![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/DOEId.jpg)
Translated From PlayXP
Winner between
![Protoss (P)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Picon_small.png)
![Terran (T)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.png)
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![Terran (T)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/pKq9O.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 32?
I lost a lot to my teammates during practice so when I came here today, I tried to clear my mind of all of that. I think that was the driving force for my victory today.
- Your opponent was Inca, were you pressured at all?
Whether it be a finalist or a player who is still stuck in the preliminaries, protoss are strong in general so I definitely did not underestimate my opponent.
- How did you prepare?
I tried to let luck be the deciding factor than skill. The builds I used are not builds that work most of the time, but I was looking to trick Inca with them when he scouted me.
- Your next opponent will be a zerg.
I hope that TheWind advances. Since he has responsibilities as a coach, it will be hard for him to focus on the match as well as most players.
- Does MMA think of you as a rival?
I don’t think MMA considers me as a rival. I just think of him that way. Since he was able to be the team league MVP again, he has widened the gap between us. But hopefully, we will not lose until we meet each other in the later stages of this tournament.
- Your score in the up and down matches were disappointing.
My win rate was ok, but I just don’t like facing protoss that much. I think I got caught up in that mode of thought too much then.
- Your goal in the super tournament?
I want to beat MMA. Because in order to meet that goal, that means I will have gotten pretty high up in the tournament. If MMA can’t meet me there, I will try to win the whole thing.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Kuma, Tiffany, Frozen, and Puzzle for helping me practice. Since I was able to triumph over a protoss today, I hope that BoxeR is able to repeat that performance against his protoss opponent.
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▼ 32강에 진출한 소감은?
- 연습할 때 팀원들한테 계속 져서 올 때 마음을 비웠는데, 그게 승리의 원동력이 된 것 같다.
▼ 상대가 송준혁이었는데, 부담은 없었나?
- 준우승자나 예선에 있는 프로토스나 종족 자체가 모두 강해서 상대를 의식하진 않았다.
▼ 경기는 어떻게 준비했나?
- 실력보단 운에 맡겼다. 빌드 자체가 안 통하는 빌드인데, 송준혁 선수가 견제 들어오는 것을 노렸다.
▼ 다음 상대는 저그인데?
- 박상익 감독님이 올라오셨으면 좋겠다. 아무래도 감독직에 신경을 쓰실 테니깐 선수들보단 경기에 집중하지 못하실 것 같다.
▼ 문성원 선수가 김동원을 라이벌로 생각하는데?
- 성원이 형은 나를 라이벌로 생각하지 않는다. 나만 그렇게 생각한다. 성원이 형이 이번에도 팀리그 MVP를 차지해 격차가 더 벌어졌다. 이번엔 중간에 떨어지지 말고 나랑 꼭 만나자.
▼ 승강전에선 성적이 좋지 않았는데?
- 승률은 괜찮은데 프로토스전 자체를 싫어하는 편이다. 그 때 많이 시달렸던 것 같다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트에서의 목표는?
- 성원이 형을 이기는 것이 목표다. 그 목표를 이룬다면 높이 올라갈 수 있기 때문이다. 성원이 형이 못 올라오면 우승하는 것이 목표다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 배장훈, 전천후, 장강욱, 김상준 선수에게 고맙다. 오늘 내가 프로토스를 이겼으니 요환이 형도 힘내서 프로토스를 격파했으면 좋겠다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
![Zerg (Z)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png)
![Zerg (Z)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png)
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![Zerg (Z)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/QR1Of.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 32?
I am happy, but I am a bit disappointed that my play was so poor today. I had too much mana on my queen often, and throughout the first set, I was sighing at my play. The 2nd set was pretty pedestrian as well.
- In the 1st set, you were aggressive while protecting your the expansion with roach protection.
I have a WC3 background so I love to be aggressive. And my play was trying to be aggressive while protecting my base with produced units. I was also trying to buy some time by attacking him.
- Your opponent rushed to fast infestors
It is a strategy you see often on ladder. But it wasn’t something I have a lot of experience facing, it has been a while since I have faced it so I was a bit panicked.
- You blocked the banelings pretty well.
I think was lucky. I didn’t even think banelings would be coming. Since I won the 1st set, I thought that my opponent would be playing a safe style, but to my dismay, I saw the hoard of banelings coming towards me. I was played like a madman and somehow fended it off.
- You will be facing Ryung in the round of 32.
I am not that good against terran so I will need to practice a lot for this match. But I don’t think it’s impossible.
- Your goal for this season?
If I win in the round of 32, and Keen also wins, we will face each other, I will make sure that I get higher than him.
