On May 28 2011 21:54 Talin wrote: By the way, does FXO have an actual coach, or will they eventually have one? I'm interested in who it might be.
Unstable and I fit this role. Mostly him.
Good news but sadly i really don't see them doing to well. Will be interesting to watch though
Interesting... Good luck FXO. =)
Love the thought that teams can sometimes just have sponsored trips to Korea for a month and participate in these things, in due time perhaps it's a event thing that happens on a general basis.
I don't think FXO will win by any means, but as a spectator this is still a win situation for me. Sheth is great though.
<3 GomTV and FXO!
I hope MoonGlade goes to Korea with FXO. This is really a big step towards the integration of foreign scene with Korea. Thank you FXO more power!
This is a great opportunity for FXO's players to improve. Though I won't be betting on them to win, I truly hope they do well.
Imagine Sheth and July colliding...earthquake guaranteed :D
This is fantastic news! I was personally hoping for mouz or dignitas, but... maybe in the future. FXO gets huge props for leading the way.
Go FXO! I hope you can make us proud FXO would not have been my first choice for a foreigner team to send to GSTL, but they stepped up to the challenge and now it's up to us to support them. If they work hard they might be able to surprise a lot of people.
OpTiKzErO is going to rip some nerds hearts out.. I can feel it :D
Congratulations to FXO, but i think they won't stand a chance against the korean teams. Let's hope other foreign teams also make the decision to go to korea
I'd imagine they rely on sheth to pull an all-kill
For the next GSTL I want to see WWE style entrances, instead of a player just getting off the bench to show who's coming out, they should have a WWE entrance, with their own music and everything.
...Just for one season, that would be AWESOME.
Well, best of luck to FXO. I can't say I'm holding out much hope for a victory though.
man, i wish them well but is qxc up to it with him in uni? his plays been suffering becos of it.
Would be nice if Strelok was attending.
GLGL! I'll be watching and cheering!