Added: Blizzcon 2011
Also, in other news, we're just about out of beta. When we're out (in a week or so), we'll have a brand new theme, which is going to be a HUGE change to the visuals. The core will stay the same, but it'll get a nice big make over. :D :D
Updated player search page. Better layout. Easier to digest.
HUGE UPDATE So, this has been in the works for a long long time now, but we've finally gotten out of beta, and into full production.
Take a look at the new theme! Tell your friends! Check it out!
New theme Tons of small bugs fixed Registration fixed Large content dump incoming
Wooh pretty. Koibu, you coming to NASL this weekend?
Yes! I was hoping to get in touch with you actually. I'll be in touch sometime Friday.
Also: Updated with all of MLG Providence + vods.
Notice: As a result of higher than average traffic, our search functions are overloaded and timing out Sorry. Working to fix it.
Server updated (again).
There should be little to no lag, although something seems to have happened with our searching in the upgrade, and we're having some problem doing searches by races. That's been disabled until I can get it fixed.
Everything else is looking good :D
Only one clap? That's awfully disappointing.
I really think this has the ability to become a central resource, as long as people contribute. If you like the concept, use it. Log in and rate matches, even if you only rate a few things. If every body that made an account rated a few games a week, we'd be overflowing with ratings.
We can provide the method, but it's up to you guys to make it happen <3 <3
Here are the interviews from NASL 1 that we did, as well as MLG Anaheim. We'll be on hand at NASL 2 to do more (and better) interviews.
Looking forward to your interviews!
Are you available to do one with us??
I don't do interviews, but if you like to talk about barcraft, there'll be a few organizers at the venue I can refer you to
Of course you do interviews!! Come on, who doesn't want to hear you talk about your adventures with barcraft! You're a significant mover and shaker that doesn't get enough credit.
Not sure how that would screw up the design, but is it possible for the VODs to be embedded instead of linking? It will facilitate voting if the viewer stays on sc2ratings.
I've thought about it... but I'd rather not embed videos that belong to others. I don't want GOM or MLG calling me up saying "You're taking users away from our site". I think there's some legal ground I'd be crossing.
But it would be awesome! And it wouldn't get in the way all that much, we could just open the VOD in a light box or something.
Do you have an API (json or xml etc) available I would like to make a Firefox plugin that adds a rating button directly to the GomTV.net website. If you don't have one it would be great if you would consider making one available.
On December 01 2011 11:01 Koibu0 wrote: I've thought about it... but I'd rather not embed videos that belong to others. I don't want GOM or MLG calling me up saying "You're taking users away from our site". I think there's some legal ground I'd be crossing.
But it would be awesome! And it wouldn't get in the way all that much, we could just open the VOD in a light box or something.
Maybe just have the VOD link open to a new tab? I often find myself forgetting to vote. Out of sight, out of mind.
On December 01 2011 11:13 nekoconeco wrote: Do you have an API (json or xml etc) available I would like to make a Firefox plugin that adds a rating button directly to the GomTV.net website. If you don't have one it would be great if you would consider making one available.
I don't have one now, but I can build one. Send me an email and lets talk, because that sounds AWESOME sc2ratings at gmail
On December 01 2011 11:14 Primadog wrote: Maybe just have the VOD link open to a new tab? I often find myself forgetting to vote. Out of sight, out of mind.
That's a good idea. Doing it now :D :D
Awesome thank you to djWheat for Live on Three mention! That was awesome!