I am reading this wrong or do you guy all reading this wrong ? Nestea vs Losira can only happen in the grand final, they're on each side of the bracket.
On July 12 2011 22:07 Highways wrote: Terran officially the weakest race?
Yeah, terran the weakest race with larger than 50% win rate (from aggregated tourney statistics) in the last 8 months without exceptions.
Would somebody stomp into this idiots head that stats from 8 months ago are no longer valid? Give terran the stats they had at release and you'd see 100 % terran in every tournament. Also it's a straight up lie. All the big, recent tournaments (MLG and DH) that have released stats have had terran as the underperforming race.
On July 12 2011 21:45 Medrea wrote: Overlords should have a separate really destination from units. Thats like the one real clunky thing left in SC2.
Wasn't everyone on TL just complaining that SC2 isn't clunky enough? x_x
Well, I am hella against poor control schemes that take away options from the player. Intentionally making a game control terribly is prob the silliest thing you can do. Control should always be granted, never taken away. Same goes for elements that do things automatically, they take control away.
Having an overlord rally sends them automatically to another place. Currently, you can manually rally them as eggs, or adjust their path once they spawn. Sounds like control to me.
Hmm fair point good sir. Well alright then.
Finding said eggs sounds painful. Though.
Indeed finding eggs would be painful - here's what you do with fast fingers though: select hatch(es) > press S > press V for however many OLs you want to spawn > click desired rally location on minimap > shift click on one of the eggs in production tab [warning: unused larva will now swap in production tab with any hatching eggs] > re-rally remaining eggs to new rally > shift click one more egg out for new solo rally > continue...
With OL speed you can quickly send out drop spotters very quickly without wasting APM around the map repositioning OLs. Of course there should already be a few OLs "out deep" or drop spotting from the early game, but yeah, it's nice when mineral excess permits in mid/later game
On July 12 2011 21:45 Medrea wrote: Overlords should have a separate really destination from units. Thats like the one real clunky thing left in SC2.
Wasn't everyone on TL just complaining that SC2 isn't clunky enough? x_x
Well, I am hella against poor control schemes that take away options from the player. Intentionally making a game control terribly is prob the silliest thing you can do. Control should always be granted, never taken away. Same goes for elements that do things automatically, they take control away.
Having an overlord rally sends them automatically to another place. Currently, you can manually rally them as eggs, or adjust their path once they spawn. Sounds like control to me.
Hmm fair point good sir. Well alright then.
Finding said eggs sounds painful. Though.
say you have 20larva. you select em, make 5 overlords, rally them somewhere else then you select something random that has nothing to do with hatcheries. you select your hatcheries again, you select your 15 larva remaining and make whatever out of them which you can rally somewhere else
it sounds rather complicated but it's not too bad really :p only in the lategame can it become really annoying
Sounds similar to warping in, it drags your attention to your base.
On July 12 2011 22:06 Sc2Null wrote: losira vs nestea ....r04 -.-?
Unless Tester pulls off some miracle PvZ or NesTea suddenly became bad at ZvZ, probably.
I really don't understand why so many pro terrans don't try to make at least a few thors once they have their armory up, especially given how popular huge muta flocks are becoming. I know that mutas are weaker than they were in BW, but you wouldn't just not build goliaths because marines are good.
I agree, even one each mineral line... it woulda been so much different. At the cost of a few tanks... it would have beneficial.
On July 12 2011 22:06 Sc2Null wrote: losira vs nestea ....r04 -.-?
Unless Tester pulls off some miracle PvZ or NesTea suddenly became bad at ZvZ, probably.
I really don't understand why so many pro terrans don't try to make at least a few thors once they have their armory up, especially given how popular huge muta flocks are becoming. I know that mutas are weaker than they were in BW, but you wouldn't just not build goliaths because marines are good.
It's not a terran thing, its actually a TOP thing. If you ever watch his Bo5 vs ZENEXLine from the Super Tournament you'll be startled at how few Thors TOP built when Line went super heavy muta almost every single game.
He's a great macro terran, but if it's not the key for marines or siege tanks TOP is a bit lost =P
On July 12 2011 22:12 MrCon wrote: I am reading this wrong or do you guy all reading this wrong ? Nestea vs Losira can only happen in the grand final, they're on each side of the bracket.
People have been saying that the graphics are always being flip flopped accidently so who knows anymore.
Why don't people actually look at the brackets before they speak? Nestea is on the topside of the bracket.. Losire on the downside.. So they won't meet until finals
On July 12 2011 22:06 Sc2Null wrote: losira vs nestea ....r04 -.-?
Unless Tester pulls off some miracle PvZ or NesTea suddenly became bad at ZvZ, probably.
I really don't understand why so many pro terrans don't try to make at least a few thors once they have their armory up, especially given how popular huge muta flocks are becoming. I know that mutas are weaker than they were in BW, but you wouldn't just not build goliaths because marines are good.
It's not a terran thing, its actually a TOP thing. If you ever watch his Bo5 vs ZENEXLine from the Super Tournament you'll be startled at how few Thors TOP built when Line went super heavy muta almost every single game.
He's a great macro terran, but if it's not the key for marines or siege tanks TOP is a bit lost =P
On July 12 2011 22:12 MrCon wrote: I am reading this wrong or do you guy all reading this wrong ? Nestea vs Losira can only happen in the grand final, they're on each side of the bracket.