSL maps are nowhere close to some of the very unconventional maps in starcraft 1 (monty hall, 815, hitchhiker) and don’t even resemble maps such as (peaks of baekdu, troy, medusa, fortress) which allowed standard play with some experimental factors.
You may say it’s for balance but GSL maps aren’t really well balanced either. You may say that it’s because these maps produce better games but currently they are even more standardised than proleague maps. If unconventional maps are too hard to implement, you could put in maps with new features or at least try experimental in the GSTL, so what’s the reason for not doing any of this?
Experimental maps are not used because they are experimental. (chuckle) If we were an entertainment program, we would use experimental maps but if we try them in an official league and fail, the backlash would be too much. For example, you can’t suddenly introduce a soccer field with a water fountain in the centre during the World Cup. As for gameplay becoming standardised, that’s just players finding optimal strategies which can’t be stopped by introducing new maps. Maps play a small role in determining strategies. We do consider testing and using experimental maps. We’ve actually made some in the past but the reaction wasn’t great. Even now, we are always discussing the possibility of new maps with the mapmaker.
“HyunJuJJyaEung” (2012-03-13 15:39:24 KST)
Progamers have caused a lot of drama. As a commentator, what is your view on this?
It often makes me feel bad. I think the reason this sort of problem is becoming more pronounced is because there are more communication outlets for progamers now. Nowadays, a lot of people use twitter or facebook so more mistakes become apparent. The way players behave hasn’t actually changed too much compared to the past, it’s just that there are more ways for them to express themselves. So, I wish the players would restrain themselves a little. What you say gets heard by the public so quickly and your image can be damaged as a result. As a joke, I even said that players should be banned from using twitter.
Any plans to start an over 19 (age) starcraft 2 program? (T/N: I think they’re talking about the censoring present in the Korean version of starcraft 2)
I really want to. Ani Box is an over 12 channel so we can’t air anything for over 19. We thought about having separate observers but the two screens don’t both match what the commentator is saying. We tried having two computers being controlled by the same mouse but it didn’t work out.
“BFG9000” (2012-03-13 15:44:58 KST)
Are you aware there are numerous problems with the GomTV player? Several disconnects happen everyday and even when you press play again, only the ad plays so you’re just stuck watching ads over and over again. You can’t tell me that the GomTV staff only ever watch GSL on Ani Box. Also, this kind of feedback has been given ever since GomTV started broadcasting starcraft 2 but there are no signs that the problem is going to be resolved.
Are you really not aware of this problem? I hope you don’t dodge this question by saying that this is too technical.
I am aware. Gomplayer is made by developers so I actually don’t know much haha. I’ve experienced the problem once or twice myself so I’m giving feedback to the company. Developers are trying hard to fix the problem. They tried to explain the problem to me but I had no clue what they were talking about. I don’t have the skills to fix GomPlayer. However, based on feedback I often make requests to the company.
“NyxArena” (2012-03-13 15:47:22 KST)
How are the seeds given out? Is it based on results or someone wanted by the sponsors? This season’s choice of seeds made me wonder. How do you decide who to give the foreigner seeds to?
Also, what do you think about having one seed dedicated to foreigners and one for both foreigners and Koreans?
Sponsors suggest players to us. Last year, it was based on MLG rankings. Starting this year however, the two leagues don’t run together so instead of specific tournaments, we look at overall results. We prioritise foreigners over Koreans. Players who want to play in the GSL have a lot of trouble moving to Korea. So we believe we have to give them the chance but since we can’t just give it out to anyone, we look at their results. This process doesn’t just look at who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd place at whatever tournament but a list of players taking many factors into account is made and players who we think will do well or someone who hasn’t been given the seed yet is chosen. So, this time, it was Naniwa.
Naniwa had an incident last year. The reaction from Koreans and foreign fans is completely different. Last year, Koreans criticised Naniwa heavily and said that the punishment was justified but overseas, it was more that the punishment was too harsh. Same thing with the seed this time. Koreans are saying that Naniwa doesn’t deserve the seed while foreign fans are happy about the decision. This means that there’s no answer. If everyone agrees, that’s the answer but if not, no answer for us. Naniwa wrote a very long apology and his team also sent a letter of apology. He hasn't been to any of the preliminaries to show us that he is sorry. He has done well at MLG and IEM. I admit our standards for the seeding is not perfect. So a lot of people won’t be happy which makes me think maybe selecting the winner of a tournament may be the best idea. Still, since there are many more tournaments this year, taking them all into account seems like the best course of action.
