On January 10 2012 18:43 Lysanias wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 18:41 bittman wrote:On January 10 2012 18:39 dcemuser wrote:On January 10 2012 18:38 BuzZoo wrote: Does anyone else think it would make perfect sense if snipe couldn't be casted on massive units? What would the point of it be then? Just remove the spell at that point. Yeah because they will then only do 45 damage to marines, marauders and every zerg unit. Not that I agree with the original idea, but the usefulness of snipe is just so highlighted by tier 3 zerg that people forget it does other things Aye, good old ghost rush on 1 base in TvT :D loved that back in the day, just don't see it anymore. They just eat marines/maruaders.
Because it is easier to just build other units with the money you would have spent on the tech switch to ghosts.
Marines are pretty good.
On January 10 2012 18:44 ZenithM wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 18:43 ThePhan2m wrote:On January 10 2012 18:42 Xkalibert wrote: fin isn't undefeated anymore in GSL still 2 more games vs Leenock  I think Fin was even undefeated in individual sets.
Yep he was @ 6-0 in GSL, now 6-1
Really sick game. I felt like both players are pretty much evenly skilled and they were just countering each other nicely all game long by having right units comps, counter attacks by leenock, capitalizing on mistakes(free brood and ultra snipe due to being out of position). Just so so awesome.
On January 10 2012 18:44 Theeakoz wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 18:43 MorroW wrote: very sick game. but he forgot to mule for like 2-3 minutes judging from the 15~ mules he dropped at the end of the game rofl. i think he coulda come back if he kept muling better
clumping all those ghost was the biggest mistake of the game but this game still showed how sick fin is
i liked leenocks play alot too SO SICK morrow approves scans?
16 year old new player beating a BW vet starleague winner. I hope that this series continues in this fashion so BW elitists bring it down a notch
Oh my god, I forgot it was BO3 now! So sweet!
amazinnngggggggggg game just bravo both players
On January 10 2012 18:43 Exempt. wrote: most people dont realize that ultras and banes are the unit of choice vs ghosts least this series will educate some
Never forget the power of Infestors, I know I did. If anything fungal is better than an Overseer for detection in the big engagements.
wow... I was about to whine about how leenock had lost and then... ghosts died. Brilliant game!
compare these matches to yesterdays boxer vs sen.. hmm, not quite the same  Tbh probably all in this group has the edge over all in yesterdays group!
Such a bad assed game. Fin and Leenock, this could easily be a finals game Give us 2 more sick ones.
On January 10 2012 18:43 Tump wrote: Overrated? First Code S and TvZ is Fin's worst matchup and he nearly trashed the best Zerg.
More like underrated.
TvZ is hard if you miscontrol once to a Fungal your Ghost ball is dead... Nearly trashed the best zerg? O_o What game are you watching?
On January 10 2012 18:43 Sc2Null wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 18:43 cyclone25 wrote: Fin made so many mistakes, it could have been a easy win for him despite Leenock playing a perfect game. we see everything so it seems simple to us
This is ALWAYS so true about watching games. Watch one of your own replays. You will be YELLING at the screen.
Leenock is such a boss, omg :D
On January 10 2012 18:44 Seraphone wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 18:43 architecture wrote: Arguably ForGG had better macro, but better macro is not an advantage against Z. His TvZ did not seem very polished, there was little usage of medivacs to truly pressure Z in the late game. Leenock had spines down at every base and Mutas.
forgg was really heavy on medivacs and marines which were 3-3 on upgrades. in that situation he just had to drop a lot and wait for leenocks macro to slip. 2 medivacs with marines to kill greater spire? totally worth it
Where's my EST clock? Lame 
G2 should be very interesting
On January 10 2012 18:44 MrProb wrote:Show nested quote +On January 10 2012 18:41 Seeker wrote:Poll: Recommend Leenock vs fOrGG Game 1?YES! EPIC GAME! (241) 96% No (8) 3% If you have time (1) 0% 250 total votes Your vote: Recommend Leenock vs fOrGG Game 1? (Vote): YES! EPIC GAME! (Vote): No (Vote): If you have time
who in this fucking world voted no ??
Whoever, voted no, boo that man! Boo!!
X_X I meant to stay up and see the MC matches. I forgot it was a bo3.
On January 10 2012 18:44 Azzur wrote: forGG forgot that fungals can be cast on cloaked units
forGG was ambushed by infestors and ultralisks while he was focusing on sniping the broodlords.