Server: US Server Team Name: Tactical Gaming Leader/Managers: TL ID: TGxBait / BNet ID: TGxBait. 482 Clan Channel: Tactical Gaming Clan General Team League Level: Bronze - Masters Goals of team: Tactical Gaming is a community that has been around for almost 8 years! We are a very mature community and our focus is on Teamwork and Teamplay! In our Starcraft division We focus primarily on 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 gametypes, and are looking for those SC players who are tired of going in to team games with randoms, where there is almost no communication or teamwork. So if you are tired of having people on your team who, Have no Skill, Do not communicate and Act like a 2 year old. Then TG may be the right place for you! We offer private forums as well as a private Teamspeak server. We accept members of all skill levels. As we have several members who started out in bronze but are now in Plat/diamond leauges. So if you like to play team games and want to play with people who you know are going to have your back then come by and check us out. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose
Head Quarters: http://www.TacticalGaming.net
About us: http://www.tghq.org/tghq/homepage.php
Why join us: http://tghq.org/tghq/jointg.php
Server: NA Team Name: Physics Gaming Leader/Managers: Primo.355 General Team League Level: Bronze - Master Website: New Website! Goals of team: To practice and improve as much as possible, while also gaining Starcraft buddies in the process. Other: This is a practice team that will hopefully benefit those who join, with practice and friends. Whether you're looking for practice games, team game partners, or just some people to hang out and talk to, we have it all! Everyone and anyone is welcome. Join the chat channel "Physics Gaming" or register on the website if you're interested!
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: voodooNOiZE.634 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/493291/1/voodooNOiZE/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/493291/voodooNOiZE Interest: Competitive League: Platinum (top25) Other: I've been playing starcraft2 since season 1 but i can't pass over platinum , i loose alot to bio-balls and roches allin-ish that strike around 10:00. Would gladly practice against any matchup. Hoping to play a lot, message me if you want to practice 1v1 or just theorycraft. (not looking for team games) Friendly. Calm . Got good internet connexion and good pc , if needed i have stream. Country : Romania ,(age:23) .Good english speaker(bad writer )
Server : NA Team Name: unRestricted Leader/Managers: sYz-Adrenaline / bliss.156 / Twi$t (CEO) Clan Channel: Team unR General Team League Level: Plat - Masters/GM Short-team goals: Establish a friendly new team/community that practices, learns, and grows together. Everyone is welcome to come and hang out. There will be small 8man in-house tournaments with very small cash prizes run at random during every (maybe every other, or more frequent) weekend, any skill level is welcome to play in it.
Long-term goals: Establish a competitive team that may compete in online and at LAN events. *Name change not required to join team* [/b]
Other: Based off an existing community that currently has other teams and sponsors in different games. Very, very, very new team (in terms of Starcraft 2) Website: http://www.unrestricted-esports.net/
Server: NA (Main) / (EU/KR) available Battle.Net ID: TeK.954 Race: Protoss League: Masters Interest: Competitive Age: 23 Occupation: College Student
Sat down recently and started taking SC2 more seriously, I have two Masters NA accounts, and I own a KR/EU account but have not played them. I am a Protoss player and plan on continuing to take my play to the next level and would love to have a team to do it with. Team needs to be serious, as I will be competing at MLG Raleigh August 24-26th.
We need master league players to fill our competetive roster! Come to channel: PsionicAftermath Or visit www.PsionicAftermath.com to sign up! Tell them Jedi sent you! JediZealot.241
If you want more details let me know!
---------------------------------Looking for a team------------------------------------- Battle.net ID: InfBawS(i am terrible at coming up with names ).269 League: Diamond Race: Terran Goals: Reach Masters before the end of next season. Playtime: Everyday during the sumer, almost everyday otherwise.
Info: Hi guys! I am an active 16 year old terran player from Sweden, i am looking for a clan/team that aim to improve. If the team was praticipating in teamleagues of any sort then that would be really fun aswell. If you want me to join your team then just hit me up on TL or Battle.Net. Thank you! //InfBawS
Edit: I have found a clan! http://www.psionicaftermath.com/ No need to contact me about it anymore.