“Vanity” (2012-03-13 15:59:13 KST)
Because of MLG and GSL overlapping by a day, the champion DongRaeGu couldn’t attend, will you let other players form a new group (T/N: not sure if this is what it means tbh) or change their order of play?
He didn’t attend? It hasn’t even begun yet… ha. Last year, we accommodated the players completely. If I want to be really clear-cut about this, players should have to choose between tournaments. If the schedule overlaps, they just have to decide which one to attend. That’s how life is. Not changing the schedule should be the norm but the public expects us to accommodate the players now after we did it a few times. We have a set schedule, the groups are set but if the order changes, and everything has to change. There wasn’t a situation in starcraft 1 where the champion couldn’t participate after winning one season. So, I’m still not sure whether to change the schedule this season or not. We’re looking for a way but we have to have room to be able to accommodate these. We can’t make sacrifices just to suit a player’s schedule so if we can, we will. I just want people to know that this is not the norm.
“ManLingLing” (2012-03-13 16:50:58 KST)
With the season 1 finals, it seems that the live audience is getting larger. Regarding this, a lot of people say that the location of the studio is very inconvenient so are there plans to move? Also, I’d like to see GSL be more successful, are there any events planned atm?
It’s not because of money that we are not moving. The conditions are hard to fulfil. The ceiling has to be high, there can’t be any pillars. We can’t find a place like that. If you make one for us, we’ll move in straight away. We don’t have one though!!
“CarlitoXPn” (2012-03-13 17:09:49 KST)
I believe the contract with Blizzard ends June this year, will you be keeping the monopoly clause when you renew?
Firstly, it’s June next year. Next, the monopoly clause wasn’t put in by us. Please don’t misunderstand~
“Tangled” (2012-03-13 17:26:19 KST)
1. What’s your opinion on League of Legends?
I tried it. But I didn’t find it very fun. A lot of people I know play so I got to level 5 or something? If I felt it was fun, I would’ve gone on… but I stopped. It wasn’t for me. But since so many people play, I think it’s a good game.
2. What do you think about balance?
Protoss seems a little strong but there are no major issues.
3. Who do you think are players that we need to watch out for?
MMA, DRG, Stephano. This season, Naniwa.
4. I’d like to work for GomTV one day. How should I go about doing that?
First, you have to decide what you want to do at GomTV, I want to recommend to you to finish university as soon as possible. Then you can apply for anything. If I feel your passion, I will hire you.
5. Your ladder ranking?
I have two accounts. One is Zerg and the other Terran. I used to play Zerg but got so frustrated so I’m playing Terran. I’m rank 50 as Terran in my division (T/N: master league) and Zerg is diamond. When I meet fans on the ladder, they tell me “I’m your fan~” and then cheese me. I will hold back no longer and cheese you too. I am writing down the name of every single person who cheeses me.
Ah, there was also this incident. Last Christmas, I asked my opponent “it’s Christmas and you’re playing games at home?” and gave the game away by leaving after saying “Christmas present for you”. Now, I look back and realise we were both in the same situation so what the hell was I doing?
6. What server and race on World of Warcraft?
Azshara Rogue (T/N: thank you for the correction, John the translator)
“Hail XI Clan” (2012-03-13 18:51:53 KST)
Jeon, Yong Joon Caster, Um, Jae Kyeong commentator, Kim, Jung Min commentator.
Are they good?
Starcraft 1 and 2 are different after all but do you hear any forced commentary from them, maybe?
How was their commentating?
Yong Joon “hyung” is seriously the best. He’s so talented that it’s almost unfair. Jung Min and Jae Kyeong “hyung” both do great commentary. They prepared a lot this time but because the time was short, a lot was said. But I personally enjoyed their commentating a lot.
“ZerglingBBQ” (2012-03-13 19:09:33 KST)
Gaming is seen in a bad light in society, what do you think?
Gaming is the crux of young people’s entertainment. Older people like to blame gaming for any problems that occur. Since everyone plays. I would say that it’s a multitude of factors rather than gaming alone. I think politicians are prejudiced because they’ve never tried gaming.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/cDIjs.jpg)
“하아안” (2012-03-13 20:03:26 KST
In korea, other than GSL and GSTL, there are basically no other leagues so are there any plans to diversify a bit? Frankly, unless you’re in Code S you’re financially unstable as a progamer.
As for diversifying leagues, it’s currently AOL. We’re already airing 6 days a week… so how do we make another league? We’re airing 250 days out of 365 QQ. Rather than more leagues, I think we need more entertainment programmes.
