I think Throzain has a great mind for the game, but just not the practice experience for perfect execution. Seriously, 2 turrets at home to fend off mutas in the late game? I feel like he just needs more practice to be able to always remember to leave a thor or wait for more turrets. Maybe it was nerves. Anyway, he definitely didn't embarrass himself. Better luck next time Thorzain! <3
It's a shame that absent mindedness at times seems to be a fundamental flaw in his gameplay, or at least, slow hands. Game one was a masterclass on how to play TvZ methodically and correctly though.
I don't understand why Thorzain didn't leave anything at home to defend the mutas Oo I know he's a million times better then me and there must be something im missing but i just don't get it... When the mutas got to his base Thorzain seemed to panic and started making mistakes in the push. Can't be in a hurry when you slow push.
That's too bad, but come on, realistically the foreigners shouldn't stand a chance to any of the koreans and Tzain played pretty good considering the circumstances.