On August 07 2011 07:03 zocktol wrote: Is this confusing to people who played WoW, or is it just confusing for noobs like me?
I see pretty much everything, but I've played it at a high level. Also, it hasn't changed that much from what I see, just a little bit more bursty lol.
It looked like the shaman got hexed because that is like 1.5seconds of no global; even though it is a 45second cooldown(30 glyphed) it is good to use to garuntee a kill, but it failed anyway.
So how does this work anyways, are they playing with characters that they need to level up and find gear for in single player first or are these characters pre-made for competition?
On August 07 2011 07:04 ninjan wrote: I get that people play wow, and I can understand the fun in playing arena, but I think it's quite clear that it's not good for spectators. At all.
On August 07 2011 07:03 zocktol wrote: Is this confusing to people who played WoW, or is it just confusing for noobs like me?
I used to play WoW a ton, and even when I did I couldn't understand wtf was going on in Arena matches half the time. I think you kind of have to play a lot of arena to be able to.
On August 07 2011 07:03 ToT)OjKa( wrote: 120,000hp+
That's just ridiculous. Whatever happened to 4k hp? Couldn't control the gear eh?
Its all relative anyway, silly statement
I'm sure it's relative but it's still not smart to have such inflation. I remember watching my druid friend in a 2v2 arena which turned into 1v2. They literally could not kill him for over five minutes. Any time he got nearly out of mana, his innervate would kick back in and I just couldn't believe it...
On August 07 2011 07:01 Sina92 wrote: As someone who has played the game competetively I can say that by looking at the healthbars and buffs/debuffs you can tell whats going on, allthough it requires a certain ammount of knowledge.
I used to be SK100, and after two years out of the game I can barely tell what is going on, lol. Although zooming in does make it quite a bit harder to see the big picture.
Aye, I mean if you aren't listening to the commentators, I could not understand what was going on. That is, the most important things are CDs, which the commentators are trying to relay to us, since fx that shaman was just about to die because he had no CDs to save himself again.
On August 07 2011 07:04 Brotatolol wrote: I haven't played WoW in quite some time. It's honestly not that hard to follow, but it used to be a lot more enjoyable to watch at MLG where there was the listen in feature which let you hear team communication and such.
Are you serious? Six guys casting different spells at the same time, and a lot of them are procced straight away?
On August 07 2011 06:59 Derez wrote: I've played wow for years, even level a new toon to 85 in cata, and I have no clue what is happening or who is winning.
You have to have played it at a high level yourself ;p. I pretty much saw what was going on, even though I haven't played for like 1-2 years, but it's just very hard if you've never played it.
I actually did play wow at a high level, but only pve and always despised arena and did it for the gear farm (free healer mace yay!).
It's a terrible spectator sport if you can only watch it if you compete at high level yourself tho.
On August 07 2011 07:03 zocktol wrote: Is this confusing to people who played WoW, or is it just confusing for noobs like me?
It's confusing for everyone haha.
No, it makes sense for people who play the game and understand pvp to a basic level. The interface being shown displays Crowd control abilities and who's occasionally being focused down. I can follow it, but it's mildly difficult because the casters are super meh.
On August 07 2011 07:03 zocktol wrote: Is this confusing to people who played WoW, or is it just confusing for noobs like me?
I see pretty much everything, but I've played it at a high level. Also, it hasn't changed that much from what I see, just a little bit more bursty lol.
I only played WoW for three weeks about a year ago. Nothing makes sense to me, all I see is a bunch of colorful effects.