“Reload원화가” (2012-03-13 20:15:53 KST)
Tell us about your live stream plans for Smart Phone Gom player. (There are a lot of fans at work and it’s too bad that there’s no rerun)
We do have plans. There’s already a foreign version. Koreans can also access it but only if you pay. I sometimes catch it when I’m outside as well. I believe we’ll get a Korean version soon? Recently, an app called GomBox was release which allows you to watch videos uploaded to the server without encoding and also have friends watch at the same time. It’s a good app so try it out.
“우선” (2012-03-13 22:01:07 KST)
I want to sincerely thank GomTV for listening to customer feedback and improving GSL. As someone who believes the more that people are exposed to starcraft 2, the better it will do, if OGN starts their own league, don’t you think more people will fall for starcaft 2? I know this is hard question but I would like to you’re your opinion.
If there are two leagues producing more content, of course it will be helpful. But it’s not us that’s stopping from this happening because of politics. I enjoyed WCG a lot too.
“Fisma” (2012-03-13 23:05:46 KST)
Between running the league and commentating, which do you focus on more?
At the moment, it’s management. Until last year, it was commentating. I commentated GSTL last year but now because I have so much to do, I only do Code S. I have to pay attention to foreign tournaments as well so I’m focusing a lot on management but once I have enough time, I will once again go hard at commentating.
“사막오징어” (2012-03-14 00:41:56 KST)
I understand you’re the team leader but what exactly do you do and how much authority do you have at GomTV? lol rank 1? Is it that kind of position?
Not rank 1. There are many above my position.
As for what I do, I decide how the league is run, what events get run each year, communicating with foreign tournaments, etc.
“Masil” (2012-03-14 00:42:34 KST)
Any plans to lift restrictions on amateur leagues and whether you will promote them. If so, how? If not, why not?
We’ve never placed restrictions. Amateur leagues fall under Blizzard’s jurisdiction. If you get their approval, you can run one.
“레비셔스” (2012-03-14 03:09:59 KST)
OGN is now touting LoL as the next generation of eSports, what are GomTV’s countermeasure?
There’s no need for one.
Any plans to broadcast LoL?
We’re not sure yet. We are producing Champ video. Ahn, Joon Yeong commentator and I aren’t doing LoL. If we do though, we’ll be great haha.
“SoCoolGuy” (2012-03-14 03:54:09 KST)
Once HotS comes out, are we switching straight away or waiting for a while?
We will switch once the ongoing league is finished. The rules say we must use the latest version but we can’t switch mid-league.
“RPGLauncher” (2012-03-14 09:58:26 KST)
1. Once HotS is release, how do you think the new units will affect the metagame of each race? Especially, which unit you think will have the biggest the impact.
Terran will get a boost in their defensive capabilities with the shredder, Protoss will be affected the most by replicant, Zerg by Viper. I think Zerg will be affected the most. Actually playing the demo, I had the most fun with swarmhost and replicant.
2. Favourite unit in HotS?
Viper of course.
“ImperialJade” (2012-03-15 15:34:35 KST)
1. Is your Code A commentary in English an accurate representation of your English skill level or was it just for comic effects?
It is. Commentating in English is hard stuff. There was so much I knew but I couldn’t express it all so I felt frustrated. I did decide that I would take a comedic approach to English casting. Well, even if I tried a serious approach, it wouldn’t have made a big difference. Seo, Kyun Hwan commentator had google translator up and whenever a word came up he couldn’t pronounce, he hesitated while commentating and that was just hilarious to look at.
2. How much of the feedback do you listen to when you decide on the format of a league or the map choices? I actually had a lot of my suggestions applied hahaha.
We listen to a lot of the feedback. But in the end, if we listen to the minority, we’ll end up in trouble so we have to be very careful. I think of myself as the person who’s thought about league formats the most so if I think a suggestion appears impossible, I overlook it. A lot of your suggestions are ones I’ve already thought about. I do look at them a lot. You come up with a lot of exceptional opinions and they are very helpful. Feedback about the maps is helpful too.
3. Do you interact with David Kim or other Blizzard personnel a lot? Please get them to include more GSL maps in the ladder pool
I see David Kim often. Blizzard’s policy seems to have changed a lot too. They’ve started including tournament maps more. Because of this change in policy, I think they’ll include more GSL maps too.
카이피르(2012-03-13 14:45:36 KST)
Why are you passionate about the nydus worm? Are you attached? … of course seeing one pop up makes me happy too.
I love the nydus worm. In Open Beta, it was so much better compared to now. The time required for completion was half so it always completed. In open beta, I even beat Ahn, Joon, Yeong five times in a row with the nydus. I’m a bit sad that the current nydus is nothing like that.
“다정다정해” (2012-03-13 14:46:58 KST)
Favourite players
MMA, DRG, Nestea
“미스터김치남” (2012-03-13 14:50:25 KST)
Most memorable game?