- Your play was a bit disappointing in the GSTL.
In that match, I pressed the q-key 3 times or so but I didn’t produce the queen for some reason. And I realized that too late. I thought I was in a good position but because of that, I lost. After that day, I came back to the teamhouse and laddered all night. I plan to switch my keyboard.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank my teammates who helped me practice and the coach’s mother for preparing our food.
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▼ 32강에 진출한 소감은?
- 기쁘긴 한데, 경기력이 별로 좋지 못해서 좀 아쉽다. 여왕 마나도 자주 남았고, 1세트 때도 좋지 못해 계속 한숨 쉬며 했다. 2세트는 평범했던 것 같다.
▼ 1세트 때 정면 교전을 펼치다 바퀴로 본진을 난입하던데?
- 워크래프트3 때 나눠서 공격하는 것 좋아했다. 싸우다가 병력을 따로 빼 견제하는 플레이였다. 시간을 벌려고 들어간 이유도 있다.
▼ 상대가 빠른 감염충 체제였는데?
- 래더에서 자주 나오는 전략이다. 많이 상대해보진 않은 전략이었는데, 꽤 오래전 일이어서 당황했다.
▼ 맹독충을 잘 막는 것 같다.
- 운이 좋은 것 같다. 맹독충이 올 것이라고 생각을 못했다. 1세트를 이겨서 상대가 안전하게 할 것 같았는데 맹독충이 몰려오더라. 정신없이 했는데 잘 막아졌다.
▼ 32강에서 김동원과 만나는데?
- 테란전을 잘 못해서 연습을 많이 해야 할 것 같다. 못이길 것 같진 않다.
▼ 이번 시즌 목표는?
- 만약 32강에서 내가 이기고, 규석이도 이긴다면 서로 만날 텐데, 내가 더 높은 곳까지 오르겠다.
▼ GSTL 때 아쉬운 모습을 보였는데?
- 그 때 Q키를 3번 정도 눌렀는데 여왕이 생산돼있지 않았다. 여왕이 안 나온 것을 늦게 알아챘다. 유리하다고 생각했는데 그 것 때문에 졌다. 그날 숙소에 돌아가서 밤새도록 래더를 했다. 키보드도 바꿀 예정이다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습 도와준 팀원들과 식사 챙겨주시는 감독님 어머님께 감사드린다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
![Terran (T)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.png)
![Terran (T)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.png)
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![Terran (T)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Ticon_small.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/Pezg2.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 32?
I am happy that I won but I am not satisfied with just getting past one step.
- How did you prepare for today’s match?
Rain is known for being cheesy in the past so I tried to prepare builds that were extra safe.
- Were they builds that you made yourself?
1st and 2nd set builds were created by me.
- Your predicted score today?
I thought I would win 2:0.
- Who do you want to face next?
I have faced many protosses in the past so I want to face a zerg.
- Violet said that he will make sure to beat you if he faced you.
Violet saying that he will beat me doesn’t make any sense. I will make sure to crush him like I do during practice. But in honesty, I lose some and win some against him. (laugh).
- Your goal for this season?
I want to get far into the tournament and have a chance at beating MVP in the round of 8. If I can beat MVP I feel like I can win the whole thing.
- What was the meaning behind your ceremony?
After the match, I wanted to go out into the audience and clap for myself, but I thought there would be some people who wouldn’t get that so it ended up being what it was.
- Who made you that cheerful?
I am pretty bad at that so I asked someone else to make it for me.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank Odin, Dream, and fOu’s GuMiho, and sC for helping me practice. I also want to thank WanT from the NSHoSeo team.
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▼ 32강에 진출한 소감은?
- 이겨서 기쁘지만 겨우 한 단계 올라간 것이라 만족하진 않는다.
▼ 경기는 어떻게 준비했나?
- 박서용 선수가 예전부터 치즈 전략을 자주 써서 안정적인 빌드를 선택했다.
▼ 직접 제작한 빌드였나?
- 1, 2세트 모두 직접 만든 빌드다.
▼ 오늘 예상했던 스코어는?
- 2:0으로 이길 것이라 생각했다.
▼ 다음 상대는 누가 됐으면 좋겠나?
- 프로토스전은 많이 했으니 저그전을 해보고 싶다.
▼ 김동환 선수가 만나면 꼭 이기겠다고 하던데
- 동환이 형이 나를 꺾는다는 게 말이 안 되는 것 같다. 연습 때처럼 똑같이 이겨드리겠다. 사실 지기도 하고 이기기도 한다. (웃음)
▼ 이번 시즌 목표는?
