i love you richi =never post here but i followe you/stalk you on here and something awful, youre a great guy ill put this to excellent use.
i love this site, one fo the best communities on the net. keep up the great work guys!! see you all online!!!!!
Are your contests announced anywhere? It sucks when you see it too late to have a decent chance at winning.
My heart is seriously pounding right now, I've never won something like this. I just saw that the only distinguised feature of the pic was the gradient colours, didnt see any metadata so went with that.
also lol what a page snipe i got haha
Canada8028 Posts
RGB colors? Never would've thought of that. It didn't help that I got totally distracted by the fact that THEROCK IS PLAYING RIGHT NOW.
roffles is playing kpop, how am i suppose to think criticly with such catchy sounds/sights distracting me
On April 17 2010 14:22 420zerg wrote: My heart is seriously pounding right now, I've never won something like this. I just saw that the only distinguised feature of the pic was the gradient colours, didnt see any metadata so went with that.
also lol what a page snipe i got haha
I saw something but it was insignificant.. well Good job bro and enjoy your beta key ^_^
Man, I hope I win something! I clapped my hands when I saw that someone won already.. hehehe
I'm sure there will be other opportunities .
R1CH you should get a lot of keys, its really cool that intelligent people are winning rather than just lucky or popular people.
LOL, ahaha 420zerg. It's nice to see someone get this excited makes me feel all warm inside o_o.
Yes plox, more nerdy puzzles for beta keys!
i think ive been working on these riddles more than actually studying for finals
thanks a lot r1ch =x
Yeh I really LOVE these kinds of puzzles, as soon as I saw it my brain just went into lockdown and I can't do anything else until I've solved it.
On April 17 2010 14:30 Martinni wrote: So what was the answer? The answer was my beta key minus 3 letters so someone else couldn't grab it. grap the RGB values in paint.net and throw them into a hex>>ASCII converter, I've claimed the key now + you won't get the last 3 letters.
I was waiting for the rest of the contest to be posted, i suck with all this techy stuff
So you convert the RGB value to letters using ASCII? Like this, 89 71 75 -> Y G K??
Was it the hex color code into ascii = password?
I was looking at this and I was hoping to find a single "FF D9" (meaning the end of the img and the start of a hidden msg) but there was more than one, so I knew I wasn't in the right track 
I already have a key, I just like challenges
On April 17 2010 14:35 ptell wrote: So you convert the RGB value to letters using ASCII? Like this, 89 71 75 -> Y G K?? I used an online converter here http://www.dolcevie.com/js/converter.html
I can't remember how HEX>>ASCII works, you'd have to wiki it.