1 IMMvp 893 537
2 NEXExcrement 951 779
3 베스킨라빈스 (MarineKingPrime) 289 109
4 저승사자 182 76
5 NEXT 398 274
6 IMJunwiPirme 986 585
6 RyungPrime 1003 770
8 kAsyufOu 652 534
9 엔에스피짝지 (NsP_JjakJi) 853 699
10 한니발프라임 (HannibalPrime) 664 446
11 IMLosirA 1308 1080
12 스타테일폭격기 (ST_Bomber) 1386 1018
13 HongUnPrime 759 513
14 스타테일바이러스 (ST_Virus) 1484 1198
15 NEXtaeJa 827 668
16 동래구프로에쓰 (DongNaeGuProS) 657 480
17 CutefOu 562 452
18 스타테일사운드 (ST_Sound) 1401 1125
19 oGsCezanne 544 387
20 NEXPuzzle 1026 813
21 오지에스잉카 (oGsInca) 684 543
21 스타테일안심이 (ST_July) 1209 943
23 KeenMvP 529 417
23 dreamertt 556 423
25 슬레이어스박서 (SlayerSBoxeR) 827 574
26 oGsTOP 1085 744
27 LiquidHuK 693 591
28 스타테일레인보우 (ST_RainbOw) 647 442
29 PoltPrime 864 688
30 CranefOu 1517 1370
31 엔에스피테사다르 (NsP_Tassadar) 1277 1107
32 AtreyuPrime 410 284
32 oGsEnsnare 827 575
34 puma 571 486
35 스타테일무작위왕 (ST_RandomKing) 754 574
36 IMhorror 1562 1452
37 뿡뿡프라임 (BbongBboongPrime) 1104 976
38 EGIdrA 586 461
39 IMNesTea 792 534
40 티에스엘클라이드 (ST_Clide) 804 598
41 fOu 306 199
42 엔에스피지니어스 (NsP_Genious) 1010 709
43 삐삐정 (PippiJung) 1999 1817
44 창조의아침 (NewDawn) 634 533
44 sCfOu 857 673
46 스타테일꼬부기 (ST_Squirtle) 1088 907
46 oGsTheWinD 986 827
48 슬레이어스짭승우 (SlayerS_NoobSeungWoo) 414 299
49 티에스엘푸우 (TSL_Pooh) 858 729
49 Liberty 640 528
51 NEXDeer 1134 1007
52 HwangSin 152 92
52 티에스엘킬러 (TSL_SangHo) 654 512
54 Lee 225 131
55 Sculp 457 368
56 CheckPrime 1761 1245
57 oGsNaDa 430 284
57 TankboyPrime 669 556
59 SisterfOu 140 84
60 NEXBuJa 192 102
61 NvxiaOt 954 769
62 oGsCarmel 1214 1055
63 NvXiGua 1426 1273
64 무적파워레인정 (InvinciblePowerRangerJung) 1233 1100
64 anyproPrime 706 553
66 크롬 (Chrome) 535 444
67 LiquidJinro 390 310
67 스타테일큐리어스 (ST_Curious) 823 698
69 oGsGon 843 596
70 고인요새 230 149
70 NEXON 410 331
72 NuclearfOu 1083 948
73 aLivefOu 852 698
74 알리시아 (Alicia) 1336 1184
75 티에스엘기니피그 (TSL_GuineaPig) 669 547
76 JiSooNOMG 808 718
77 SJY 169 83
78 makaprime 764 543
79 oGsHyperdub 792 645
79 슬레이어스밀즈 (Slayers_Mills) 909 803
81 oGsTheStC 580 452
82 코코슈 (KoKoShoo) 162 71
83 티에스엘과일장수 (TSL_FruitDealer) 659 470
84 oGsMC 507 317
85 oGsJ 870 779
86 TopClassfOu 1104 996
87 oGsHerO 723 630
88 건설로봇준비완료 790 691
89 NEXLine 474 374
89 닭강정 (SoySauceBraisedWings) 862 775
91 SiriusfOu 1000 908
92 fever 983 847
93 스타테일괴물 (ST_Monster) 699 588
94 NEXReturning 574 508
94 GuMihofOu 1212 1110
96 SeleCT 437 348
97 ZergKing 451 363
97 oGsZenio 1527 1102
99 슬레이어스라츠 (SlayerS_Rache) 643 574
100 슬레이어스심장 (SlayerS_Heart) 549 447
101 IMYongHwa 904 762
102 ManToMan 800 686
103 TwilightfOu 613 508
104 루이즈프랑소와즈 147 83
105 Allin 233 187
105 끝판왕 (LastGameKing) 480 398
107 오지에스원한다면 1074 955
107 몽몽귀 (JSL_Zenith) 491 390
109 NEXIceCream 634 563
110 PartinGfOu 862 788
111 TheBestfOu 940 840
112 코카콜라 (Coca-Cola) 139 79
113 SSapoZenith 855 754
114 LiquidRet 203 139
115 마법소녀 (MagicalGirl?) 1008 884
116 PoaChers 841 748
116 천안야우리 (ChunAnYaOoRi) 721 654
118 Hansei 170 118
119 SonRistaSG 605 505
