Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Polaris.352 Race: Terran Interest: Casual/Competitive (not sure) League: Bronze Other:Im either looking for a practice partner, or a patient person who is willing to teach me how to play. Eventhough I know what counters what, what general openings are etc. I just cant seem to move up to Silver. Currently im ranked 7th in my Bronze League, and seeing as how I sometimes face Silvers I must be close to High-Bronze
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Morpheus.1228 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2068545/1/Morpheus/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/eu/2068545/Morpheus Interest: Casual/Competitive League: Bronze Other: I'm looking for people that want to practice, try builds against eachother to master them etc. etc. Will be aiming to go to higher leagues, as high as possible with these people. So I'm looking for people that strive to get to higher leagues whilst practicing their macro and micro, want to have fun whilst playing against and with people you know (We can do fun 4v4's etc.) and have a good time together. I really do only want people that have skype or willing to DL it (don't know why you wouldn't) Add me on there: roel_faber
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Drdefi.257 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2793750/1/DRdefi/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/2793750/DRdefi Interest: Competitive-ish (I want to practice as much as possible, but between uni and work i don't have much time to play) League: Gold Other: Looking for anybody that is at or above my level. Would love somebody that knows the terran meta-game in depth, so i can learn to adapt better as i get higher ranked.
Server: Europe
Race: Terran
ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/fr/profile/2646710/1/yeaR/
Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/2646710/yeaR
Interest: I am a competitive player, looking to get better and currently seeking a Team in Europe (United Kingdom). I am also looking to improve my TvT since it is terrible.
League: Diamond
Other: Feel free to message me at any time, I am always happy to practice.
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Bertolt.101 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1049650/1/Bertolt/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/1049650/Bertolt Interest: Competitive League: Diamond Other: I love talking and learning about starcraft. Over the past year I haven't been able to play nearly as much as I would have liked too. I'm really looking to find some friends in the SC community to discuss and practice sc with. I'm free most week days in the evening and some nights on weekends. Please message me anytime!
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: SecretBirth.843 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/833401/1/secretbirth/ Sc2RanksURL: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/833401/secretbirth Interest: Competitive/Casual League: Platinum Other: Looking to improve immensely and get into diamond asap. I prefer a diamond practice partner/high plat so I know the competition ahead of me. I'm currently rank 18 but I can be in top 8 easily. I was #1 for a short while last season but school takes a lot of time. anyone interested message me. looking to improve my multitask skills, watching minerals, spending properly, all kinds of play, fast or long games, cheese or stand, whatever, all of SC2 knowledge implanted into my brain
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: WolFstrike.819 Race: Zerg ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1872941/1/WolFstrike/ Sc2RanksURL:http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/1872941/WolFstrike Interest: Competitive League: Silver Other: Looking any race and all races. I'm often on during the day and on almost every eve. Looking to start a channel where we can meet regularly for competitive practice, talk, and support. Also I play in z33k bsg tournaments, we can practice and put our skills to the test on this great free site. Plz PM me if u want to practice and def. PM if u'd like to help me start up the channel
Server: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Brainless #873 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3351093/1/Brainless/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/3351093/Brainless Interest: Competitive League: Diamond Other: Hi, I'm looking for good practice partners. I'm ready to play against players from high Platin to low Master level.I'm looking for especially Zerg and Protoss practice. But I will play every Terran that asks me to play. I'm also willing to talk via Skype about the games we made, but it's not necessary if not wanted. My worst Matchups are PvP and PvZ.
Server: EU TL ID: Zanazuah Race: Terran B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: TPxZanaZuah #594 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2521116/1/TPxZanaZuah/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/270062/Zanazuah League: Mid master Other: Looking for all races to practice with, be atleast master and have skype + mic Other: Add my skype. Acc name is Zanazuahh or PM me here on tl.net if you wanna be my practice partners ( I am okay with having Alot of practice partners!!) (Btw I also want a master zerg for 2v2)
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Polaris.352 Race: Terran Interest: Casual/Competitive (not sure) League: Bronze Other:Im either looking for a practice partner, or a patient person who is willing to teach me how to play. Eventhough I know what counters what, what general openings are etc. I just cant seem to move up to Silver. Currently im ranked 7th in my Bronze League, and seeing as how I sometimes face Silvers I must be close to High-Bronze