Server: NA TL ID: darthfoley B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: darthfoley.177 ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2461580/1/darthfoley/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/2461580/darthfoley League: Top 8 Diamond Other: Diamond T, really bad at TvT (40% wr) Other mu's are over 50% win rate. Really friendly guy and i love to analyze games after playing. Any race is fine for practicing, I have a mic, and TS3 as well as skype but i have a server for TS3 so it's easier that way. PM if you're interested, i'm pretty active, especially on weekends and i really want to get to masters by the end of this season, or the next.
Server: AM TL ID: Hufy B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Legacy.102 ProfileURL:http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2398620/1/Legacy/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/2398620/Legacy League: Master: Platinum Other: Looking for a practice partner that can do any race. Also, to get regain my power to get back to high platinum like in season two. Need help mostly TvZ late game and marco. I'm online at 3:40 pm EST Monday-Friday, Saturday and Sunday I'm online most of the day.
Server: EU TL ID: denlillemand B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: DLMredBullX.376 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1132967/1/DLMredBullX/ Sc2RanksURL: changed identifier recently -- so not eligible,. League: Master Other: Active Terran player with alot of ambition -- looking to improve mechanics such as save screen location etc. which will ultimately end up in really solid macro. my TvT is very solid so unless youre GM i dont see me learning much,,, i need alot of prac vs protoss + zerg tho,, be around top 8 master with a solid amount of games played- ty.
Server: EU TL ID: Ricedorf B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Ricedorf.132 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/de/profile/406615/1/Ricedorf/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/406615/Ricedorf League: Diamond Other: I'm a high Diamond Zerg looking for practice partners of any race. My worst match up is ZvT so a Terran practice partner would be great, but I'm Diamond so obviously all my match ups need work. Dont wanna play ZvZ cause i dont like it and play 6pool drone all in everytime..
Server: EU TL ID: Snakeshit B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Snakie.134 ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/765715/1/Snakie/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/765715/Snakie League: Diamond Other: Top 8 Diamond Zerg looking for any practise partners of same or superior skill. I am really trying to get better at the game but find it hard to improve by myself all the time and would like people to analyse and talk strategies with, and ofcourse play aginast