120 스타테일어거스트 (ST_August) 265 189
120 jaMPrime 900 792
122 NvMacSed 2223 2067
123 MinPrime 1706 1581
123 스타테일뒤통수 (ST_JustFake) 686 587
125 WnagMuna 966 875
126 oGsOnizukA 253 187
127 EtdGrrr 924 850
128 Clear 180 84
129 Hyor 808 721
129 테란을왜했을까 194 135
131 inorifOu 1483 1396
132 Ven 707 602
132 DakotaProS 863 763
134 oGsVINES 880 795
135 티에스엘예쁜이 (TSL_Pretty) 882 767
135 EtdJbaker 506 431
137 MarpsPrime 1371 1235
138 oGsjookTo 691 624
139 Fox 466 398
139 IMtrue 898 803
141 Destination 524 435
141 SoulmanfOu 1082 990
143 비담제니스 (BiDamZenith) 659 554
144 컴박사홍흑형 (DoctorComputerHongHeukHyung) 1121 1007
145 스타테일제너두 501 397
146 박종혁프라임 (ParkJongHyukPrime) 442 375
146 lOvaCaCia 849 754
148 리베로프라임 (LiberoPrime) 771 678
149 Yeah 766 692
150 HwangSin 1582 1480
150 LofFrozen 591 495
152 absolutely 176 97
153 MisoZenith 734 648
154 Bisu 251 199
155 IMGanZi 850 701
156 DreamZenith 797 715
157 NEXChoa 1041 938
158 슬레이어스승부사 (SlayerSGameDecider) 1650 1515
158 NEXSparta 860 775
160 티에스엘사기수 (TSL_SKS) 878 705
160 렉스공익근무요원 (REX_PublicServant) 221 154
162 스타테일트라우멘 218 172
162 TreefOu 673 596
164 LamechJung 483 399
165 DuskBinTeam 1081 983
166 BoxeR 980 634
167 hotmail 640 573
168 LeenockfOu 1386 1274
169 유리포커스 (YuriFocus) 1160 1070
169 IMSleep 1196 1101
171 티에스엘레인 (TSL_Rain) 703 591
172 벨라스완 (BellaSwan [from twilight lol]) 112 79
173 Lucid 447 372
174 CutterZenith 709 622
174 렉스서현 (REX_SeoHyun) 608 524
176 스페셜프로에스 (Special_ProS) 780 679
176 렉스베스트오브한 (REX_BestOfHan) 543 469
178 뽕새 629 553
179 맹덕스핀 (BanelingSpin) 228 185
180 저징징 (ZergQQ) 662 579
180 LofSolar 257 192
182 PanDaZenith 779 703
183 NEXLuffy 813 714
184 EtdYinhulu 459 375
185 TAiLS 709 629
185 천사소녀프라임 (AngelGirlPrime) 1240 1124
187 엔에스피도시락 (NsP_LunchBox) 1341 1250
188 시나브로프라임 (BitByBitPrime) 932 840
189 RilakKuma 333 265
190 안녕프라임 (AnnYeongPrime) 1013 875
190 내목숨을아이유에 (MyLifeForIU) 454 392
192 NEXingyeo 3330 3337
193 viOLet 805 693
194 먼나라이웃나라 (FarAndNear) 169 82
195 PhoeNix 1103 1004
196 ZZayohoPros 457 395
197 PanDaAce 505 443
198 ReXTry 686 597
199 fancl 922 855
200 호랑이 (Horang) 474 407
2 NEXExcrement 951 779
3 베스킨라빈스 (MarineKingPrime) 289 109
4 저승사자 182 76
5 NEXT 398 274
6 IMJunwiPirme 986 585
6 RyungPrime 1003 770
8 kAsyufOu 652 534
9 엔에스피짝지 (NsP_JjakJi) 853 699
10 한니발프라임 (HannibalPrime) 664 446
11 IMLosirA 1308 1080
12 스타테일폭격기 (ST_Bomber) 1386 1018
13 HongUnPrime 759 513
14 스타테일바이러스 (ST_Virus) 1484 1198
15 NEXtaeJa 827 668
16 동래구프로에쓰 (DongNaeGuProS) 657 480
17 CutefOu 562 452
18 스타테일사운드 (ST_Sound) 1401 1125
19 oGsCezanne 544 387
20 NEXPuzzle 1026 813
21 오지에스잉카 (oGsInca) 684 543
21 스타테일안심이 (ST_July) 1209 943
23 KeenMvP 529 417
23 dreamertt 556 423
25 슬레이어스박서 (SlayerSBoxeR) 827 574
26 oGsTOP 1085 744
27 LiquidHuK 693 591
28 스타테일레인보우 (ST_RainbOw) 647 442
29 PoltPrime 864 688
30 CranefOu 1517 1370
31 엔에스피테사다르 (NsP_Tassadar) 1277 1107
32 AtreyuPrime 410 284
32 oGsEnsnare 827 575
34 puma 571 486
35 스타테일무작위왕 (ST_RandomKing) 754 574
