Updates: Aside from new seasons (WCS, Dreamhack), we've made some slight modifications to the player information pages. When clicking on the season title for a player, the games they played pop up in a view, so you can see just the game they played. Clicking on the title within that view takes you to the full season page.
This website is very usefull. I am happy I found it.
definitely a great resource that more people should use. Spread the word, the more people that go here and rate games the better.
Last weekend we updated Proleague VODs live, gonna try to do that this weekend too, if not, they'll be up within 24 hours for sure!
Edit: 12 -> 24 ><
just found out about his website, i am very excited
we only need more people voting ...
I haven't updated this thread in a while, but here's what's happened since the last update (each at their own time, not all at once) HomeStory Cup 6 Proleague Iron Squid 2 Blizzard Cup IPL5 BWC Dreamhack Winter GSL World Championship
Also, all the tournaments have up-to-date VODs, including last nights proleague.
Proleague vod links are great since there is no official spoiler-free links
We've got you there. :D
Also, we're live updating all the HSC6 VODs. So if you need them, they're found here.
Day 1 VODs are up! Two games (the ToD games) were uncast. Everything else is ready for your viewing.
HSC6 Day 2 VODs are up! There were pretty major steam issues, so many VODs are broken into chunks. Check the match comments for the next chunk of the VOD if it ends abruptly.
[EDIT] Added link.
Got a bunch of the Proleague matches updated! Xmas time is hard for updating ><
Seriously. You're a saint for doing it on Xmass.
Added Korean VODs for Proleauge to the comment section of the 1st game in each Proleague series (for people that don't wanna watch the English VODs/can't watch on Twitch/ don't have a sub)
They are spoiler free and just have links to other stuff for matches without 7 games, but beware of spoilers in the other comments besides the one with the matches.
I try to rate most of the ProLeague Games I watch.
On December 31 2012 12:26 Emzeeshady wrote: I wish more people would use this, it is so helpful!
Well, you can tell other people / link to it when people ask for VODs. :D
This site is awesome. I was able to watch HSC6 spoiler free. Great job guys!
The last few days have seen a bunch of pretty minor updates that you probably didn't notice. Too numerous to mention, too minor to mention, but they're all helping to slightly improve your experience.
The one I do want to mention is the timezone fix. Now games are assigned a timezone, and you can rate matches at the start of the day for that timezone. Below for an example:
How it was before Proleague has their first set of games early in the day on the 5th and their second later in the day. Since they're 16 hours ahead, it's still the 4th where the server is located when they play their first games, and therefore you can't rate them (since it's not the 5th yet). Eventually the server catches up to the 5th, and you can rate the games that were played before and the games that are played later in the day.
How it is now Proleague has their first set of games early in the day on the 5th and their second later in the day. Proleague is set to the +16 hour timezone, so as soon as it becomes midnight on the 5th in Korea, the server counts it as the 5th for Proleague, and games can be rated (even if they haven't been played yet).
Ideally, you wouldn't be able to rate games until they've finished being played, but that requires far too much work, so we let games be rated as soon as it's the day games are to be played. Occasionally somebody accidentally rates a game that hasn't been played yet (miss click, or just being a dick), but these instances are few and far between. When we catch them, we remove the inappropriate rating.
GOM links are not going to the correct set for the up and downs right now.
This is an issue with GOM. I've spoken to them about it, and they are looking into getting it fixed.