Looking for a clan
Region: EU League: Mid-highmasters Race: Zerg/Terran Goals: Im looking for a clan with good practise partners so i can get better and hopefully achieve my dream one day (GM) Playtime: Probably everyday, i do have alot of time but im not using it as well as i could, Therefore im looking for a clan to practise with.
If your interested please write a message here on teamliquid and ill respond with further information. By the way im 16 years old from sweden same as the guy above
Psionic Aftermath wants you!!! www.PsionicAftermath.com We are actively recruiting Master League players to join our competetive team we are setting up as well as to join our coaching program to help the less fortunate! If this interests you PM me or sign up on the website. We are also recruiting all other ranks and have a training program to assist these players in becoming great! Psionic Aftermath offers Streaming, Coaching, Training, Competetive/Casual gaming, and a great mature environment! Our StarCraft channel is: PsionicAftermath Tell them Jedi sent you! JediZealot.241
And thanks for your consideration!
Team Name: Cloud Gaming http://cloud.enjin.com/home Recruitment Managers: AndeePwns [TL] / AndeePwns 908 [NA] Sever: NA Clan Channel: cloud gaming (all lower case) General Team League Level: Any Race(s) you are looking for: Any Goals of team: To train and help players who are trying to get into the competitive scene or players who just need a training squad or advice on what they can do to improve. This team is meant for dedicated members who will not slack on playing time. Cloud Gaming will hopefully become a staple in the esports community one day, but it cannot achieve that goal without the help of you, the players. Other: Currently, I am just trying to start a team. Anyone is allowed to join the team, but must obviously meet the requirements above. I would like to have members who are willing to practice and communicate through forums, in game chatting, or even by Skype. Contact: Email: AndyPhamHo@hotmail.com / PM here / Talk on SC2 / Skype: AndeeOwns
Server: NA Team Name: Gamers Abyss Leader/Managers: TL ID: Th0R Bnet: ThoR.2658 and ThoR.2530 Clan Channel: Gamers Abyss General Team League Level: Masters for the competitive team and Diamond and under for the community team Goals of team: Our goals for the future consist of breaking out into the Starcraft 2 scene as a top team in the next year or two. Other: What sets Gamers Abyss apart from other teams though is that it is ran by a full dedicated staff and supported/owned by a company called Thunder Hawk solutions, a web design company. Gamers Abyss is a long term invested team and the reason we aim for mid-masters is so as they develop as players we can develop the GA community and website. We are recruiting for the competitive Starcraft team and our community team. To join just either visit our website http://www.gamersabyss.com or contact me through bnet or Team Liquid.The competitive team will be focused on furthering their skill while attempting to break into the scene as a top professional organization. The community team is aimed for anyone who is looking to just have a fun time.
EDIT: To make things easier for the people looking to join the Community Team just feel free to go here http://gamersabyss.com/forumdisplay.php/31-Starcraft-II and submit an application right away. You don't need to contact me unless you want any questions answered. Also this should help make things less confusing when trying to find where to submit an app. Our forums are a bit of a mess right now. EDIT#2: The competitive team got together for the first time last night and we managed to get in a nice 7 hour long practice
Looking for a clan!
Server: EU Name.ID: Rogg.788 Race: Zerg League: High-diamond
I started playing sc2 again after a break (still followed the scene tho) and I'm trying to find the motivation to ladder more and hit master. But I'm pretty lonely on Bnet, so I'm looking for a clan to play with and have this social aspect and competitive motivation (with people of my level or more ideally). PM me on TL or in-game if interested.
Team Psychedelic is looking for players! (Server: EU)
We are a competitive amateur team, currently strengthening our roster, with the aim of playing on a solid top 1000 EU masters level.
We offer: -solid team, existing since February 2011 with mature players and experienced leadership -weekly intern ranking games, with small prizes for most successful players -intern ranking decides on lineups and A-Team membership -regular team-league games -motivating training environment -voice chat, page etc.