36 IMhorror 1562 1452
37 뿡뿡프라임 (BbongBboongPrime) 1104 976
38 EGIdrA 586 461
39 IMNesTea 792 534
40 티에스엘클라이드 (ST_Clide) 804 598
41 fOu 306 199
42 엔에스피지니어스 (NsP_Genious) 1010 709
43 삐삐정 (PippiJung) 1999 1817
44 창조의아침 (NewDawn) 634 533
44 sCfOu 857 673
46 스타테일꼬부기 (ST_Squirtle) 1088 907
46 oGsTheWinD 986 827
48 슬레이어스짭승우 (SlayerS_NoobSeungWoo) 414 299
49 티에스엘푸우 (TSL_Pooh) 858 729
49 Liberty 640 528
51 NEXDeer 1134 1007
52 HwangSin 152 92
52 티에스엘킬러 (TSL_SangHo) 654 512
54 Lee 225 131
55 Sculp 457 368
56 CheckPrime 1761 1245
57 oGsNaDa 430 284
57 TankboyPrime 669 556
59 SisterfOu 140 84
60 NEXBuJa 192 102
61 NvxiaOt 954 769
62 oGsCarmel 1214 1055
63 NvXiGua 1426 1273
64 무적파워레인정 (InvinciblePowerRangerJung) 1233 1100
64 anyproPrime 706 553
66 크롬 (Chrome) 535 444
67 LiquidJinro 390 310
67 스타테일큐리어스 (ST_Curious) 823 698
69 oGsGon 843 596
70 고인요새 230 149
70 NEXON 410 331
72 NuclearfOu 1083 948
73 aLivefOu 852 698
74 알리시아 (Alicia) 1336 1184
75 티에스엘기니피그 (TSL_GuineaPig) 669 547
76 JiSooNOMG 808 718
77 SJY 169 83
78 makaprime 764 543
79 oGsHyperdub 792 645
79 슬레이어스밀즈 (Slayers_Mills) 909 803
81 oGsTheStC 580 452
82 코코슈 (KoKoShoo) 162 71
83 티에스엘과일장수 (TSL_FruitDealer) 659 470
84 oGsMC 507 317
85 oGsJ 870 779
86 TopClassfOu 1104 996
87 oGsHerO 723 630
88 건설로봇준비완료 790 691
89 NEXLine 474 374
89 닭강정 (SoySauceBraisedWings) 862 775
91 SiriusfOu 1000 908
92 fever 983 847
93 스타테일괴물 (ST_Monster) 699 588
94 NEXReturning 574 508
94 GuMihofOu 1212 1110
96 SeleCT 437 348
97 ZergKing 451 363
97 oGsZenio 1527 1102
99 슬레이어스라츠 (SlayerS_Rache) 643 574
100 슬레이어스심장 (SlayerS_Heart) 549 447
101 IMYongHwa 904 762
102 ManToMan 800 686
103 TwilightfOu 613 508
104 루이즈프랑소와즈 147 83
105 Allin 233 187
105 끝판왕 (LastGameKing) 480 398
107 오지에스원한다면 1074 955
107 몽몽귀 (JSL_Zenith) 491 390
109 NEXIceCream 634 563
110 PartinGfOu 862 788
111 TheBestfOu 940 840
112 코카콜라 (Coca-Cola) 139 79
113 SSapoZenith 855 754
114 LiquidRet 203 139
115 마법소녀 (MagicalGirl?) 1008 884
116 PoaChers 841 748
116 천안야우리 (ChunAnYaOoRi) 721 654
118 Hansei 170 118
119 SonRistaSG 605 505
120 스타테일어거스트 (ST_August) 265 189
120 jaMPrime 900 792
122 NvMacSed 2223 2067
123 MinPrime 1706 1581
123 스타테일뒤통수 (ST_JustFake) 686 587
125 WnagMuna 966 875
126 oGsOnizukA 253 187
127 EtdGrrr 924 850
128 Clear 180 84
129 Hyor 808 721
129 테란을왜했을까 194 135
131 inorifOu 1483 1396
132 Ven 707 602
132 DakotaProS 863 763
134 oGsVINES 880 795
135 티에스엘예쁜이 (TSL_Pretty) 882 767
135 EtdJbaker 506 431
137 MarpsPrime 1371 1235
138 oGsjookTo 691 624
139 Fox 466 398
139 IMtrue 898 803
141 Destination 524 435
141 SoulmanfOu 1082 990
143 비담제니스 (BiDamZenith) 659 554
144 컴박사홍흑형 (DoctorComputerHongHeukHyung) 1121 1007
145 스타테일제너두 501 397
146 박종혁프라임 (ParkJongHyukPrime) 442 375
146 lOvaCaCia 849 754
148 리베로프라임 (LiberoPrime) 771 678
149 Yeah 766 692
150 HwangSin 1582 1480
150 LofFrozen 591 495
152 absolutely 176 97
153 MisoZenith 734 648
154 Bisu 251 199
155 IMGanZi 850 701
156 DreamZenith 797 715
