On June 10 2012 14:23 CecilSunkure wrote:
I've seen a couple good players try it out, but the cost of ravens didn't pay off like it did in BW. In BW detection is a lot more important, and the splash of irradiate on mutas and use on lurkers/defilers (especially under dark swarm) was so necessary that the science vessel was a lot more useful a lot more of the time. I noted that the sc2 players I saw try just sort of died to attacks in the mid-game.
However late in the game I've seen some sick hunter seeker missile usage when the supply efficiency of the ravens and ability to purchase them becomes important.
I've seen a couple good players try it out, but the cost of ravens didn't pay off like it did in BW. In BW detection is a lot more important, and the splash of irradiate on mutas and use on lurkers/defilers (especially under dark swarm) was so necessary that the science vessel was a lot more useful a lot more of the time. I noted that the sc2 players I saw try just sort of died to attacks in the mid-game.
However late in the game I've seen some sick hunter seeker missile usage when the supply efficiency of the ravens and ability to purchase them becomes important.
I think Cecilsunkure is right, it's a combonation of Ravens being less cost efficient than Sci vessels, and infestors being much better offensive units than defilers. My biggest issue trying this style was fungals and using ravens after HSM was deployed. Mid game pdd doesn't help much unless they go mutas, but then you most likely won't worry about infestors or if they do come up usually in small numbers. At this point int the game ravens kinda become useless after HSM is deployed and even then HSM has 3 less range as fungal so if you want to use them to snipe infestors there is a good chance that your raven ball can get fungal before they get in range. So it seems to me that the mid game is the hardest thing to manage because of how Ravens are set up compared to Sci Vessels (Irradiate cost 75 energy not 150) and the festors make good offensive units where as defilers made better defensive units. So maybe midgame tanks into a later bio raven would work better becasue infestors are a pain in the ass to deal with with just bio.