We expect: -top 1000 EU master -good English -regular attendance of ranking games (Tuesday 19:30 CEST) and clanwars -reliability and manners
Sc2ranks division: http://www.sc2ranks.com/c/10737/psychedelic-players-project/ Homepage: http://team-psychedelic.de/
If you are interested contact us: B.net: PsyǂShizanu#273 or PsyǂBiphy#949 Skype: warcraft3gamer
Server: NA/Americas Team Name: Team xO-Gaming, Hugs & Kisses! Leader/Managers: TL ID / BNet ID xOEclipse.362, xOBeyond.858, or xOHooDluM.172 alternatively you can pm TheGiftedApe or PSIKevin on TL Clan Channel: xO General Team League Level: Diamond-Masters Goals of team: Competitive / Casual. Our A-Team is working towards getting sponsorships so that we can eventually send our players to send to MLG's and other events. The B-Team is for those who wish to improve and hopefully reach the A-Team. The C-Team is for low masters who wanna competitively play in clan wars. Our Academy will help Diamonds/Masters to improve, and our community is very laid back and enjoys to play team games and micro tourney.
Also there's a lot of (づ。o‿o。)づ HUGS! ⊂(.o‿o.⊂). Other: Our website: http://www.xo-gaming.com Or a direct link to our forum to fill out a recruitment app: http://www.xo-gaming.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=14 We are looking for anybody who wants to join! We are a well established mature clan average age 20-22, Everyone is welcome in our channel "xO", usually people are looking for a game or to start a KOTH. We are looking for active gamers who have atleast some personality and talent(sc1 experience is a plus). Masters & Grandmasters players feel free to apply either by filling out the recruitment app on our website, or ask a member in our channel on battle.net. If you want to improve your game and play with some friends check us out. (we are not clan xoxo, that is a different team, we are Team xO)
Currently in need of High Master/GM Zerg/Terran
We have regular practice, a High Masters/GM A-Team, a Mid-Master B-Team, C-Team for low master and Academy for Diamond-Low Masters. In addition, we also have a very strong community, with over 60 people in our chat channel at all times. Feel free to hang out for a bit. ^^
A-Team: http://sc2ranks.com/c/11280/team-xo-a/ B-Team: http://sc2ranks.com/c/12083/xo-b-team/
Looking for a professional style clan / team
Server: NA or EU Name.ID: ZealOtShield . 127 Race: Zerg League: High masters on NA , and KR
I am a high master Zerg player on NA & KR, 950-1K point, I have played SC2 since beta and had a lot of success early on in beta / early release, I am looking to once again have a very popular stream and become the best I can become, I am searching for a professionally ran team that is heading in the same direction I am, to fulfill my dream of becoming a pro gamer. I played BW for 10+ years and joined many top kr clans like [aLive], Neo.G_, [ArnC] , EveR) , [Name] . I am in [Shield] clan now on KR server but am looking for an active, professional style clan / team on NA server that potentially even has benefits for its players that participate in online / offline events, and that perform well. Thank you~
God bless~
Name: Madrid Code: 669 Rank: Diamond Race: Protoss Region: NA Age: 25 Please PM me if interested -- I'll check the forums before logging on to BNET
I'm looking for a competitive team that is Masters league or close to masters league. I'd like to be able to practice all matchups and grow our skills together. My goal is to promote to Masters league and secure a top 8 position. I missed season 7 but I've played for a little over three weeks on a smurf and I'm top 15 in my Diamond league and regaining my skill quickly.
I have good mechanics and game sense; the only opportunity is having friends of similar skill to practice all the matchups outside of the ladder.
Server: NA Team Name: Clan Xelnaga Leader/Managers: xNCoMeT or xNFortune : 601 Clan Channel: clan xn League Level: Bronze-Masters Goals of Team: Have fun, learn, Clan wars Others: http://clanxelnaga.enjin.com/home
NOTE: Some players in the clan are not at the skill level that they are in (league). Most of these players are above their placed level. Please be kind, Keep the BM to the minimum, trolling cannot be insane.
Low master terran from Sweden (ALSO 16 YEARS OLD,LOL) LF Starcraft 2 team with mainly masters in it.
Contact me here on TL.net.
Server: NA (Main) Name: GalaxyGamer.337 League: Top 8 Diamond Race: Protoss
Hi my name is Joseph aka GalaxyGamer I'm 16 and i play Protoss at a diamond to low master level. Im looking for a competitive team that is Masters level. I'd like to be able to play with people better then me and also help me get better. I hope to get masters by next season or maybe this season. I'm very determined and i would put 100% into becoming better and also helping the team anyway i can. Skype: Josephv751@gmail.com Email: Josephv751@gmail.com