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[special edit: Any more derailing over the fact that someone made a Germany vs Poland WW2 joke after page 21 will be met with a week ban.] |
On August 22 2011 02:10 PeggyHill wrote: Needed a tech switch into collossus.
It's just ridiculous how much terran can get dominated a whole game then just hit a few EMPs and win (vs Toss).
How many drops did MC instantly shut down for no losses, but yet the terran absorbs these losses like they never happened.
Then MC loses 1 warp prism and 2 templar and it's GG.
a good point of view
On August 22 2011 02:10 Spicy Pepper wrote: Please give the warp prism more health. WTF. You shudnt be able to fly a unit over stimmed marines and have it stay alive, no carrier type unit can fly over 10 stimmed marines and survive.
I'm crying with MC as well... I thought he was ahead but made a mistake here and there that lost him the game...
wow tvp metagame favors t pretty hard at the moment. puma played well, but not that well to explain such a sudden end of the game while he failed with most of his drops, were behind in supply etc. not saying mc didnt make mistakes too like not enough warpgates, too few archons and no colossi
Ok, I'm done with this crap. PuMa sits in full Storms, can't hit a good EMP, 30 supply behind most of the game, but rolls MC anyway because lol.
MC is way better, but he will most likely lose in spite of this.
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On August 22 2011 02:10 Grettin wrote: Mods sleeping or what?! Prolly raging too :DD.
On August 22 2011 02:10 DrunkeN. wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2011 02:09 hugman wrote:On August 22 2011 02:08 HaXXspetten wrote: Am I the only one who don't really understand why MC lost that? Warp Prism died with full energy HTs and lack of upgrades. IT WAS 2/2 AGAINS 3/2 ffs it wasn't the upgrades it was just terrible positioning by mc
On August 22 2011 02:10 Lylat wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2011 02:08 HaXXspetten wrote: Am I the only one who don't really understand why MC lost that? Bad micro and pitiful upgrades against 3-3, what don't you get ?
Blink, charge, storm and 2-2 against 3-2?? Doesn't sound too bad eh?? Better watch the game dude, MC lost because of templar mismicro, upgrades played a lesser role.
lol i love this penguin commercial :D
On August 22 2011 02:10 Demonaz wrote:MC please get upgrades next game  Sick play by Puma though, biding his time perfectly. Were you watching the game? MC was already 2-2...
Good EMPs by Puma. Not good enough medivac sniping by MC. Needed more feedbacks on them.
Remember folks, the replays will be released so you can investigate
Terran is way to OP, this second game showed it.
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Vatican City State334 Posts
It feels like MC throws away so many games vs Puma when he should be comfortable, mistakes at NASL and here again losing him the game.
Honestly it felt like Puma is just controlling really well in battles while MC is throwing away units in awkward engagements.
I want last game's replays, I want it so much man...
On August 22 2011 02:10 bokeevboke wrote: lol Puma was behind supply-wise. ofcourse he was, he was investing in upgrades.
On August 22 2011 02:10 Badfatpanda wrote:Show nested quote +On August 22 2011 02:08 snifit wrote: Puma with the 3-base all in. What a noob. lol? You have to be sarcastic man....so Terran doesn't 1-1-1 and you still have to claim something is imba?
I think TL will have to implement a sarcastic tag similar to the spoiler tag, even when its very obvious people just don't get it
stupid protoss whiners please stop it
On August 22 2011 02:10 daSilvaz wrote: The bias in TL towards terrans is amazing. Everybody is sick of terran winning games it seems.