- 최대한 올라가서 8강에서 정종현 선수를 꺾는 것. 정종현 선수만 꺾으면 우승도 할 수 있을 것 같다.
▼ 세리머니는 어떤 의미였나?
- 끝나고 관객석에서 박수만 치려고 했는데 이해 못하는 분들이 있을까봐 그렇게 했다.
▼ 치어풀은 누가 만들었나?
- 내가 꽤 악필이라 곰녀에게 부탁했다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 우리팀의 송영민, 조중혁, fOu팀의 고병재, 김승철 선수에게 고맙다. NS호서의 정지훈 선수에게도 고맙다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Winner between
![Zerg (Z)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png)
![Protoss (P)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Picon_small.png)
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![Zerg (Z)](https://tl.net/tlpd/images/Zicon_small.png)
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/17BZy.jpg)
- Your thoughts on making the round of 32?
I have been losing for a while and became frustrated. It has been so long since I have won so I feel so relieved.
- Your reason for your poor performance in the past?
I did not practice very hard. Even for today, I didn’t really get to practice that much. I only focused on thinking about my builds.
- Your reason for not practicing hard?
I wasn’t able to become motivated.
- Is it because you kept on losing?
I guess it is because I didn’t put much thought into the matches. In the past, when a match came up, I thought to myself, ‘I should win.’
- Did you think you would be participating in the super tournament?
I did not know. I only knew after the matchups were posted. I was able to get to code S once because of MC, but this time I want to get far though my own strength. I was practicing today and yesterday like lighting hit me. I will prepare for the next match starting today.
- How do you feel about winning after so long?
I am disappointed that it wasn’t a clean victory.
- When did you know you had won?
After I destroyed the Nexus and Anypro typed in gg in the message box.
- It felt like you could have just bum rushed the assimilators.
I was shaking. I couldn’t really go willy nilly since he had a colossus. I didn’t know I would get it after retreating, but I was able to win because I kept my roaches alive.
- There are some players who play much better after a dramatic game like that.
I rather forget about today’s match as soon as possible.
- Your goal for this season?
I am not looking that far ahead. I want to get to the round of 16. I want to get as far as I can so I can be satisfied.
- What did TheWind tell you during the break?
He reprimanded me because I didn’t go in when I could have won.
- Any last comments?
I want to thank everyone who helped me practice for this match.
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▼ 32강에 진출한 소감은?
- 그동안 계속 져서 답답했는데, 굉장히 오랜만에 이겨서 시원하다.
▼ 그동안 부진했던 이유는?
- 연습을 열심히 하지 않았다. 이번에도 그렇게 열심히 하진 못했다. 빌드 생각만 많이 했다.
▼ 연습을 열심히 하지 않은 이유는?
- 동기부여가 잘 안됐다.
▼ 계속 지다보니 그런 것인가?
- 아무 생각도 없었다. 경기가 다가오면 그저 ‘이기겠지’ 하는 생각만 했다.
▼ 슈퍼토너먼트에 참가할 수 있을 거라고 생각했나?
- 몰랐다. 명단 발표 후 알게 됐다. 전에 코드S도 장민철 선수 덕에 올라갔고, 이번엔 내 힘으로 올라가고 싶었다. 어제 오늘 벼락치기로 연습했다. 오늘부터 다음 경기를 준비해야겠다.
▼ 오랜만에 승리하니 어떤가?
- 깔끔한 승리가 아니라서 아쉽다.
▼ 언제 승리를 예감했나?
- 연결체를 파괴한 뒤 이정환 선수의 기지가 드러난다고 메시지가 떴을 때.
▼ 과감하게 융화소를 일점사해도 됐을 것 같은데?
- 많이 떨렸다. 거신이 있어서 함부로 갈 수가 없었다. 빨리 회군해서 막히나 싶었는데, 바퀴를 살려서 이길 수 있었다.
▼ 극적인 승리 후 각성하게 되는 선수들이 있는데?
- 오히려 오늘의 기억은 빨리 지우고 싶다.
▼ 이번 시즌 목표는?
- 멀리는 보지 않는다. 16강에 진출하는 것이다. 만족할 수 있는 선까지 가보고 싶다.
▼ 쉬는 시간에 박상익 감독이 무슨 얘기를 했나?
- 이길 수 있는데 왜 안 들어가느냐고 혼났다.
▼ 마지막으로 하고 싶은 말은?
- 연습을 도와준 많은 분들에게 모두 고맙단 말을 전하고 싶다.
글: 이시우(siwoo@playxp.com)
Thanks for reading guys. PM if there are errors.