Blizzard Cup set 7 between MMA and DRG. That was a won game for DRG until the end. If he positioned his broodlords defensively and took expansions, the game was his… I was shouting at the time for DRG to not go in with his broodlords but he did and so he lost.
“NEW.Prosperity” (2012-03-13 14:55:00 KST)
Are you good at debating? I would say with your logical thinking and ability to express yourself, you wouldn’t hold back on giving your opinions.
You are right. I will grab hold of you and not let you go until I win. You’re not going home until I’m satisfied.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/lyB6d.jpg)
“ImperialJade” (2012-03-13 14:58:46 KST)
Your English commentary was so much fun, any plans to continue this??
Bool Gom is so strong hahaha
It’s just an occasional thing. I am planning to do a few more. The reaction from the foreign fans was great. Foreign casters don’t have great insight about Korean players so they really enjoyed it when I told them what I knew about the players.
“Space Mothership” (2012-03-13 15:02:08 KST)
Girls Generation or Wonder Girls?
“드나” (2012-03-13 15:12:27 KST)
Out of people who commentate together, anyone you are not really fond of?
Not a single person
“EggBreak” (2012-03-13 15:14:19 KST)
Height and weight?
173cm and I was 70kg two months ago but I’ve been on a diet since then so let’s say 68
“LaGrande” (2012-03-13 15:14:35 KST)
The most fun aspect of being a caster?
I agree with the saying that the pen is mightier than the sword but the mic is even mightier than the pen. I love telling the stories I want to through the mic.
“FreshMeat” (2012-03-13 15:14:59 KST)
How do I get sharp looking eyes? I want my eyes to be charismatic.
Either be good looking or have small eyes.
“fxpark” (2012-03-13 15:15:32 KST)
How did you get to walk the path of a commentator?
It’s a really ridiculous story. In 1999, there was an EXPO in Kyeong Joo and I was a Starcraft 1 progamer at the time. I was participating in a tournament for (T/N: random RPG game) and met an elementary student in the round of 8. His mother told me that her son’s dream was to become a progamer and asked me to lose to him just once. I just shrugged her off saying “okay, okay” and actually tried my best but still lost. Despite this, the mother was really grateful. For the round of 4 and finals, President Kim, Dae Joong (T/N: president of Korea at the time) came to watch. Jung, Il Hoon commentator suggested that I give it a try and he said that I was really good and it started there. It was fortunate that I lost in the round of 8.
“신대의광전사” (2012-03-13 15:16:46 KST)
Teach me how to get women
I’d like to know too. Why are you asking me? You just have to be good looking or have lots of money.
“TheVillain” (2012-03-13 15:22:23 KST)
When will you get married?
Is it you, mother? I said I wouldn’t~ mother
“HanWinneR” (2012-03-13 15:26:07 KST)
Do you know Android_No.18?
Yes. I’ve exchanged emails with him too. He makes a lot of GSL pictures (T/N: 짤방, it’s a slang term I don’t understand QQ) so I asked him how. He explained but it was too difficult for me to understand. He’s a great person.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BJVew.jpg)
“NosWantYou” (2012-03-13 15:47:51 KST)
1. Imba unit?
No imba units really. If I had to pick one, Marine. As for buildings, Warpgate.
“KORseraph” (2012-03-13 15:52:58 KST)
Do you think Command and Conquer General 2 will be more popular than starcraft 2?
We’ll have to see
“SupermanOz” (2012-03-13 15:56:00 KST)
Starcraft 1 players you want to see starcraft 2 by race
Jaedong for Zerg, Bisu for Protoss. I think the reason there aren’t so many Zerg players is because of the mechanical aspect. I think JD will be strong in that aspect and I want to see how Bisu utilises the phoenix. It’s a case of curiosity.
How do I become good looking?
Well, I don’t know.
“Cherwin” (2012-03-13 16:16:35 KST)
Chicken or egg?
Chicken. Evolutionary biology dictates chicken.
“RichNoel” (2012-03-13 16:24:28 KST)
Are you friends with Yellow?
“7870대박스멜” (2012-03-13 16:30:44 KST)
You became a commentator after a career as a progamer, are you currently happy?
Yes, I’m having so much fun.
Jojo: “What’s the answer to this question?” someone uploaded a maths problem with that question. Did you try it?
I gave up after a while. To give a 4 mark question… also, I hate 3D shape questions. 2D would’ve been okay but trying to solve it in my head proved difficult. I can do it with pen and paper though.
Source: http://www.playxp.com/sc2/news/view.php?article_id=3873612