157 NEXChoa 1041 938
158 슬레이어스승부사 (SlayerSGameDecider) 1650 1515
158 NEXSparta 860 775
160 티에스엘사기수 (TSL_SKS) 878 705
160 렉스공익근무요원 (REX_PublicServant) 221 154
162 스타테일트라우멘 218 172
162 TreefOu 673 596
164 LamechJung 483 399
165 DuskBinTeam 1081 983
166 BoxeR 980 634
167 hotmail 640 573
168 LeenockfOu 1386 1274
169 유리포커스 (YuriFocus) 1160 1070
169 IMSleep 1196 1101
171 티에스엘레인 (TSL_Rain) 703 591
172 벨라스완 (BellaSwan [from twilight lol]) 112 79
173 Lucid 447 372
174 CutterZenith 709 622
174 렉스서현 (REX_SeoHyun) 608 524
176 스페셜프로에스 (Special_ProS) 780 679
176 렉스베스트오브한 (REX_BestOfHan) 543 469
178 뽕새 629 553
179 맹덕스핀 (BanelingSpin) 228 185
180 저징징 (ZergQQ) 662 579
180 LofSolar 257 192
182 PanDaZenith 779 703
183 NEXLuffy 813 714
184 EtdYinhulu 459 375
185 TAiLS 709 629
185 천사소녀프라임 (AngelGirlPrime) 1240 1124
187 엔에스피도시락 (NsP_LunchBox) 1341 1250
188 시나브로프라임 (BitByBitPrime) 932 840
189 RilakKuma 333 265
190 안녕프라임 (AnnYeongPrime) 1013 875
190 내목숨을아이유에 (MyLifeForIU) 454 392
192 NEXingyeo 3330 3337
193 viOLet 805 693
194 먼나라이웃나라 (FarAndNear) 169 82
195 PhoeNix 1103 1004
196 ZZayohoPros 457 395
197 PanDaAce 505 443
198 ReXTry 686 597
199 fancl 922 855
200 호랑이 (Horang) 474 407




Zerg dropping way way down, protoss gaining some momentum.
IMMVP returns to the #1 spot once again, and the rest at the top are still mostly familiar names. I'm still not sure who 저승사자 is, anyone know if netizens have found out this mystery zerg or if current speculation is still a shared team account? One other thing I found of note is that Tester is down to 160, mirroring his disappointing results in recent tournaments. Even if not indicative of a greater trend, he's certainly in a slump - he went 25-44 on the ladder this week.
Foreigners had a slightly better than worse week overall. Huk is the top foreigner now after rising from 42 to 27, Jinro made his triumphant return to the top 200 at 67, Ret rose from 138 to 114, and SEn bounced back from 154 to 97. Idra dropped for the first time in a while, from 27 to 38, and Haypro, Luffy, and Moonglade aren't on the list.
Source: http://kr.battle.net/sc2/ko/blog/562232#blog
Last Week
I've done all the names I know for sure, trying to figure out the rest. if you know Korean and want to correct me on one of the ones I've marked with a question mark or just translate the ones that have nothing so far, just post em up and I'll edit them in and give you credit~
Oh and for a special bonus, here's some news I saw a few weeks back but didn't think noteworthy enough for its own topic. I did a search and didn't see anyone else posting about this, but I've missed whole topics on the GSL ro64 schedule and danawa/ygosu tournament so it's certainly possible this is old news.
MVP team announcement
As a note this is the MVP team, not to do with the player whose ID is

They have a nifty + Show Spoiler [logo] +
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/HwN8O.jpg)






